Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Warren Buffett Tetap Sederhana di Usia Senja

Warren Buffett Tetap Sederhana di Usia Senja
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010 - 08:42 wib
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Warren Buffet. Foto: Corbis

OMAHA - Salah satu orang terkaya di dunia pada Senin besok (30/8/2010), Warren Buffett, akan genap berusia 80 tahun. Tentu saja, angka itu bukanlah sebuah perjalanan singkat bagi Buffett.

Apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan berbagai hal yang telah dia capai hingga seperti saat ini. Boleh dibilang, Buffett adalah orang sukses dengan gayanya sendiri. Sejak memimpin Berkshire Hathaway Inc, pria asal Omaha, Nebraska, Amerika Serikat (AS) itu tidak pernah menaikkan gaji sendiri. Bertahun-tahun, dia hanya menerima gaji USD100.000 (sekira Rp903,7 juta).

Kekayaan pribadi Buffett sangat tergantung pada laba perusahaannya. Tak hanya itu, ketika orangorang kaya memilih kota besar seperti New York, London, dan Hong Kong untuk membangun “kerajaannya”, Buffett justru menuai kesuksesan dari kota kecil yang juga kampung halamannya, Omaha. Dia juga sosok sederhana yang mempertahankan rumah berlantai dua yang telah ditinggalinya selama puluhan tahun.

Inilah yang lantas membuat Buffett disebut telah membangun kariernya berdasarkan kontradiksikontradiksi. CNNmenyebutnya sebagai pahlawan kapitalis bertopi putih, sementara pemerintah, politikus, dan perusahaan berjuang mendapatkan kembali reputasiprakrisis mereka di hadapan publik.

Reputasi Buffett makin bagus pada 2006 saat dia berjanji mendonasikan kekayaannya yang tahun ini diperkirakan mencapai USD47 miliar (Rp424,7 triliun) untuk amal dan usahanya bersama Bill dan Melinda Gates tahun ini sehingga para miliarder dunia bersedia mendonasikan separuh kekayaan mereka.

“Jelasnya, dia tidak sama seperti Rockefeller atau model taipan lain,” papar Laura Rittenhouse, penulis 20 Buffett Bites: Delicious Morals for Turbulent Times“

Dia seorang kapitalis yang tidak materialistis. Putra seorang pengusaha dan anggota kongres empat periode serta duda ini mulai berinvestasi saat masih duduk di bangku SMA dan kuliah. Namun, salah satu pengaruh terbesar bagi Buffett hingga menjadi miliarder adalah Benjamin Graham,seorang ekonom yang menjadi dosennya di Columbia University. Pria itu menyarankan Buffett untuk membeli saham perusahaan yang harganya sedang turun. (CNN/Alvin)(//css


Warren Buffett's simple Stay in the Age Dusk
Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 8:42 pm
Warren Buffet. Photo: Corbis

Omaha - One of the richest people in the world on Monday (8/30/2010), Warren Buffett, the 80-year-old will be fulfilled. Of course, that number is not a short trip for Buffett.

Especially when compared to many things he had accomplished up to this time. Arguably, Buffett was a successful man with his own style. Since leads Berkshire Hathaway Inc., the male origin of Omaha, Nebraska, United States (U.S.) was never raised his own salary. For years, he only received a salary of 100,000 (approximately Rp903, 7 million).

Buffett's personal wealth is dependent on company profits. Not only that, when the rich choose relax on a big city like New York, London and Hong Kong to build a "kingdom", Buffett actually reap success from a small town who is also his hometown, Omaha. He also figures that retain a simple two-story house that has been lived in for decades.

This is what then makes Buffett has built his career on the basis called kontradiksikontradiksi. CNNmenyebutnya as a capitalist hero a white hat, while the government, politicians, and the company struggled to regain their reputasiprakrisis in public.

Buffett is getting a good reputation in 2006 when he promised to donate his wealth which this year is estimated at USD47 billion (Rp424, 7 billion) to charity and his efforts with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation this year so that the world's millionaires are willing to donate half their wealth.

"Clearly, he's not the same as Rockefeller or other tycoons model," said Laura Rittenhouse, author of 20 Buffett Bites: Delicious Morals for Turbulent Times "

He's a capitalist who is not materialistic. The son of a businessman and member of congress and the widower of this four-period started investing when I was sitting on a bench high school and college. However, one of the biggest influence to become a billionaire Buffett is Benjamin Graham, an economist who was a professor at Columbia University. He was advised to buy shares of Buffett's company whose price is decreasing. (CNN / Alvin) (/ / css

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