Please Say You Understand
I am a nomad. I don't stay anywhere long. But after 36 years of constant motion, I still haven't outrun my ADHD -- or the deep sadness that has seeped in lately.
Adult ADHD Blog (A Woman's Perspective) | posted by Jane D. | Monday March 12th - 7:02pm
Filed Under: ADHD and Depression, ADHD and Anxiety, Stress
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Perhaps this city's lack of sun and its smothering gray sky are responsible for my recent funk -- more painful and longer lasting than others I've endured. I've been trying to swim or write myself out of it, but without much success. It is like one step forward two steps back.
Then again, maybe it is the anticipation of visiting relatives, or the cultural differences that have progressed from amusing to annoying and now painful. One way or another, the dam is starting to crack; the pieces are crumbling to the ground. I can't escape this one, it seems. What am I annoyed or angry about? The root perhaps lies in the anger with myself.
The other day in class I gave the students an assignment: Interview and write profiles of one another. The odd student out interviewed me. "Ms. Jane D., tell me about yourself and about your work. Where have you worked before?"
"Well where do I begin?" I answered. "I've had roughly 14 jobs over the past 14 years, averaging one job per year." This 20-year-old student stopped scribbling and looked confused.
"Seems like you have seen many places but not stayed very long." She hit it dead on. I don't stay one place very long and not always out of choice -- sometimes I get cut; other times I feel the other shoe dropping and I jump. I made up an answer, which sounded like a lot of bull.
"Oh, traveling from place to place makes for good life experiences. I've learned a lot at each place," I started. But somewhere the sentence trailed off and I didn't sound very convincing. Who was I trying to fool? Myself? I am nomadic. Why can't I just accept this part of me rather than trying to talk myself out of it.
This reminder by a relative stranger was enough to throw me into a tizzy. Life is perhaps more about the choices that we make than it is about fate. If I could choose things all over again, would I choose this life? Would I choose to be me? On this day as I write, I can say that I would not.
Last week, I shared with the British counselor my feelings about things -- this funk, this unhappiness with myself and circumstances, and the absolute misery and moodiness I carried around this past month or so. She nodded sympathetically and said, "God helps those who help themselves."
We talked about my problems sustaining long-term relationships whether professionally and personally, and she suggested that it may be my body language, tone of my voice, and perhaps my own difficulty with reading others.
Mostly, though, I wanted to ask her if there was a medication that would take it all away, that could dull the pain and renew my spirit in myself and others. She said she did not know because she was not a psychiatrist, and she said she thought these were behavioral issues that I could change however slowly and painfully.
I don't see any hope at the end of the tunnel. After sharing my deepest and inner-most fears with the aunt, she looked away and had little to say except maybe this comes and goes in phases, maybe you have to stop telling yourself it's a problem. It felt like a slap in the face and a betrayal.
"How could you say something like that?" I asked. "It feels so heartless, it would be nice if someone just said they understood."
I could not get even that, and I felt more alone than ever. A chill had entered the room and remained.
Selama hampir 6 tahun saya telah diobati untuk bi-polar disorder, dan telah mencoba setiap metode yang dikenal tersedia untuk dokter saya, seorang psikiater di aria Metro-Deroit. Setelah rentetan obat, bulanan perjalanan ke bangsal 3 Rehab jiwa di Wyandotte Hospital dan dua seri ECT-(Electro-kejang Terapi), bunuh diri mulai terlihat seperti pilihan terbaik untuk diriku sendiri, dan bagi mereka yang saya taruh di neraka dengan saya sakit. Dalam enam tahun, saya pergi dari; "Saya tidak ingin kehilangan everthing" ... untuk ... "Saya tidak punya apa-apa kehilangan".
Pada hari Aku telah merencanakan untuk tidur dengan fishies, saya berada di kantor dokter saya. Saya katakan padanya semua perasaan saya kecuali pikiran untuk bunuh diri. Semacam pengungkapan selalu memimpin ke rumah sakit, dan setelah ECT pertunjukan, aku tidak akan ada. Saya katakan padanya aku lelah sepanjang waktu. Saya tidak bisa fokus pada hal-hal mentaly, dan melupakan hal-hal seperti perintah di tempat kerja. Dia memberiku sebuah perscription untuk Adderall dan berkata mencoba ini dan biarkan aku tahu bagaimana Anda melakukannya.
WOW! Aku tidak percaya apa yang terjadi. Seolah-olah aku telah melemparkan sebuah tombol di itu begitu cepat. Saya mendengarkan ... bahkan kepada istri saya! Dan whats lebih itu semua mendaftar. Sebenarnya saya mulai termotivasi, finnishing proyek saya telah ditinggalkan dan implimenting yang baru dengan mudah.
