Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Natural Herbal Alternatives for an Overactive Bladder

Natural Herbal Alternatives for an Overactive Bladder
A variety of herbs have both direct and indirect effects upon the bladder. They possess a successful track record as integral components of ancient traditional formulations. These formulations have treated generations of people suffering from urgency, frequent urination, and incontinence.

Alpinia oxyphylla: Alpinia oxyphylla is a member of the ginger family and is known in Chinese herbal medicine as Yi Zhi Ren. It has a long history as a component of a formula used for centuries to control frequent urination and loss of bladder control. It contains an aromatic oil thought to have anti-inflammatory effects. Alpinia oxyphylla is also used in the treatment of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Cornus officinalis: Cornus officinalis is grown in several parts of China and is also known as Asiatic dogwood and in Chinese herbal medicine as Shan Zhu Yu. It has been used for generations to treat a variety of ailments including excessive urination and incontinence. It has also been used in the treatment of prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding. The herb contains cornin, ursolic acid, morroniside, gallic acid, provitamin A and a variety of minerals. It is also believed to support the bodyÆs immune respo

Schisandra chinensis: Schisandra chinensis has a prominent and lengthy history in Chinese medicine. Also known as Wu Wei Zi, it is a member of the adaptogen family, a group of compounds that help balance bodily functions. Schisandra has been used in conjunction with alpinia oxyphylla to strengthen formulas used to stop frequent urination. It also has been used extensively to promote energy and alleviate exhaustion. Schisandra contains the lignans schizandrin, wuweizisu C and gomisin A, along with essential

Panax ginseng: Panax ginseng is indigenous to Eastern Asia and is cultivated in China, Korea and Japan. It has been a part of Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years. The primary constituents are steroidal glycosides known as ginsenosides. They are believed to increase energy, counter the effects of stress, and enhance intellectual and physical performance. Other constituents include the panaxans, which help lower blood sugar, and the polysaccharides, which support immune function. Panax ginseng has been use

Valeriana officinalis: Valeriana officinalis, also known as valerian, has been used for thousands of years as a calmative for a variety of disorders. Over the past three decades it has been the subject of extensive study. It contains a variety of constituents including esters known as valepotriates and valerenic acid. The Greek physician Dioscorides recommended it for medical problems including urinary tract disorders. It relaxes both smooth and skeletal muscle and is used for acute muscle spasms. It is fe

Passiflora incarnata: Passiflora incarnata is a Brazilian herb rich in alkaloids and flavone glycosides. It has a history of use by Native Americans as for conditions associated with inflammation. It is felt to have anti-spasmodic effects and is often used in conjunction with valeriana officinalis.

Taking each of these herbs individually, in the correct amounts and ratios, would be extremely difficult. Luckily, you don't have to. Through extensive scientific research and study, The Natural Bladder developed a proprietary blend of these same herbs and two crucial amino acids, carefully blended into a single all natural preservative free caspsule. Bladder-ControlÖ is specifically formulated and tested with these crucial findings in mind. The ingredients aid the body in the production of Nitric Oxide. T


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