


Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Improve Working Memory for ADHD Children

Improve Working Memory for ADHD Children

Improve working memory with these tips, organizing strategies, and routines designed to help your ADD/ADHD child or teen retain information!

5Working memory is the ability to hold information in mind while performing complex tasks. A young child is able to execute simple tasks -- sharpen his pencil when asked -- while one in middle school can remember the expectations of multiple teachers. Many kids withattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) have weak working memory because distraction prevents them from taking in the information they have to remember. Parents and teachers can help ADD/ADHD students develop strategies for remembering more, and, equally important, remind them to use the strategies they came up with.

Improve Working Memory at School

Put homework assignments in writing. Write each assignment on the blackboard in the same place every day, so that students know where to find it. Kids with ADD/ADHD may not be listening or paying attention when you give them oral instructions -- and you can’t rely on them to always remember instructions.
Find out what they heard. Have students with weak working memory repeat assignment instructions and clarify any parts that they may have forgotten.
Make time at the end of class for students to write down homework in their assignment books. Make sure the kids with ADD/ADHD are doing what you’ve asked.
Make eye contact with a child before giving him a classroom assignment.
Keep homework assignments on the school website up-to-date. Parents of kids with ADD/ADHD depend on this information to make sure their kids know what to do.
Speak slowly and provide information in small units. Given too much information at once, a child with weak working memory quickly loses track. She may still be working through the first few minutes of the lesson after you’ve moved on.

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