ADHD / hiperaktif
We have helped many adults and children with ADHD by working with them/their parents to create personalised nutritional programmes based upon their health history, symptoms and test results. Kami telah membantu banyak orang dewasa dan anak-anak dengan ADHD dengan bekerja sama dengan mereka / orang tua mereka untuk membuat program-program gizi yang dipersonalisasi berdasarkan riwayat kesehatan mereka, gejala dan hasil tes. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please click here . Jika A
Read on for more information on how ADHD and Hyperactivity can be influenced by nutrition. Baca terus untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana dan Hiperaktif ADHD dapat dipengaruhi oleh gizi.
Children with ADHD may have three basic problems, they can't pay attention, they are hyperactive, they act on impulse. Anak-anak dengan ADHD mungkin memiliki tiga masalah dasar, mereka tidak dapat membayar perhatian, mereka hiperaktif, mereka bertindak atas dorongan.
It's estimated that up to 5 percent of school-age children in England and Wales have ADHD. Diperkirakan sampai 5 persen dari anak-anak usia sekolah di Inggris dan Wales menderita ADHD. That's around 367,000 children. Itu sekitar 367.000 anak-anak. This means that in a class of 30 children there will be one or two children with ADHD. Ini berarti bahwa dalam kelas 30 anak-anak akan ada satu atau dua anak dengan ADHD. Boys seem more likely to have ADHD than girls. Tampaknya anak laki-laki lebih mungkin mender
Several studies done in recent years estimate that between 30 percent and 70 percent of children with ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms in the adult years. Beberapa studi yang dilakukan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir memperkirakan bahwa antara 30 persen dan 70 persen anak-anak dengan ADHD terus menunjukkan gejala pada orang dewasa tahun.
Do you or your child have ADHD? Apakah Anda atau anak Anda menderita ADHD?
It can be difficult to draw the line between the behaviour of a child that is within the normal limits of high energy, and abnormally active behaviour. Ini bisa sulit untuk menarik garis di antara perilaku anak yang berada dalam batas normal energi tinggi, dan perilaku tidak normal aktif. Use the checklist below to assess your child, scoring 2 if a symptom is severe, 1 if moderate and 0 if not present. Gunakan daftar periksa di bawah ini untuk menilai anak Anda, skor 2 bila gejala parah, 1 jika moderat dan
Hyperactivity Check Hiperaktivitas Periksa
Is your child… Apakah anak Anda ...
… overactive ... Terlalu aktif
… prone to leave projects unfinished ... Cenderung meninggalkan proyek yang belum selesai
… fidgety ... Gelisah
… wearing out toys, furniture, etc ... Mengenakan keluar mainan, perabotan, dll
… unable to sit still at meals ... Tidak dapat duduk diam saat makan
… uninterested in staying with games ... Tidak tertarik pada tinggal dengan permainan
… too talkative ... Terlalu banyak bicara
… failing to follow directions ... Gagal untuk mengikuti petunjuk
… clumsy ... Kikuk
… fighting with other children ... Berkelahi dengan anak-anak lain
… unpredictable ... Tak terduga
… teasing ... Menggoda
… unable to respond to discipline ... Tidak mampu menanggapi disiplin
… 'getting into things' ... 'Masuk ke hal-hal'
… displaying speech problems ... Menampilkan masalah pidato
… having temper tantrums ... Karena marah-marah
… unable to listen to a story to the end ... Tidak mampu mendengarkan cerita hingga akhir
… defiant ... Menantang
… hard to get to bed ... Sulit untuk mendapatkan tidur
… irritable ... Pemarah
… reckless ... Sembrono
… unpopular with peers ... Tidak populer dengan teman sebaya
… impatient ... Sabar
… lying ... Berbohong
… accident-prone ... Rawan kecelakaan
… wetting the bed ... Membasahi tempat tidur
… destructive ... Merusak
What causes ADHD/Hyperactivity? Apa penyebab ADHD / Hiperaktif?
Doctors aren't sure exactly what goes wrong in ADHD. Dokter tidak tahu persis apa yang terjadi kesalahan dalam ADHD. But they think that the behaviour problems are linked to the way that the front part of the brain works. Tapi mereka berpikir bahwa masalah-masalah perilaku terkait dengan cara yang bagian depan otak bekerja. Studies suggest that this part of the brain works more slowly in children with ADHD than in other children. Studi menunjukkan bahwa bagian dari otak bekerja lebih lambat pada anak-anak
Unfortunately, there are no tests that show whether the front part of a child's brain is working normally. Sayangnya, tidak ada tes yang menunjukkan apakah bagian depan otak anak bekerja normal. So doctors have to rely on what children, parents and teachers say in order to diagnose ADHD. Jadi dokter harus mengandalkan pada apa yang anak-anak, orang tua dan guru mengatakan dalam rangka untuk mendiagnosis ADHD.
