Selasa, 20 November 2012

Daftar artis Indonesia

Daftar artis Indonesia
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
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Daftar aktris Indonesia
Daftar sutradara Indonesia
Daftar pelawak Indonesia
Daftar penyanyi pria Indonesia
Daftar penyanyi wanita Indonesia
Daftar grup musik Indonesia
Daftar grup lawak Indonesia
[sunting]Lihat pula

Daftar sastrawan Indonesia
Daftar seniman Indonesia

Ade Irawan
Agnes Monica
Alda Risma
Alice Norin
Alicia Djohar
Aelke Mariska
Alexandra Gottardo
Alisia Rininta
Al Fathir Muchtar
Ajeng Kartika
Alyssa Soebandono
Amanda William
Aminah Cendrakasih
Andi Soraya
Angel Cherrybelle
Anisa Cherrybelle
Anita Carolina Mohade
Ana Pinem
Anna Tairas
Anneke Putri
Arumi Bachsin
Asmirandah Zantman
Asti Ananta
Astri Ivo
Asyifa Latief
Annisa Bahar
Aura Kasih
August Melasz
Aurellie Moeremans
Ayu Azhari
Ayu Ting Ting
Aulia Sarah

Baby Zelvia
Baim Wong
Bella Esperance Lie
Bella Saphira
Berliana Febrianti
Bara Tampubolon
Ben Kasyafani
Brigita Maria
Bunga Citra Lestari
Bobby Joseph
Bunga Zainal

Cahya Kamila
Carissa Putri
Catherine Wilson
Cathy Lengkong
Cha Cha Frederica
Chelsea Olivia Wijaya
Cherly Cherrybelle
Celine Evangelista
Christy Cherrybelle
Chintami Atmanegara
Cindy Fatika Sari
Chitra Dewi
Christine Hakim
Cinta Laura
Connie Suteja
Cut Keke
Cut Memey
Cut Meyriska
Cut Tari
Citra Kirana

Dana Christina
Deby Cynthia Dewi
Delia Paramitha
Della Puspita
Deswita Maharani
Desy Ratnasari
Devi Permatasari
Dewanti Bauty
Dewi Irawan
Dewi Perssik
Dewi Rezer
Dewi Rosaria Indah
Dewi Sandra
Dewi Yull
Dhini Aminarti
Diah Permatasari
Dian Anggrianie
Dian Ariesrya
Dian Nitami
Dian Sastrowardoyo
Diana Pungky
Dina Lorenza
Dinda Kirana
Dien Novita
Dominique Sanda
Dominique Agisca Diyose
Donna Agnesia
Doris Callebaute
Dude Harlino
Dwi Putrantiwi
Dwi Yan

Elma Theana
El Manik
Emilia Contessa
Emmy Husein
Enny Beatrice
Enny Haryono
Eriska Reinisa
Ermina Zaenah
Erny Tanjung
Erna Santoso
Eva Arnaz
Eva Devi
Enno Lerian
Eva Anindhita

Faby Marcelia
Fanny Bauty
Fanny Ghassani
Farah Quinn
Faradilla Sandy
Farida Pasha
Fifi Young
Femmy Permatasari
Fero Walandouw

Gigi Cherrybelle
Gina Andriana
Giorgino Abraham
Girindra Kara
Gisela Cindy
Gita Gutawa
Gitty Srinita
Gladys Suwandhi
Glenn Alinskie

Helsi Herlinda
Hanna Wijaya
Happy Salma

Ida Kusumah
Ida Leman
Ida Royani
Iqbal Pakula
Indah Indriana
Indah Permatasari
Indy Barends
Ingrid Kansil
Inneke Koesherawati
Intan Nuraini
Ira Maya Sopha
Ira Wibowo
Irene Librawati
Irish Bella
Iszur Muchtar
Ita Mustafa
Indah Kalalo

