Bahaya Es Teh Bagi Ginjal
By Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Lutfi Dwi Puji Astuti - Senin, 23 Agustus
VIVAnews - Siapa tak suka minum es teh? Rasanya yang manis menyegarkan, berpadu dengan harga murah membuat es teh menjadi minuman favorit di segala suasana, termasuk saat berbuka puasa.
Popularitas es teh terbukti dengan kehadirannya di hampir semua tempat makan, mulai dari kelas warung hingga restoran mahal. Mungkin banyak yang setuju dengan jargon es teh kemasan, "Apapun makanannya, minumnya tetap es teh."
Tapi tahukah Anda, di balik kenikmatannya, es teh menyimpan potensi merugikan bagi kesehatan. Penelitian Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine mengungkap bahwa konsumsi es teh berlebih meningkatkan risiko menderita batu ginjal.
Seperti dikutip dari laman Times of India, es teh mengandung konsentrasi tinggi oksalat, salah satu bahan kimia kunci yang memicu pembentukan batu ginjal. "Bagi mereka yang memiliki kecenderungan sakit batu ginjal, es teh jelas menjadi minuman terburuk," kata Dr John Milner, asisten profesor Departemen Urologi, yang tergabung dalam penelitian.
Milner mengatakan, teh panas sebenarnya juga menyimpan efek buruk yang sama. Hanya, takaran penyajian teh panas biasanya lebih kecil. Logikanya, orang meminum teh panas tak akan sebanyak minum es teh. Jarang orang yang mengonsumsi teh panas saat haus. Berbeda dengan es teh, di mana banyak orang sanggup meminumnya lebih dari segelas saat haus dan udara panas.
Pria, wanita posmenopause dengan tingkat estrogen rendah, dan wanita yang pernah menjalani operasi pengangkatan indung telur paling rentan terpapar dampak buruk es teh. Oleh karenanya, Milner menyarankan, mengganti konsumsi minuman itu dengan air putih, atau mencampurnya dengan lemon. "Lemon kaya kandungan citrates, yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan batu ginjal," kata Milner.
Batu ginjal adalah kristal kecil yang terbentuk dari mineral dan garam yang biasanya ditemukan dalam air seni, ginjal atau saluran kemih. Mineral tak terpakai itu umumnya bisa keluar dari tubuh bersama urin, tapi dalam kondisi tertentu bisa mengendap dan membatu di dalam saluran kemih.
Peneliti juga mengungkap sejumlah makanan lain yang berpotensi menyimpan efek buruk. Mereka menyebut antara lain: bayam, cokelat, kacang-kacangan, garam, dan daging.
Sebaiknya, konsumsi es teh dan makanan-makanan itu secara moderat demi kesehatan ginjal. Padukan pula dengan makanan tinggi kalsium yang dapat mereduksi oksalat. Dan, tentu saja perbanyak minum air putih
Ice Tea For Kidney Hazards - side effect
By Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Lutfi Dwi Puji Astuti - Monday, August 23
VIVAnews - Who does not like to drink iced tea? Sweet refreshing taste, combined with cheap prices to make iced tea became a favorite drink in all the atmosphere, including during fasting.
The popularity of iced tea as evidenced by its presence in almost all the places to eat, ranging from small shop class to an expensive restaurant. Perhaps many who agree with the jargon of bottled iced tea, "Regardless of food, drinking still iced tea."
But you know, behind the ecstasy, ice tea keeps potential harm to health. Loyola University Chicago Stritch Research School of Medicine revealed that iced tea consumption in excess increases the risk of kidney stones.
As quoted from the page of the Times of India, iced tea contains high concentrations of oxalate, one of the key chemicals that trigger the formation of kidney stones. "For those who have a tendency pain of kidney stones, iced tea drinks obviously be the worst," said Dr. John Milner, an assistant professor of the Department of Urology, which was included in the study.
Milner said the hot tea was also stores the same bad effects. Only, the rate of presentation of hot tea is usually smaller. Logically, people drink hot tea would not be as much iced tea. Rarely people who ate hot tea when thirsty. Unlike iced tea, where many people could drink more than a glass when thirsty and hot air.
Men, women posmenopause with low estrogen levels, and women who had undergone surgical removal of ovaries exposed to the most vulnerable adverse effects of ice tea. Therefore, Milner suggests, changing beverage consumption with white water, or mix it with lemon. "Lemon citrates rich content, which can inhibit the growth of kidney stones," Milner said.
Kidney stones are small crystals that form from minerals and salts that are usually found in the urine, kidney or urinary tract. Unused mineral generally get out of the body with urine, but under certain conditions can settle and harden in the urinary tract.
The researchers also revealed a number of other foods that have the potential to save a bad effect. They mentioned include: spinach, chocolate, nuts, salt, and meat.
Instead, the consumption of iced tea and foods that are moderate for kidney health. Combine well with foods high in calcium can reduce oxalate. And, of course multiply drinking water
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