To make a diagnosis, doctors usually ask parents and teachers about a child's behaviour. Untuk membuat diagnosis, dokter biasanya meminta orangtua dan guru tentang perilaku anak. Your doctor will then compare your child's behaviour to the symptoms of ADHD put together by psychiatrists. Dokter Anda akan kemudian membandingkan tingkah laku anak Anda dengan gejala ADHD yang dikumpulkan oleh psikiater. These symptoms are listed in a book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM ).
Conventional treatment options typically involve behaviour therapy and/or medication. Pilihan pengobatan konvensional biasanya melibatkan terapi perilaku dan / atau pengobatan. The best results we've seen in helping those with ADHD/hyperactivity are achieved by investigating a number of possible avenues. Hasil terbaik yang telah kita lihat dalam membantu orang-orang dengan ADHD / hiperaktif dapat dicapai dengan menyelidiki beberapa kemungkinan jalan. These include: Ini termasuk:
• Blood sugar problems • masalah gula darah
• Essential fat deficiencies • Penting kekurangan lemak
• Vitamin and mineral deficiencies • Vitamin dan mineral kekurangan
• Pyroluria and the need for vitamin B6 and zinc • Pyroluria dan kebutuhan akan vitamin B6 dan seng
• Food allergies • Alergi makanan
Quite apart from these nutritional factors having good psychological support and a stable home environment are also essential for affected children. Terlepas dari faktor-faktor nutrisi ini mempunyai dukungan psikologis yang baik dan lingkungan rumah yang stabil juga penting untuk anak-anak yang terkena dampak.
To find out more about these factors read on, or click on our Action Plan to Overcome ADHD/hyperactivity Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang faktor-faktor ini membaca, atau klik pada kami Rencana Aksi untuk Mengatasi ADHD / hiperaktif
Dietary studies consistently reveal that hyperactive children eat more sugar than other children 1 , and reducing sugar has been found to halve disciplinary actions in young offenders 2 . Other research has confirmed that the problem is not sugar itself but the forms it comes in, the absence of a well-balanced diet overall, and abnormal glucose metabolism. Diet penelitian secara konsisten menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak hiperaktif makan lebih banyak gula daripada anak-anak lain 1, dan mengurangi gula telah d
In any case, when a child is regularly snacking on refined carbohydrates, sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks, juices and little or no fibre to slow the glucose absorption, the levels of glucose in their blood will seesaw continually and trigger wild fluctuations in their levels of activity, concentration, focus and behaviour. Dalam setiap kasus, ketika seorang anak sering menyantap karbohidrat olahan, permen, cokelat, minuman bersoda, jus, dan sedikit atau tidak ada serat untuk memperlambat penyerapan glukosa
Where's the evidence? Enter 'sugar' and 'behaviour' into the search field for a summary of studies that demonstrate the effect of blood sugar imbalance on behaviour. Mana bukti? Masukkan 'gula' dan 'perilaku' ke dalam kolom pencarian untuk ringkasan penelitian yang menunjukkan efek ketidakseimbangan gula darah pada perilaku.
Side effects? If sugar consumption is high and it is withdrawn suddenly, withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and irritability may ensue. Efek samping? Jika konsumsi gula tinggi dan itu ditarik tiba-tiba, penarikan gejala seperti sakit kepala dan mudah marah mungkin berlangsung. Better to make gradual reductions to avoid this, without losing sight of the eventual goal of a no sugar diet. Lebih baik membuat pengurangan bertahap untuk menghindari hal ini, tanpa harus kehilangan arah dari tujuan akhir sebuah
Contraindications with medication? Diabetes medication should be closely monitored since dosages may need to be lowered. Kontraindikasi dengan obat-obatan? Diabetes obat harus diamati secara teliti karena dosis mungkin perlu diturunkan.
See action plan for our recommendations . Lihat rencana aksi untuk rekomendasi kami.
Omega-3s have a clearly calming effect on many children with hyperactivity and ADHD. Omega-3 mempunyai efek menenangkan yang jelas pada banyak anak-anak dengan hiperaktif dan ADHD. And many children with ADHD/hyperactivity have visible symptoms of essential fat deficiency such as excessive thirst, dry skin, eczema and asthma. Dan banyak anak-anak dengan ADHD / hiperaktif telah terlihat gejala defisiensi lemak esensial seperti haus berlebihan, kulit kering, eksim dan asma.