Jajang C. Noer
Jamal Mirdad
Jennifer Dunn
Jeremy Thomas
Jessica Anastasya
Jessica Iskandar
Jessica Mila
Jihan Fahira
Joice Erna
Jonas Rivanno
Julia Perez
Julie Estelle
Juni Arcan
Juwita Thofany Sanjaya

Karina Suwandi
Ketrin Agustine
Kevin Andrean
Kevin Julio
Kezia Cherrybelle
Kiki Amelia
Kiki Fatmala
Kiki Maria
Kirana Larasati

Laudya Chintya Bella
Laura Basuki
Leily Sagita
Lela Anggraini
Lenny Marlina
Leony Vitria Hartanti
Lia Waroka
Lina Budiarti
Linda Ramadhanty
Lucky Perdana
Luna Maya
Lydia Kandou

Marcella Zalianty
Maria Oentoe
Maria Umboh
Mariana Renata
Marina Gardena
Marini Sardi
Marissa Haque
Marissa Christina
Marlia Hadi
Masayu Anastasia
Meisya Siregar
Melissa Karim
Meriam Bellina
Merry Putrian
Mieke Wijaya
Mikha Tambayong
Mila Karmila
Minati Atmanegara
Mischa Chandrawinata
Mona Ratuliu
Monica Oemardi
Moudy Wilhelmina
Mutia Datau

Nabila Syakieb
Nabilah JKT48
Nana Mirdad
Nanien Sudiar
Nani Widjaja
Natasha Wilona
Naysila Mirdad
Nella Anne
Nena Rosier
Nenny Triana
Netty Herawati
Nia Ramadhani
Nia Zulkarnaen
Nike Ardilla
Nikita Willy
Nimaz Dewantary
Nina Zatulini
Nova Eliza
Nova Soraya
Novia Kolopaking
Nunu Datau
Nurul Arifin

Paramitha Rusady
Paula Rumokoy
Poppy Bunga
Puput Melati
Puput Novel
Putri Titian

Rachel Amanda
Rahayu Effendi
Rae Sita
Ratmi B-29
Raya Kohandi
Rezky Aditya
Ria Irawan
Ricca Rachim
Richa Novisa
Rifky Balweel
Rima Melati
Rita Zahara
Rina Hassim
Rini S. Bono
Rionaldo Stockhorst
Ririn Dwi Ariyanti
Ruth Pelupessy
Revalina S Temat
Ryn Auryn Cherrybelle

Sally Marcellina
Sandra Dewi
Santi Sardi
Sari Narulita
Sarwendah Tan
Siska Widowati
Sissy Priscillia
Shadrina Zatulini Munaf
Sherina Munaf
Sheila Marcia Joseph
Shenny Andrea
Shireen Sungkar
Sherly Malinton
Siti Anizah
Sofia W.D.
Soraya Larasati
Sukma Ayu
Susy Bolle
Suti Karno
Syarmi Amanda
Sys NS
Sahila Hisyam

Tamara Bleszynski
Teuku Ryan
Tanty Yosepha
Tatiek Tito
Thalita Latief
Titi Qadarsih
Titik Puspa
Tuti Indra Malaon
Tuti Mutia
Tutie Kirana
Tuty S

Velove Vexia
Verlita Evelyn
Vira Yuniar
Vivi Samodro
Vivi Sumanti

Waty Siregar
Wichita Satari
Wieke Widowati
Winda Amanta
Winda Viska
Wiwid Gunawan
Wolly Sutinah

Yati Octavia
Yati Pesek
Yati Surachman
Yayuk Suseno
Yenny Farida
Yenny Rachman
Yessy Gusman
Yetty Loren
Yuki Kato
Yuni Shara

Zaskia Adya Mecca
Zaskia Sungkar

A. Hamid Arief
Abdi Wiyono
Adi Kurdi
Adi Bing Slamet
Adly Fairuz
Aedi Moward
Advent Bangun
Adjie Massaid
Karjo AC-DC
Alan Nuary
Alex Komang
Ali Syakieb
Ali Yugo
Alwi Oslan
Amoroso Katamsi
Ami Prijono
Anwar Fuady
Agus Melasz
Ari Wibowo
Awang Darmawan

