Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Sensory-friendly screening for kids with autism, ADHD

Sensory-friendly screening for kids with autism, ADHD
By Kym Klass, The (Montgomery, Ala.) Advertiser

For many families with autistic children, movies are stressful, a time when "social coaching" is done before the children take their seats.

* Christian Killough, and his father Steve Killough, foreground, watch "Puss in Boots " during a special sensory friendly showing at the Rave Theater in Montgomery, Ala.


Christian Killough, and his father Steve Killough, foreground, watch "Puss in Boots " during a special sensory friendly showing at the Rave Theater in Montgomery, Ala.



Christian Killough, and his father Steve Killough, foreground, watch "Puss in Boots " during a special sensory friendly showing at the Rave Theater in Montgomery, Ala.
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So when the recently-formed Montgomery Tri-County Autism Networking Group approached the RAVE Theater about showing a movie for children with autism, ADD and ADHD, they agreed, offering a special sensory-friendly matinee screening of "Puss in Boots."

The lights in theater No. 15 were slightly turned up, the noise level was turned down and the children were free to be themselves. They did -not having to worry about keeping their voices down or being told not to get out of their seats.

It was a positive response," said Sherri Killough, who, along with Gerri Taylor, founded the networking group.

For a public place and an entertainment venue to recognize that these children have these issues and to be able to make these accommodations … these children will be less isolated and can participate in daily activities," she said, noting that children with autism and other developmental disorders are often isolated because they can't adapt to environments most people take for granted.

"I know that dim lights are soothing and the humming noise in fluorescent lights are bothersome," Lynn said. "They don't process their environment like other children without autism do."

"There's nothing for autistic children in Montgomery. Their parents can't take them to a mov?ie because they don't know what's going to happen," she Killough said. "A lot of the children have stimming -- they flap their arms when they get excited. They like to run, to get up and walk away. They can't sit still."

And that was perfectly fine at this screening.

About 80 people turned out for the sensory-friendly matinee. The RAVE also accommodated some of the children's special diets by allowing their families to bring in gluten-free snacks.

"The smile on a kid's face is priceless when they get to go to a movie for the first time," Killough said. "And not to mention the gratitude of the parents."

One in every 100 children will be diagnosed with au?tism spectrum disorder this year, said Debbie Lynn, ex?ecutive director of Easter Seals Central Alabama, which offers an Autism Fam?ily Resource Center and an Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic Clinic. Nationally, Easter Seals is the leading provider for children with autism.

For a public place and an entertainment venue to rec?ognize that these children have these issues and to be able to make these accom?modations … these children will be less isolated and can participate in daily activi?ties," she said, noting that children with autism and oth?er developmental disorders are often isolated because they can't adapt to environ?ments most people take for granted.

"I know that dim lights are soothing and the humming noise in fluorescent lights are bothersome," Lynn said. "They don't process their en?vironment like other chil?dren without autism do."

The setting helped Karen Willis, 20, of Millbrook, Ala.

Willis has Asperger syndrome, a developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to socialize and communicate effectively with others. The dimmed lights, she said, allowed her to concentrate and see everything around her.

Willis, who will represent Montgomery's Blue Marlins Swim Team when she com?petes in the Special Olym?pics on Jan. 27 in the 100 freestyle and 100 back?stroke, said she sometimes has to wear earplugs when watching a normal movie.

"Most kids can't go to a theater because the noise is too loud and they can't move around like they need to," she said. "They are not able to get out of their seat or anything."

Killough hopes to work with the RAVE to provide sensory-friendly movies ev?ery six weeks. A RAVE spokesman could not be reached for comment.

Killough's son, Christian, 5, is autistic and she said he sat through the entire movie.

"I guess it was a combination of the (lowered) sound and the (dimmed) lights," she said. "If they are not used to something being really loud or really dark, it throws them off. They work off routine, and if something alters that, it throws them off."

Julie Cox watched the movie with her 10-year-old son, Christopher, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at age 7.

"He doesn't understand the social cues of a movie -- that it should be quiet," she said, adding that the last time she and Christopher went to a movie was in the spring. "Sometimes the noise level is too loud, or he tends to make his comments about the movie too loud and it could be disturbing. He doesn't quite get that (talk?ing) bothers others. I'm kind of used to it."

Cox said her son enjoyed the sensory-friendly movie.

"We didn't have to do any social coaching on this one. He feels he could be himself here," she said. "I know some of the people here, and they look relaxed. It is nice to be able to do something nice and relaxing -- you don't have to worry about potential behavior."
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