Suatu hari beberapa bulan lalu, saya mulai mempertanyakan apakah saya perlu melanjutkan pengambilan prozac seharusnya untuk kondisi saya bi-polar. Sementara belajar tentang masalah ini, saya mulai meneliti di internet di mana saya menemukan forum ini, dan belajar untuk pertama kalinya gejala ADHD dan seolah-olah saya sedang membaca bagan sendiri. Aku mengambil temuan saya ke dokter saya yang hanya tersenyum dan direkomendasikan saya terus mengambil prozac. Saya meninggalkan kantornya seperti anak sekolah menantang dan dalam waktu 4 minggu harus disapih diriku off prozac.
Yang sudah lebih dari 3 bulan sekarang, dan efek hanya dari dicabutnya prozac telah visi improoved, banyak, fungsi seksual BANYAK improoved.
Jadi jika Anda sedang dirawat untuk ADHD dan depresi, mungkin bahwa ADHD adalah alasan untuk penyakit lainnya. Saya tidak merekomendasikan bahwa ada yang menggunakan metode saya diri diagnosis. Aku mengambil kesempatan. Kalau sekarang, saya pikir saya akan melakukannya lebih baik untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter lain, karena seseorang yang memperlakukan penderitaan sendiri memiliki tolol untuk dokter.
Selasa, 20 Maret 2012
During Pregnancy, Cell Phone Use May Lead To Behavioral Disorders In Offspring
During Pregnancy, Cell Phone Use May Lead To Behavioral Disorders In Offspring
Animal Retinal Imaging - Retinal Digital Imaging Microscope Image Mouse, Rabbit Retinas Easily -
Portable Bladder Scanner - Automatic Bladder Scanner. Works on PC! -
China Stem Cell News - See Blogs and Videos of CP Patients Treated w/ Stem Cells -
Current Article Ratings:
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3.67 (3 votes)
Article Opinions: 2 posts
Exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers have determined.
The results, based on studies in mice, are published in Scientific Reports, a Nature publication.
"This is the first experimental evidence that fetal exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cellular telephones does in fact affect adult behavior," said senior author Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., professor and chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences.
Taylor and co-authors exposed pregnant mice to radiation from a muted and silenced cell phone positioned above the cage and placed on an active phone call for the duration of the trial. A control group of mice was kept under the same conditions but with the phone deactivated.
The team measured the brain electrical activity of adult mice that were exposed to radiation as fetuses, and conducted a battery of psychological and behavioral tests. They found that the mice that were exposed to radiation tended to be more hyperactive and had reduced memory capacity. Taylor attributed the behavioral changes to an effect during pregnancy on the development of neurons in the prefrontal cortex region of the brain.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a developmental disorder associated with neuropathology localized primarily to the same brain region, and is characterized by inattention and hyperactivity.
"We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by cell phone exposure in the womb," said Taylor. "The rise in behavioral disorders in human children may be in part due to fetal cellular telephone irradiation exposure."
Taylor said that further research is needed in humans to better understand the mechanisms behind these findings and to establish safe exposure limits during pregnancy. Nevertheless, he said, limiting exposure of the fetus seems warranted.
First author Tamir Aldad added that rodent pregnancies last only 19 days and offspring are born with a less-developed brain than human babies, so further research is needed to determine if the potential risks of exposure to radiation during human pregnancy are similar.
"Cell phones were used in this study to mimic potential human exposure but future research will instead use standard electromagnetic field generators to more precisely define the level of exposure," said Aldad.
Animal Retinal Imaging - Retinal Digital Imaging Microscope Image Mouse, Rabbit Retinas Easily -
Portable Bladder Scanner - Automatic Bladder Scanner. Works on PC! -
China Stem Cell News - See Blogs and Videos of CP Patients Treated w/ Stem Cells -
Current Article Ratings:
Patient / Public:
Healthcare Prof:
3.67 (3 votes)
Article Opinions: 2 posts
Exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers have determined.
The results, based on studies in mice, are published in Scientific Reports, a Nature publication.
"This is the first experimental evidence that fetal exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cellular telephones does in fact affect adult behavior," said senior author Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., professor and chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences.
Taylor and co-authors exposed pregnant mice to radiation from a muted and silenced cell phone positioned above the cage and placed on an active phone call for the duration of the trial. A control group of mice was kept under the same conditions but with the phone deactivated.