Bambang Irawan
Bambang Hermanto
Bagus Santoso
Baron Hermanto
Barry Prima
Benyamin Sueb
Bing Slamet
Ben Joshua
Boy Tirayoh

Clift Sangra
Choky Sitohang
Chris Salam
Cok Simbara
Cucuk Espe

Dede Yusuf
Daeng Harris
Dave Hendrik
Deddy Sutomo
Deddy Mizwar
Dicky Zulkarnaen
Dicky Chandra
Dicky Suprapto
Didi Petet
Dimas Aditya
Doddy Sukma
Donny Damara
Donny Alamsyah
Dorman Borisman
Dude Herlino

Eeng Saptahadi
Eddie Karsito
Eddy Sud
Eddy Gombloh
Entis Sutisna
Eza Gionino

Fendy Pradhana
Ferry Salim
Frans Tumbuan

George Rudy
Giovani L.Tobing

Harry Capri
Hassan Sanusi
Hendra Cipta
Hengky Tornando
Henky Solaiman
Herman Felani
HIM Damsyik
Husin Lubis

Kang Ibing
Ishaq Iskandar
Ivan Permana
Indra Bekti
Iqbal Pakula
Indrojoyo Kusumonegoro

Jaja Mihardja
Jeffry Waworuntu
Johny Gudel
Junaedi Salat
Joe Taslim
Joshua Otay

Kaharuddin Syah
Kelly Kalyubi
Kusno Sudjarwadi
Kris Biantoro
Kasino Hadiwibowo

Mansjur Sjah
Maruli Sitompul
Mang Udel
Mark Peter
Mark Sungkar
Mathias Muchus
Muni Cader
M. Pandji Anom

Onky Alexander
Okan Kornelius

Parto Tegal
Piet Pagau
Pria Bom bom
Pitrajaya Burnama
Pong Haryatmo
Putu Wijaya

Rezky Aditya
Rachmat Kartolo
Rico Tampatty
Richie Ricardo
R.D Mochtar
Rano Karno
Ratno Timoer
Rendra Karno
Roy Marten
Rama Michael
Roger Danuarta
Roby Sugara
Rudy Salam
Ryan Hidayat

Sophan Sophian
Slamet Rahardjo
Soekarno M. Noor
Sjuman Djaya
Steven William

Tan Tjeng Bok
Teddy Purba
Teuku Wisnu
Tio Pakusadewo
Tino Karno
Tora Sudiro
Torro Margens

