Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Dong Quai, the Female Ginseng

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Dong Quai, the Female Ginseng
Availability: In stock.
US$ 15.28

What is Dong Quai?

Other Names: Angelica sinensis, Chinese angelica, dang gui, tang kuei

Dong quai is a herb in the celery family native to China, Japan, and Korea. The root is medicinally active.

Dong quai comes in tablet, liquid extract, and raw root forms. In Chinese medicine, dong quai is often boiled or soaked in wine. The root is removed and the liquid is taken orally.
Product Description
What are the uses of Dong Quai?

In Chinese medicine, different parts of the dong quai root are believed to have different actions - the head of the root has anticoagulant activity, the main part of the root is a tonic, and the end of the root eliminates blood stagnation. it is considered the "female ginseng" because of its balancing effect on the female hormonal system. However, studies have not found dong quai to have hormone-like effects.

* Menopause
* Weakness after childbirth
* Women's tonic
* Chronic nasal or sinus congestion
* PMS, painful menstruation
* Irregular menstrual bleeding
* Fibroid tumors
* High blood pressure
* Blood tonic
* Fibrocystic breast disease
* Rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis
* Anemia
* Allergies
* Constipation
* Shingles
* Hepatitis
* Headache
* Constipation

Recommended usage

Take one capsule three times daily with main meals.

Sealed Bottle with 100 Capsules
Active ingredient per capsule

• Angelica sinensis ( Dong Quai) powder 150 mg • Ligusticum Wallichii • Paeonia lactiflora

Do not use during menstrual period.
Possible Side Effects and Safety Concerns

* Dong quai should not be used by people with bleeding disorders, excessive menstrual bleeding, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, or during infections such as colds and flu. Call your health practitioner if you experience bleeding, unusual bruising, diarrhea, or fever.
* Dong quai may contain estrogen-like compounds and should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with breast cancer.
* People taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) such as warfarin should not use Dong quai.
* Dong quai should not be used during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. It should also not be used during breast-feeding.
* Dong quai can cause photosensitivity, so people should limit sun exposure and wear sunblock.

Dong Quai Guide: Assists In Losing Weight!
Dong Quai Supplement Review and Guide What is it and where does it come from?

Dong Quai (Angelica) is a plant that is native to China, Korea and Japan. It has been used for centuries in ancient Asian and Oriental civilization.

Dong Quai is also known as willow older, the Female ginseng, Sovereign herb for women, Empress of the herbs, Dang gui and Tang-kuei.

What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

Dong Quai may be helpful for weight loss. Dong Quai contains vitamins E and B12. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and vitamin B12 aides in the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The actions of vitamins E and B12 are thought to underlie its antioxidant and diuretic and weight loss properties.

This herb has been widely used as an anti-microbial. It stimulates immune system response, contributing to immune system function.

Dong Quai is also a rich source of iron.

Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Females who want to lose weight may benefit from Dong Quai supplementation. Also, women with weak or compromised immune systems can benefit from the immune system stimulating properties of Dong Quai.

There are no symptoms of deficiency.

How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

Strictly adhere to label recommendations.

Side effects of use can include mild sedation, sensitivity to sunlight, and blood thinning.

Persons on blood thinning medications, or those who take stimulants, depressants or medicine for diabetes should consult their physician prior to use, as Dong Quai may interact with these medications.

Republished from Clayton South's Health Facts.


Information about the herb Dong Quai

Angelica sinensis, also known as Chinese Angelica is part of the Umbelliferae plant family. Dong quai is an aromatic herb that grows in China, Korea, and Japan. The plant is often found growing in damp mountain ravines, meadows, river banks and coastal areas.

General Information

Botanical Name: Angelica sinensis, Angelica polymorpha (Dong quai should not be confused with Angelica root or Angelica seed)

Plant Family: Umbelliferae, Apiaceae

Common Name: Bai zhi, Chinese Angelica, Dang gui, Dong Qua, Dong quai, Tan kue, Tang kuei, Tang kwei

History: Dong quai has been used for over a thousand years as a spice, tonic, and medicine in China, Korea and Japan.