The team measured the brain electrical activity of adult mice that were exposed to radiation as fetuses, and conducted a battery of psychological and behavioral tests. They found that the mice that were exposed to radiation tended to be more hyperactive and had reduced memory capacity. Taylor attributed the behavioral changes to an effect during pregnancy on the development of neurons in the prefrontal cortex region of the brain.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a developmental disorder associated with neuropathology localized primarily to the same brain region, and is characterized by inattention and hyperactivity.
"We have shown that behavioral problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by cell phone exposure in the womb," said Taylor. "The rise in behavioral disorders in human children may be in part due to fetal cellular telephone irradiation exposure."
Taylor said that further research is needed in humans to better understand the mechanisms behind these findings and to establish safe exposure limits during pregnancy. Nevertheless, he said, limiting exposure of the fetus seems warranted.
First author Tamir Aldad added that rodent pregnancies last only 19 days and offspring are born with a less-developed brain than human babies, so further research is needed to determine if the potential risks of exposure to radiation during human pregnancy are similar.
"Cell phones were used in this study to mimic potential human exposure but future research will instead use standard electromagnetic field generators to more precisely define the level of exposure," said Aldad.
Rabu, 07 Maret 2012
Herbs Which Help Cerebral Palsy

Herbs Which Help Cerebral Palsy
Oct 11, 2010 | By Gail Morris
Herbs Which Help Cerebral Palsy Photo Credit blue brain image by John Sfondilias from
Cerebral palsy is the medical term used to describe several non-progressive disorders that involve posture, motor impairment and sometimes mental retardation. It is caused by a brain injury that occurs prior to birth or within the first 2 years of life. Cerebral palsy can affect different areas of the brain, partially explaining the variety in symptoms seen between patients. Treatment includes therapy to improve strength and function, nutritional support and medications to treat underlying muscle tone, seizures and pain. Herbal supplements can also help to alleviate symptoms and support the needs of the individual.
Zinc Sulfate
In a study performed in Russia in 1991, researchers found that the administration of zinc sulfate helped to improve the metabolism, health status and immune system of children. Researchers noted that of the 96 children in the study, the majority showed deficiencies in zinc metabolism. Twenty children received zinc and 38 children in the control group received other complex rehabilitation that did not involve the administration of zinc. The group that received the zinc sulfate showed the improvements in metabolism and health status.
Cerebral Palsy: Stem Cell Stem Cell Treatment for Autism, CP ADHD, Brain Injury: Safe/Autologous
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Improve Muscle Tone
Children and adults with cerebral palsy can benefit from supplements that improve muscle tone, such as vitamin C, bioflavonoids, thiamine, magnesium and pyridoxine, according to the Cerebral Palsy Injury website. In some cases, individuals may be able to find a multivitamin that serves the purpose. Each of these supplements helps skeletal muscle function to improve strength and flexibility, thus improving function.
Seizure activity can be a co-morbid condition in individuals who suffer from cerebral palsy. Several herbal supplements have anecdotal evidence of helping individuals with seizure disorders and others should be strictly avoided, according to Dr. Ray Sahelian who holds degrees as both a physician and nutritionist. Herbs that have an adverse effect on seizures include ginkgo, caffeine, guarana, tyrosine, ephedra and sexual herbs such as horny goat weed. Herbs that have some evidence of positive effect on individuals who suffer from seizure activity include melatonin, bacopa and carnosine.
Antioxidants are substances that prevent damage to the body done by free radicals. These free radicals are the metabolic by-product of an oxidation process the body uses to produce energy. When left unchecked, free radicals cause cellular damage leading to disease and illness. Individuals with cerebral palsy benefit from the addition of antioxidants to the diet in order to reduce the amount of further damage to the neurological system and support health. Common antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, and vitamins A, C and E, according to The addition of these antioxidants to the diet helps support the immune system, improves health and allows optimal functioning.
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Selasa, 06 Maret 2012
A is for Autism and Vitamin A

A is for Autism and Vitamin A
And Aspberger’s, ADD, and ADHD! :-)
On my morning walk with Kate, I listened to the most fascinating and moving lecture by Dr. Mary Megson, MD. She is a pediatrician who has been working with autistic children and seeing absolutely miraculous results with nutrition.
I was literally moved to tears listening to this woman speak. And totally dumbfounded. The connections she is making, the healing that is happening. It’s nothing short of incredible. In fact, I was so entranced by this lecture that I walked for over an hour! Poor Kate was home late for her morning nap.
She was talking about how vitamin A deficiency plays a role in causing autism. She explains physiologically why the lack of vitamin A and other nutrients causes problems with vision and language. She explains how autistic children see the world, and why they behave the way they do (the stimming, the flapping, the lack of eye contact). She explains what the physiological reasons are for those behaviors. She explains how nutritional deficiencies cause these behaviors — every single one.
