Minggu, 26 September 2010

Benarkah Pil KB Picu Tumbuhnya Jerawat?

Benarkah Pil KB Picu Tumbuhnya Jerawat?
By Petti Lubis, Lutfi Dwi Puji Astuti - Jumat, 24 September
[Pil KB] Pil KB

VIVAnews - Banyak wanita menganggap memakai kontrasepsi hormonal, seperti pil KB, tergolong merepotkan. Selain harus teratur mengonsumsinya, ada efek samping yang bisa ditimbulkan dari penggunaan pil KB.

Bahkan, ada mitos yang menyatakan, sejak diciptakan 50 tahun silam, pil KB bisa sebabkan timbulnya jerawat, berat badan melambung, hingga kanker. Benarkah?

Menurut Prof. Dr.dr. Biran Affandi, SpOG (K), "Anda harus menelan pil KB pada waktu sama setiap hari. Hal yang perlu diingat adalah keteraturan, karena jika tidak teratur, keseimbangan hormon akan terganggu," katanya saat ditemui di jumpa pers 'World Contraception Day 2010' di City Walk, Jakarta.

Agar tak terjebak mitos, kenali fakta seputar pil KB berikut ini:

1. Mitos: Pil KB picu jerawat

Fakta: Dengan berkembangnya dunia farmasi, pil KB kini telah diperbaharui. Dengan tambahan kandungan drospirenon dalam pil KB justru dapat membantu mengatasi masalah jerawat ringan.

2. Mitos: Pil KB hanya berfungsi sebagai kontrasepsi

Fakta: Selain sebagai kontrasepsi, pil KB juga bermanfaat mengurangi nyeri kram saat haid dan gejala PMS lainnya, siklus haid menjadi teratur serta menurunkan risiko animea ketika datang bulan.

3. Mitos: Pil KB sebabkan kanker

Fakta: Tidak benar. Pil KB dapat melindungi tubuh dari kanker ovarium dan rahim

4. Mitos: Pil KB bikin badan gemuk

Fakta: pil KB metode teranyar dengan progestin baru, seperti drospirenon mampu mencegah terjadinya penumpukan cairan (karena estrogen), sehingga tidak membuat berat badan melonjak.

5. Mitos: Pil KB bisa sebabkan rahim kering

Fakta: Tidak ada hubungan penggunaan pil KB dengan fertilitas atau kesuburan. Justru pada wanita muda, penggunaan pil KB mampu menurunkan risiko infertilitas primer.

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris
Is it true that trigger growth of Acne Pill?
By Petti Lopez, Lutfi Dwi Puji Astuti - Friday, September 24

[Birth control pills] Pill

VIVAnews - Many women consider using hormonal contraception, like birth control pills, quite inconvenient. In addition to regularly consume, there are side effects that can be generated from the use of birth control pills.

In fact, there is a myth that states, since created 50 years ago, birth control pills can be caused acne, weight soared, to cancer. Really?

According to Prof. Dr.dr. Biran Affandi, SpOG (K), "You have to swallow the pill at the same time every day. The important thing to remember is regularity, because if not regularly, hormone balance will be disturbed," he said when met at the news conference "World Contraception Day 2010 ' at City Walk, Jakarta.

So as not to get caught myths, recognize the facts surrounding the birth control pill the following:

1. Myth: Birth control pills acne trigger

Fact: With the development of the pharmaceutical world, birth control pills have now been updated. With additional content drospirenon in birth control pills can actually help overcome mild acne problems.

2. Myth: Birth control pills serve only as a contraceptive

Fact: Other than as contraception, birth control pills are also helpful to reduce pain during menstrual cramping and other PMS symptoms, menstrual cycles become regular and reduced the risk animea when coming months.

3. Myth: Birth control pills caused cancer

Fact: Not true. Birth control pills may protect against ovarian and cervical cancer

4. Myth: Birth control pills make the body fat

Fact: The latest methods of birth control pills with the new progestins, such as drospirenon able to prevent the buildup of fluid (due to estrogen), so it does not make weight soared.

5. Myth: Birth control pills can be caused uterine dry

Fact: There is no relationship using birth control pills with fertility or fertility. Precisely in young women, use of birth control pills can reduce the risk of primary infertility.

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