Tradition: Dong Quai is sometimes referred to as the female Ginseng

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Plant Constituents of Dong Quai


* angelicide(coumarin content in Dong Quai does not promote phototoxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic effects) but exerts antispasmodic and vasodilatory effects
* B-sitosterol
* butyl phthalide,
* cadiene
* calcium channel-blocking compounds (which relax visceral organ muscle)
* carvacrolx
* coumarins (at least six coumarin derivatives) including:
* angelol
* angelicone
* essential oils, consisting mainly of
* N-butylidenphthalide
* ferulic acid
* flavonoids
* fixed oil
* furanocoumarins
* nicotinic acid
* phytosterols
* polysaccharides
* stigmasterol
* vitamins E, A and B12


* acrid
* anti-anemic
* anti-arryhthmic
* anti-inflammatory [an agent to ease inflammation]
* anti-platelet
* antispasmodic [an agent which relieves or eases muscular spasms, cramps or convulsions]
* blood builder
* blood stimulant
* blood tonic [an agent that tones, strengthens and invigorates organs or the entire organism giving a feeling of well-being]
* female tonic
* hormonal regulator and menstruation corrective
* laxative (mild)
* sedative [a soothing agent that reduces nervousness, distress or irritation] mild effect
* uterine tonic (powerful) [an agent that tones, strengthens and invigorates organs or the entire organism giving a feeling of well-being]
* sweet
* warm

Different parts of the Root have different properties:

* the head - tonic
* tail - moves the blood strongly

Usually the whole root is prescribed due to the expense of obtaining individual preparations.

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Usage of Dong Quai

Medicinal Parts Used: Whole root. Found in tea, herbal preparations, tablets or capsules

Dong Quai is used for:

Blood Conditions

* aids in regulating blood sugar
* anemia (increases red blood cell count)
* blood purifier and general blood tonic for both men and women
* blood stasis
* decreases blood viscosity
* helps prevent iron deficiency and anemia
* improve bloods circulation
* inhibits platelet aggregation (due to Ferulic acid)
* internal bleeding or bruising
* promotes formation of red blood cells
* reduces blood clotting
* reduces thrombosis (works differently to Warfarin, possibly by inhibiting Thromboxane or decreasing fibrogen levels)
* relaxes peripheral blood vessels

Brain and Nervous System Conditions

* insomnia
* prevents spasms
* relieves stress and calms the nerves
* stimulates the central nervous system

Cardiovascular Conditions

* cardiac arryhthmia
* cardiovascular disorders (with Dan Shen)
* dilates blood vesselsheart disease (decreased symptoms of chest pain and improved exercise tolerance) when used in combination with Panax Ginseng and Astragalus
* increases blood flow without affecting heart rate
* lowers blood pressure
* lowers vascular resistance
* palpitations (with Dan Shen)
* promotes blood circulation
* reduces pulmonary hypertension
* strengthens the heart
* stroke (decreases the amount of brain damage following a stroke)

Female Conditions (often combined with Paeonia)

* amenorrhea
* balances and treats many female systems and cycles
* controls dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
* endometriosis
* female tonic
* helps combat premenstrual tension
* helps women resume normal menstruation after using birth control pills
* improves fetal nourishment during pregnancy
* infertility
* infrequent periods
* irregular menstruation (regulates the menstrual cycle)
* menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes
* menstrual cramps
* menorrhagia (excessive loss of blood during a period)
* premenstrual syndrome (PMS), especially when combined with Black Cohosh
* powerful herb for the female reproductive system
* produces a balancing effect on estrogen activity
* reduces spontaneous uterine contractions
* regulates uterine contractions
* regulates uterine function
* stimulates as well as relaxes uterine muscles
* stimulates the uterus during childbirth
* strengthens internal reproductive organs
* uterine bleeding
* uterine cramping
* weakness and headaches associated with menstrual disorders

and for menopausal symptoms

* hot flushes (especially in combination with other herbs)
* vaginal dryness

Gastrointestinal Conditions

* alleviates constipation

Genitourinary Conditions

* strengthens the kidneys

Immune System Conditions

* hematological immunolgical problems (combined with Astragalus)

Liver Conditions

* chronic liver disorders (usually in combination with other herbs)
* strengthens the liver

Respiratory Tract Conditions

* asthma
* bronchitis

Skeletal and/or Muscular Conditions

* neuralgia
* muscular-skeletal injuries

Other Conditions

* migraine headaches
* reduces pain
* strengthens the spleen


* 2-6g/day dried root (Women may take 3–4 grams daily in three divided applications)
* 4-12mL/day 1:2 fluid extract (usual dosage 3–5mL of extract taken three times per day)

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