Umar Machdam
Urip Arphan

Vino Bastian

Wahab Abdi
W.D Mochtar
Willy Dozan
Wahyu Sardono

Yan Bastian
Yoseano Waas

Zainal Abidin

/rif 1997 pria
2D 1987 1996 pria
3 Diva 2006 wanita
3 in 1
5 Bidadari 2009 wanita
5 Wanita 2008 wanita
6 Starz 2011 wanita
7icons 2010 wanita
7 Girl wanita
AB Three 1993 2001 wanita dilanjutkan Be3
ADA Band 1997 pria
Adarapta 1985 wanita
Adrian Martadinata 2008 pria
After Band 2008 pria
AKA 1967 1975 pria dilanjutkan SAS
Alexa 2008 pria
Amartya 8
Andra and The Backbone 2007 pria
Angkasa 2004 pria
Anima 2003 pria
Antik 2003 pria
Ares 2005 pria
Armada 2007 pria
Asbak Band 2008 pria
Audio Jet 2010 pria
Amazed Band
Baron Soulmate 2008 campuran
Base Jam 1994 campuran
Batik Tribe 2007 pria
Be3 2010 wanita sebelumnya bernama AB Three
Be5t 2011 wanita
Beage 2003 pria
Bening 1997 wanita
Beside 1997 pria
Bhaskara 1985 ??? pria
Big Boss 2010 pria
Bima ?? pria
Bimbo 2006 pria
BIP 1996 pria
Blackout 2009 pria
Blink 2011 wanita
Bling Bling
Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black 2004 pria
Bonus Band 2007 pria
Boomerang 1994 pria sebelumnya bernama Lost Angels
Bragi 1996 2007 pria
Brand New Storm 2010 pria
BBB 2006 campuran
Bunglon 1998 pria
Burgerkill 1995 pria
Caffeine 1996 pria
Candy 2008 wanita
Cannonball 2006 campur
Charly's Angels 2010 campur
Chaseiro 1978 pria
Cherry Belle 2011 wanita
Chili 2007 pria
Circle Band 2006 pria
Clubeighties 1998 pria
Coboy Junior 2011 pria
Cokelat 1996 campur
Cool Colors
Cozmotion 2004 pria
Ecoutez! 2005 pria
EdanE 1991 pria
Efek Rumah Kaca 2001 pria
Eka Sapta 1960 1975 pria
Element 1999 pria
Elfa's Singers
Elpamas 1983 pria
Emerald 1986 2009 pria
Endah N Rhesa 2004 campuran
Endank Soekamti 2001 pria
Fame 2011 pria
Featherband 1997 pria
Five Minutes 1994 pria
Flanela 1998 pria
Fonticello 2005 pria
Freshmilk ??? campuran
Four Seasons
Funeral Inception 2000 pria
Funk de Java
Funky Kopral 1998 pria
G String
G2 2010 pria
Gadiz 2010 wanita
Garasi 2005 campuran
Geisha 2003 campuran
Getah 1995 pria
Gigi 1994 pria
God Bless 1973 pria
Goliath 2009 pria
Gong 2000 ???
GoodBoyBadminton 2006 pria
Goodnight Electric 2003 pria
Govinda 2008 pria
Gradasi 1999 pria
Grenade Band
Gruvi 1998 pria
Gugun Blues Shelter 2004
Harmony Chinese Music Group 2001 campuran
Hello 2007 pria
Hijau daun 2008 pria
Hitz 2011 pria
Indonesian All Stars 1966 pria
Omelette 2008 campuran
Q-ta 2007 campur
Queen 5 2012 wanita
Queenera wanita
Ungu 2001 pria
Utopia 2002 pria
Vagetoz 1999 pria
Vierra 2008 campuran
Wali Band 1999 pria
Warna 1995 campuran
Wayang 1997 pria
White Shoes & The Couples Company 2002 pria
Winner 2009 pria
Wong 1997 pria
XO-IX 2011 pria
XXX 2003 pria
Yovie & Nuno 2001 pria
Zaenal Combo
Zeus Band 2005 pria
Zigaz 2006 pria

Acha Septriasa
Ade Irma
Agnes Monica
Aida Mustafa
Alda Risma
Aliya Sachi
Andi Meriem Matalatta
Angel Paff
Anggun C. Sasmi
Anie Carera
Aning Katamsi
Anis Marsella
Anita Tourisia
Anna Mathovani
Anneke Gronloh
Annie Ibon
Annisa Bahar
Arie Koesmiran
Asti Asmodiwati
Atiek CB
Aura Kasih
Ayu Azhari
Ayu Soraya
Ayu Ting Ting
[sunting]B - C

Bella Saphira
Berlian Hutauruk
Betharia Sonatha
Bornok Hutauruk
Bunga Citra Lestari
Camelia Malik
Chicha Koeswoyo
Chintami Atmanagara
Chintya Sari
Chiquita Meidy
Christine Panjaitan
Cici Paramida
Cici Sumiati
Cicih Cangkurileung
Cindy Bernadette
Cindy Cenora
Cindy Claudia Harahap
Cindy Fatika Sari
Cinta Laura
Citra Scholastika
Connie Constantia
Conny Dio
Cucu Cahyati
Cut Irna
Cut Naima
Cynthia Lamusu
Cynthia Maramis
[sunting]D - E