It is also interesting that boys, whose requirement for essential fats is much higher than girls', are also much more likely to have ADHD. Hal ini juga menarik bahwa anak laki-laki, yang persyaratan untuk lemak esensial jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak perempuan ', juga jauh lebih mungkin untuk menderita ADHD. Researchers have theorised that ADHD children may be deficient in essential fats not just because their dietary intake from foods such as seeds and nuts is inadequate (though this is not uncommon)
So it's of interest that the conversion of essential fats can be inhibited by most of the foods that cause symptoms in children with ADHD, such as wheat, dairy and foods containing salicylates. Jadi bunga yang konversi lemak esensial dapat dihambat oleh sebagian besar makanan yang menyebabkan gejala pada anak-anak dengan ADHD, seperti gandum, susu dan makanan yang mengandung salisilat. (See below for more on salicylates) This conversion is also hindered by deficiencies of the various vitamins and minerals
Research carried out at Purdue University in the US confirmed that children with ADHD have an inadequate intake of the nutrients required for the conversion of essential fats into prostaglandins, and have lower levels of EPA, DHA, and AA than children without ADHD. Supplementation with all these omega-3 essential fats, pre-converted, along with the omega-6 essential fat GLA, reduced ADHD symptoms such as anxiety, attention difficulties and general behaviour problems 6,7,8 . Penelitian yang dilakukan di Un
Research at Oxford University using the omega 3 and omega 6 fish oil supplement eye q Penelitian di Universitas Oxford menggunakan omega 3 dan omega 6 mata suplemen minyak ikan q has proven the value of these essential fats in a double-blind trial involving 41 children aged 8 to 12 years who had ADHD symptoms and specific learning difficulties. telah membuktikan nilai lemak esensial ini dalam sidang double blind melibatkan 41 anak-anak berusia 8 sampai 12 tahun yang memiliki gejala ADHD dan kesulitan bel
Where's the evidence? Enter 'omegas' into the search field for a summary of studies that demonstrate the effect of essential fats on behaviour. Mana bukti? Masukkan 'omegas' ke dalam kolom pencarian untuk ringkasan penelitian yang menunjukkan efek lemak esensial pada perilaku.
Side effects? Rarely causes loose stools in sensitive individuals if you start on too high a dose. Efek samping? Jarang menyebabkan lepas bangku di individu sensitif jika Anda mulai terlalu tinggi dosis.
Contraindications with medication? Essential fats may have a 'blood-thinning' effect and should not be mixed with 'blood thinning' medication. Kontraindikasi dengan obat-obatan? Essential lemak mungkin memiliki 'pengencer darah' efek dan tidak boleh dicampur dengan 'darah menipis' obat.
See action plan for our recommendations . Lihat rencana aksi untuk rekomendasi kami.
Although it is unlikely, on the basis of the studies to date, that ADHD is purely a deficiency disease, most children with this diagnosis are deficient in certain key nutrients, and do respond very well. Meskipun tidak mungkin, berdasarkan penelitian hingga saat ini, bahwa ADHD adalah murni sebuah penyakit defisiensi, paling anak-anak dengan diagnosis ini adalah kekurangan nutrisi kunci tertentu, dan merespons dengan sangat baik.
Zinc and magnesium are the most commonly deficient nutrients in people with ADHD. Seng dan magnesium yang paling sering kekurangan gizi pada orang dengan ADHD. In fact, symptoms of deficiency in these minerals are very similar to the symptoms of ADHD. Pada kenyataannya, gejala defisiensi mineral ini sangat mirip dengan gejala ADHD. Low levels of magnesium, for instance, can cause excessive fidgeting, anxious restlessness, insomnia, coordination problems and learning difficulties (if accompanied by a normal
Polish researchers studying 116 children with ADHD for their levels of magnesium found that 95 per cent of them were deficient in it û a much higher percentage than that among healthy children. Polandia peneliti mempelajari 116 anak-anak dengan ADHD untuk tingkat magnesium mereka menemukan bahwa 95 persen dari mereka kekurangan di dalamnya - yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada persentase bahwa di antara anak-anak yang sehat. The team also noted a correlation between levels of magnesium and severity of symptoms
Dr Neil Ward of the University of Surrey has come up with a finding that could explain the link between ADHD and such deficiencies. Dr Neil Ward dari Universitas Surrey telah datang dengan satu temuan yang bisa menjelaskan kaitan antara ADHD dan kekurangan tersebut. In a study of 530 hyperactive children, Ward found that compared to children without ADHD, a significantly higher percentage of children with the condition had had several courses of antibiotics in early childhood 11 . Further investigations r
Where's the evidence? Enter 'vitamins', 'minerals' or 'nutrients' into the search field for a summary of studies that demonstrate the effect of vitamins and minerals on behaviour Mana bukti? Masukkan 'vitamin', 'mineral' atau 'gizi' ke dalam kolom pencarian untuk ringkasan penelitian yang menunjukkan efek vitamin dan mineral pada perilaku
Side effects? None reported Efek samping? Tidak melaporkan
Contraindications with medication? None reported Kontraindikasi dengan obat-obatan? Tidak melaporkan
See action plan for our recommendations . Lihat rencana aksi untuk rekomendasi kami.
