Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Studies Show Supplements Can Help Treat Autism

Studies Show Supplements Can Help Treat Autism
Posted: Apr 27th, 2009 | Comments: 0 | Views: 86 | Bookmark and Share
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Studies Show Supplements Can Help Treat Autism

Author: Donna Mason

Is it true that supplements can truly cure autism? Can supplements really cause total recovery for people suffering from autism? These are just some of the more popular claims today regarding the development in autism research. The data are still currently unclear, and the researches and studies are not yet conclusiv

Is it true that supplements can truly cure autism? Can supplements really cause total recovery for people suffering from autism? These are just some of the more popular claims today regarding the development in autism research. The data are still currently unclear, and the researches and studies are not yet conclusive, but all signs point to supplements being beneficial, at the very least. These researches and studies are mostly conducted by the Autism Research Institute, although a number of organizations

One research that proves that the use of a particular supplement can improve the general well-being of a person with autism is the study conducted by the Nordic Naturals Industries. Their study involved the use of essential fatty acids to improve the learning and communication skills of autistic children. With 18 children used a subjects, the subject yielded promising results-the use of essential fatty acids for 90 days produced marked improvements in terms of their ability to learn and communicate. This m

Another study, as a report published in The Scotsman newspaper states, cites that probiotics can help improve the behavior and the concentration of autistic children. The research collapsed, since a number of parents refused to accept the placebos after taking probiotics for a particular period of time. The autistic children-20 of them, out of the 40-were asked to take probiotics, and then should have been asked to talk placebos after. However, after seeing marked improvements in these particular areas, th

The Enzyme Research Group, on the other hand, cited links between autism and the digestive problems autistic children experience. According to their study, there are certain nerves in the nervous system that are connected to the digestive system. Therefore, the problem could be traced in both areas.

But what does this say about the use of supplements as a cure for autism? Can supplements really cure autism? The Autism Research Institute claims that supplements are among the more important treatments to cure autism. The term used was cure-not manage, as most mainstream medications do. Again, there are no actual researches about these claims, so this theory cannot be discounted as of yet. Still, with these encouraging reports, it only shows that the use of supplements can indeed improve the well-being o

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