Dea Mirella
Deasy Arisandi
Delia Paramitha
Desy Ratnasari
Dessy Fitri
Detty Kurnia
Dewi Gita
Dewi Lestari
Dewi Marfa
Dewi Perssik
Dewi Puspa
Dewi Sandra
Dewi Yull
Dhea Ananda
Diah Iskandar
Dian Mayasari
Dian Piesesha
Diana Nasution
Diana Papilaya
Dike Ardilla
Dina Mariana
Dira Sugandi
Djatu Parmawati
Dorce Gamalama
Dyna Fransisca
Eka Deli
Elly Kasim
Elly Sunarya
Ellya Khadam
Elvy Sukaesih
Emilia Contessa
Emmy Labib
Endang S. Taurina
Enno Lerian
Enny Haryono
Erie Suzan
Ermy Kullit
Erna Sari
Ernie Djohan
Etrie Jayanthie
Euis Darliah
Eva Solina
Evie Tamala
[sunting]F - G - H

Farah Di
Feby Febiola
Fenny Bauty
Fenny Dior
Fenty Effendy
Fitri Carlina
Fitri Handayani
Gita Gutawa
Gita KDI
Grace Simon
Heidy Diana
Helen Sparingga
Helly Gaos
Henny Purwonegoro
Herlin Widhaswara
Herlina Effendy
Herty Sitorus
Hetty Koes Endang
Hetty Soendjaya

Ida Laila
Ida Royani
Ida Widawati
Idjah Hadijah
Iga Mawarni
Iin Parlina
Iis Dahlia
Iis Sugianto
Iis Sugiarti
Ika Putri
Ika Ratih Poespa
Ikke Nurjanah
Ina Rawie
Indah Dewi Pertiwi
Ine Sinthya
Inka Christie
Inke Prima
Inna Kamarie
Inneke Kusumawati
Intan Nuraini
Intan RJ
Inul Daratista
Ira Maya Sopha
Ira Swara
Irianti Erningpraja
Irma June
Irma Pane
Ismi Azis
Ita Purnamasari
Itje Trisnawati
Iyeth Bustami
Iyut Bing Slamet
[sunting]J - K

Jane Sahilatua
January Christy
Jayanthi Mandasari
Jean Pattikawa
Jean Retno Aryani
Joan Tanamal
Joy Tobing
Karmila Warouw
Kiki Maria

Lady Avisha
Laily Dimjathy
Lala Karmela
Lala Suwages
Lea Simanjuntak
Leony VH
Lia Nathalia
Lidya Lau
Lilis Karlina
Lilis Suryani
Lisa A. Riyanto
Lita Zein
Liza Natalia
Lolla Pitaloka
Louise Hutauruk
Lucky Resha
Luluk Purwanto
Lusy Rahmawaty
Lydia Natalia
Lydia Nursaid

Machica Mochtar
Maharani Kahar
Margie Segers
Maria Eva
Maria Shandi
Marina Elsera
Maudy Ayunda
Maya Angela
Maya Rumantir
Mel Shandy
Melanie Subono
Melly Goeslaw
Melly Manuhutu
Meriam Bellina
Merry Andani
Mikha Tambayong
Mila Rosa
Misye Arsita
Monita Tahalea
Mulan Jameela
Mutya Lorenza

Nada Soraya
Nadia Vega
Nadya Fatira
Nafa Urbach
Nais Larasati
Nani Sugianto
Natasha Chairani
Nella Regar
Nelly Agustin
Nenny Triana
Neno Warisman
Nessa Pical
Netta Puspita
Nia Daniaty
Nia Paramitha
Nia Zulkarnaen
Nicky Astria
Nike Ardilla
Nikita Willy
Nina Tamam
Nindy Ellesse
Nini Carlina
Nining Meida
Nira Diana
Nita Thalia
Nita Tilana
Noer Halimah
Nola Tilaar
Norma Sanger
Nourma Yunita
Novia Kolopaking
Nunung Wardiman
Nur Afni Octavia
Nyi Tjondrolukito
[sunting]O - P

