


Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Allergic Cough

Allergic Cough

Whenever there is any exposure of respiratory tract to an antigen there is abnormal tissue reaction which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and this leads to cough (in case of irritation of pharynx and lung). Almost any part of the body is prone to this type of reaction. Most common is respiratory tract.
Allergic cough can be caused due to many reasons. Most common of it are sudden change of weather from hot to cold or visa versa. Dust and dust mites, variety of foods, pollen, animal hair, cosmetics articles, vaccines and serums.

Even food articles can cause allergic cough. Most common of it is milk, sea food, eggs, strawberries, cold fruits and ice-cream.
Allergic cough is usually caused by improper dietary consumption and unhygienic living conditions. Emotional and psychological stress is also one of the important cause in allergic cough.
How You Can Prevent From Getting Cough From Allergy?

Keep your self healthy by daily early morning walk and light exercise so as to increase your immune system. Foods which should be excluded from the diet are tea, coffee, aerated drinks, sugar based items, cheese, butter, oily things and sour things.

Food with added preservative and flavors is to be avoided.
Home Remedies And Natural Treatment For Allergic Cough

Carrot, beet and cucumber juice is prepared. Half a liter of juice is prepared by adding 300ml of carrot juice and 100ml each of beet and cucumber juice. This is very helpful in prevention and treatment of allergic cough.
Castor oil is also an important remedy in allergic cough. 5-6 drops of castor oil is mixed with any fruit juice and taken.
Raisins are also helpful in treating allergic cough. Raisins are grounded and paste is prepared which is mixed with water and heated. Thick gravy like preparation is ready. This can be taken twice to thrice daily in acute condition and once daily at night in chronic condition.
Onion is smashed and juice of it is extracted. This should be taken 2-3 times in a day depending upon the severity of the cough.
Almonds help in reducing dry cough due to allergic condition. Almonds are grounded and to it sugar and butter is added in equal amount.  A paste prepared is taken twice a day till symptoms subside.
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