Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

home schooling /sekolah rumah

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hs resourses
Thousands of cute country graphics for every season and occasion. Teddybears, baby, school, kids, animals and much more, that you can use to decorate your website, emails or auctions. http://www.graphicgarden.com/

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Fun Educational activities for toodler, pre-school, school-age kids. http://www.atozkidsstuff.com/
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This is the place for kids, parents, student teachers, and teachers. Free Printables: 5000+ free printable pages and worksheets. http://www.abcteach.com/index.html

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Explore the animal world in this fun and educational way. Exciting Page: Safari Games, Coloring Pages, Downloadables, Adventure Camp, Shami TV & Education Store. http://www.seaworld.org/fun-zone/index.htm

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The official website of the CiTV series, presented by Neil Buchanan. It's a MUST SEE Site for CRAFT IDEAS!!! http://www.hitentertainment.com/artattack/menu_artattacks.html
Basic Drawing - To learn to see the size and shape of a line within a defined space http://donnayoung.org/art/draw1.htm

Homeschoolers Best Advice, with links to Educational Sites and Free Learning Material http://www.besthomeschooling.org/
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Book Adventure is a FREE reading motivation program for children in grades K-8. Children create their own book lists from over 7,000 recommended titles, take multiple choice quizzes on the books they've read, and earn points and prizes for their lite http://www.bookadventure.com/

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How to help your children become good readers. Reading tips, free reading course, child reading tips, phonics instruction, reading program review, free reading & learning ebooks, child reading resources. http://www.child-reading-tips.com/

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eThemes Resource Listed by Grade Level http://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/by-grade.shtml
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Tons of Crafts!! Craft projects for PreK-Elementary with illustrations. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/
These resources offer a wealth of information to assist you in teaching your students about the waste we generate in our schools, homes, and communities—and what we can all do to make a difference! From classroom activities, to starting a school elec http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/index.htm

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Thousands of cute country graphics for every season and occasion. Teddybears, baby, school, kids, animals and much more, that you can use to decorate your website, emails or auctions. http://www.graphicgarden.com/

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The #1 Homeschooling Site. HS Curriculum, Resource Guide, Online Course, etc. http://www.homeschool.com/
Learn how everything works!!! http://www.howstuffworks.com/

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Worksheets, HS links, Preschool to Grade 12 http://www.homeschoolingadventures.com/
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A great place for ideas. 3,683 pages of free activities, coloring pages, and projects. Activities, Coloring, Murals, Videos, Classroom Help-a-longs, Books, Games, Cards, Email Postcards. http://www.janbrett.com/
Growing Without Schooling http://www.holtgws.com/

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