Of all the avenues so far explored, the link between hyperactivity and food sensitivity is the most established and worthy of pursuit in any child showing signs of ADHD. Dari semua jalan dieksplorasi sejauh ini, hubungan antara hiperaktif dan kepekaan terhadap makanan adalah yang paling mapan dan layak pengejaran di setiap anak menunjukkan tanda-tanda ADHD. Food allergies can be of two types: Type 1 in the classical, severe and immediate allergy most commonly associated with peanuts and shellfish. Alergi m
A study by Dr Joseph Bellanti of Georgetown University in Washington DC found that hyperactive children are seven times more likely to have food allergies than other children. Sebuah studi oleh Dr Yusuf Bellanti Georgetown University di Washington DC, menemukan bahwa anak-anak hiperaktif tujuh kali lebih mungkin untuk memiliki alergi makanan daripada anak-anak lain. According to his research, 56 per cent of hyperactive children aged 7 to 10 tested positive for food allergies, compared to less than 8 per ce
Other substances often found to induce behavioural changes are wheat, corn, yeast, soya, peanuts and eggs 14 . Symptoms strongly linked to allergy include nasal problems and excessive mucus, ear infections, facial swelling and discolouration around the eyes, tonsillitis, digestive problems, bad breath, eczema, asthma, headaches and bedwetting. Bahan-bahan lain sering ditemukan untuk mendorong perubahan perilaku gandum, jagung, ragi, kedelai, kacang tanah dan telur 14. Gejala sangat terkait dengan alergi h
A considerable number of hyperactive children may benefit from eliminating foods that contain artificial colours, flavours and preservatives; processed and manufactured foods; and 'culprit' foods identified by either an exclusion diet or blood test 15 . Some parents have also reported success with the Feingold diet, removing not only all artificial additives but also foods that naturally contain compounds called salicylates. Sejumlah besar anak-anak hiperaktif mungkin akan mendapat keuntungan dari menghi
Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia found that three-quarters of 86 children with ADHD reacted adversely to foods containing salicylates 16 . These include prunes, raisins, raspberries, almonds, apricots, canned cherries, blackcurrants, oranges, strawberries, grapes, tomato sauce, plums, cucumbers and Granny Smith apples. Para peneliti di University of Sydney di Australia menemukan bahwa tiga perempat dari 86 anak-anak dengan ADHD bereaksi negatif untuk makanan yang mengandung salisilat 1
Understanding how a low-salicylate diet helps hyperactive children does offer a useful alternative to such a drastic course of action. Memahami bagaimana diet rendah salisilat membantu anak-anak hiperaktif memang menawarkan alternatif yang berguna seperti tindakan drastis. Salicylates inhibit the conversion and utilisation of essential fats, which we know are often low in hyperactive children. Salisilat menghambat konversi dan pemanfaatan lemak esensial, yang kita tahu sering rendah anak-anak hiperaktif. S
Where's the evidence? Enter 'allergies' into the search field for a summary of studies that demonstrate the effect of blood sugar imbalance on behaviour. Mana bukti? Masukkan 'alergi' ke dalam kolom pencarian untuk ringkasan penelitian yang menunjukkan efek ketidakseimbangan gula darah pada perilaku.
Side effects? A sudden and complete removal of a food from the diet may lead to an initial worsening of symptoms and cravings for that food. Efek samping? Yang tiba-tiba dan lengkap pemindahan makanan dari makanan dapat mengakibatkan memburuknya awal gejala dan mengidam untuk makanan. This does not happen with gradual elimination. Ini tidak terjadi dengan penghapusan bertahap. Any major changes in diet should be supervised by a suitably qualified nutritional therapist or doctor. Setiap perubahan besar dala
Contraindications with medication? None reported Kontraindikasi dengan obat-obatan? Tidak melaporkan
See action plan for our recommendations . Lihat rencana aksi untuk rekomendasi kami.
References : Referensi:
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