There’s lots of scientific talk in it (some of it went over my head) but hang in there because the stories she tells are incredible.
She told one story about an 18-year-old girl who went to get her vaccinations for college. After the vaccinations, suddenly any bright light was very painful to her. Her father had to carry her out of the office. She had to stay in bed in a dark room for 6 months. Her father did tons of research and read about the vitamin A connection. He started giving her cod liver oil and within 3 days, she could tolerate light again. (She’s now doing fine — totally returned to normal.)
She told another story of a man she met who was in his late sixties. He said for the first 30-some-odd years of his life, he was autistic — and for the next thirty or so years he was just dyslexic. She said, “What did you do?” He said, “I ate a lot of fish.”
Fish! Vitamin A!
These stories are especially encouraging to me because these people were not children when they recovered — they were adults.
I can’t do her stories justice. You have to listen.
And yes, it fits with what Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and Donna Gates are saying about how problems with abnormal gut flora fits with autism — because an inability to absorb nutrients causes deficiency! They both say you have to supplement with cod liver oil, too. And Dr. Megson also says you have to heal the gut with probiotics.
Here is a taste of Dr. Megson — this is an excerpt from her website. (You can download the PDFs here)
Our early experience with treatment with natural cis forms of Vitamin A in Cod Liver Oil (CLO) in these autistic children, followed by stimulation of blocked acetylcholine receptors for neurotransmitters affected with a blockage of G-alpha pathways in the cell, is promising. There are dramatic, immediate improvements in language, vision, attention and social interaction in some of these children, as evidenced by the following case reports.
My earliest evidence came from a ten-year-old boy diagnosed with autism by DSM-IV criteria (20). The patient’s parents suspect he has been reading since age four but his inability to communicate made this unverifiable. Over an eight-year period of regular visits I had never heard him speak. Standardized IQ tests revealed moderate mental retardation. His mother developed night blindness and hypothyroidism in college and had responded well to Vitamin A and thyroid hormone replacement. The patient’s mother’s sister was diagnosed in infancy with gluten enteropathy that had improved on a gluten free diet. She has had lifelong dry eyes and is night blind (treated with amber glasses.)
For these and other reasons I started the boy on cod liver oil (5,000 IU of Vitamin A, given in 2500 IU/b.i.d.) and a gluten free diet. After one week, he began to sit farther from the television and to notice paintings on the walls at home. He had always gone out of his way to follow the sidewalk and driveway to meet the school bus. On Vitamin A, he began to run across the grass directly from the front door to the school bus. After three weeks, he was given a single dose of Urocholine, an alpha muscarinic receptor agonist, to increase bile and pancreatic secretions and indirectly stimulate hippocampal retinoid receptors. It has minimal cardiac effect, is FDA approved, has been used safely in children since the 1970’s for reflux, and does not cross the blood-brain barrier, unlike secretin (21). It stimulates post- synaptic cell membranes via receptors for acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the parasympathetic system.
Thirty minutes after administration of the Urocholine, the patient, who was sitting in a chair, swung his feet over the side, pointed to a glass candy jar on my shelf and said, “May I have the red Jolly Rancher® please?” He had read the label on the candy in the clear jar. These were the first words he had spoken in eight years, and the first proof that he could read. We took him outside and he said, “The leaves, the leaves on the trees are green! I see! I see!” When I asked to take his picture he looked at the camera, smiled and waved. When he left the office I said, “See you later.” He asked, “What time?”
In this child’s case, after several weeks of treatment with Vitamin A in CLO 3500 IU/day, the Urocholine acted like a switch. When absorbed, he immediately became socially engaged, made excellent eye contact, hugged his mother tightly and said, “I love you so much,” looking at her face.
At that point we both realized that this child had a blocked pathway. The change in language and social interaction was dramatic and immediate. Yet he reverted to the pre-treatment state of silence when the dose wore off. On lower daily doses of Urocholine (12.5 mg bid) along with the Vitamin A, his language and social interactions have continued to progress, albeit slowly. Source
If you have autism (Anna, I thought of you!), have an autistic child or relative, or know someone who is autistic or has an autistic child, you must download this lecture. It’s $13 to download the mp3 on the Weston A. Price Foundation website. (They have it labeled as Dr. Campbell McBride but that is incorrect. It is Dr. Megson.)
This lecture is truly mind blowing. It made me want to go back to school and become a pediatrician.
PS: April (another A!) is Autism Awareness Month. Please spread the word on your blog if you feel so inclined.
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