Daun ubi Jalar Sembuhkan DBD
DI masyarakat Indonesia, ubi jalar merupakan tanaman yang sudah tidak asing lagi, pada umumnya dikonsumsi bagian umbinya sebagai makan utama selain nasi, tak banyak yang tahu kalau tanaman ini selain kaya akan kandungan gizi ternyata juga memiliki khasiat untuk melawan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD), kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan kadar trom-bosit dalam darah menyebabkan tumbuhan ini kini dilirik sebagai alternatif menyembuhkan penyakit Demam berdarah. Penyakit DBD merupakan salah satu penyakit be
Di Filipina daun ubijalar atau dalam bahasa setempat disebut camote secara turun-temurun telah digunakan untuk mengatasi demam berdarah dengue (DBD), dan saat ini sedang populer sekali di sana bahkan beberapa kali me-njadi topik seminar kesehatan.
Menurut dr Arijanto Djonosewodjo SpPD, ahli penyakit dalam dan herbalis di RSUD Dokter Sutomo, Surabaya, kandungan polifenol dalam daun ubijalar berperan sebagai antioksidan untuk memperbaiki sistem imun atau kekebalan tubuh. Kekebalan tubuh yang terdongkrak mampu melawan virus yang menyerang tubuh.
Obat ini sangat praktis, selain mudah didapatkan cara meramunya pun sangat mudah, yakni petik 20 daun ubijalar plus tang-kai setara 200 - 250 gr, pilih daun yang tidak terlalu tua dan tak terlampau muda, Itu sekitar 4 - 5 daun dari pucuk. Setelah dibersihkan rebus dalam seliter air dengan api kecil hingga mendidih, kira-kira 20 menit. Sebanyak 800 - 900 mililiter air rebusan daun itu disaring dan diminum. Dosis sekali minum 200 ml dengan frekuensi 5 kali semalam.
Hasil riset Dr Shahidul Islam, peneliti dari Universitas Arkansas, Amerika Serikat, menunjukkan setiap 100 gram daun ubijalar segar kultivar suioh mengandung 117 mg kalsium, 1,8 mg besi, 3,5 mg karoten. Selain itu daun Ipo-moea batatas itu juga mengan-dung 7,2 mg vitamin C, 1,6 mg vitamin E, dan 0,5 mg vitamin K, vitamin B, betakaroten, serta protein.
Hasil riset itu membuktikan bahwa daun ubijalar kaya akan kandungan 15 antosianin dan 6 jenis polifenol dan asam fenolik. Asam fenolik yang terkandung seperti dicaffeoilqynat, asam dica-ffeoilquinat, mokodaffeoilquinat, dan kaffeat. Menurut Shahidul, kandungan antosianin dan poli-fenol dalam ubijalar berguna se-bagai antioksidan, anti peradang-an, bahkan antikanker.n
Ipo-moea batatas Leaves Dengue Cure (daun ubi jalar/camote philipine)
THE people of Indonesia, sweet potato is a plant that is not foreign, generally consumed the tubers as the main meal in addition to rice, not many know that this plant is rich in nutrient content in addition it also has properties to fight disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) , its ability to increase levels of Trom-bosit in the blood causes the plant is now glimpsed as an alternative cure dengue fever disease. Dengue fever is one of several diseases
In the Philippines the leaves of sweet potato or camote in the local language called hereditary been used to cope with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and is currently very popular there even a few times to njadi topic health seminars.
According to Dr. Arijanto Djonosewodjo SpPD, specialist in internal medicine and herbalist in Sutomo Doctors Hospital, Surabaya, the content of polyphenols in sweet potato leaves act as antioxidants to improve the immune system or immune. Terdongkrak immune able to fight viruses that attack the body.
This drug is very practical, easily obtained in addition to any mixes it very easy way, namely pick 20 sweet potato leaves plus pliers-kai equivalent 200-250 g, select the leaf that is not too old and not too young, That's about 4-5 leaves from the shoots. Once cleaned boiled in a liter of water with low heat until boiling, about 20 minutes. A total of 800-900 milliliters of water decoction of the leaves were filtered and drunk. Dose once drank 200 ml with a frequency of 5 times a night.
Results of research of Dr. Shahidul Islam, a researcher from the University of Arkansas, United States, showing every 100 grams of fresh leaves of sweet potato cultivars suioh contains 117 mg of calcium, 1.8 mg iron, 3.5 mg carotene. In addition, Ipo-MOEA batatas leaves also contain 7.2 mg of vitamin C, 1.6 mg vitamin E, and 0.5 mg of vitamin K, vitamin B, beta-carotene, and protein.
The research proves that the sweet potato leaves are rich in anthocyanin content of 15 and 6 types of polyphenols and phenolic acids. Contained phenolic acids such as dicaffeoilqynat, acid-ffeoilquinat Dica, mokodaffeoilquinat, and kaffeat. By Shahidul, the content of anthocyanins and poly-phenols useful in the sweet potato as an antioxidant, anti inflammatory's, even antikanker.n
(Prepared from various sources)
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