Olive Latuputty
Oppie Andaresta
Paquita Widjaya
Paramitha Rusady
Peppi Kamadhatu
Pinkan Mambo
Poppy Mercury
Pranawengrum Katamsi
Puput Melati
Puput Novel

Rafika Duri
Ratih Purwasih
Ratna Listy
Renny Djayoesman
Ria Amelia
Ria Angelina
Ria Enes
Ria Irawan
Ria Resty Fauzy
Riana Andam Dewi
Riani Sovana
Rieka Roslan
Rien Djamain
Rima Melati
Rita Butar Butar
Rita Dinah Kandi
Rita Effendy
Rita Sugiarto
Rita Zaharah
Ritta Rubby Hartland
Riza Umami
Rose Pandanwangi
Ruth Sahanaya

Sandra Sanger
Santi Sardi
Sarah Azhari
Saras Dewi
Sari Yok Koeswoyo
Shamila Cahya
Sherly Malinton
Silva R. Kavadia
Silvana Herman
Sita Nursanti
Siti KDI
Sophia Latjuba
Sundari Sukoco
Sylvia Saartje
[sunting]T - U - V

Tetty Kadi
Tetty Manurung
Tika Bisono
Tina Toon
Titi DJ
Titiek Puspa
Titiek Sandhora
Titik Hamzah
Trie Utami
Tuti Tri Sedya
Tuty Subardjo
Tyas Dratistiana
Uci Bing Slamet
Ucie Nurul
Ully Sigar Rusady
Upit Sarimanah
Ussy Sulistiawaty
Uut Permatasari
Vety Vera
Vicky Shu
Vienna Fridiana
Vien is Haryanto
Vina Panduwinata
Vivi Sumanti
Vonny Sumlang
[sunting]W - Y - Z

Wafiq Azizah
Wawa Marisa
Winda Viska
Wiwiek Abidin
Wiwiek Sumbogo
Yayuk Suseno
Yosie Lucky
Yuanita Budiman
Yuni Shara
Zwesty Wirahbuana

A. Rafiq
A. Riyanto
Abiem Ngesti
Ade Manuhutu
Ade Putra
Adhitia Sofyan
Adi Bing Slamet
Agus Wisman
Ahmad Albar
Ahmad Dhani
Andre Hehanussa
Andre Manika
Andre Taulany
Andy Liany
Ari Lasso
Arie Wibowo
Ariyo Wahab
Armand Maulana

Bangkit Sanjaya
Barry Likumahuwa
Bayu Risa
Bebi Romeo
Benny Panjaitan
Benyamin Suaeb
Bing Slamet
Bobby Sandhora
Bob Tutupoly
Bondan Prakoso
Bram Aceh
Bram Moersas
Broery Marantika
Budi Doremi
Bunthora Situmorang
[sunting]C - D

Caca Handika
Calvin Jeremy
Candra Darusman
Charles Hutagalung
Charles Simbolon
Christ Kayhatu
Christopher Abimanyu
Deddy Damhudi
Deddy Dhukun
Deddy Dores
Deddy Stanzah
Denny Malik
Derby Romero
Dian Pramana Poetra
Didi Kempot
Dik Doank
Dimas Beck
Doel Sumbang
[sunting]E - F

Ebiet G Ade
Edi Brokoli
Eddie Endoh
Eddie Lomato
Eddy Silitonga
Edo Kondologit
Edwin Manansang
Evan Sanders
Eza Yayang
Fahmy Shahab
Farid Hardja
Fariz RM
Farman Purnama
Franky Sahilatua
Franky Sihombing
[sunting]G - H

Gito Rollies
Glenn Fredly
Haddad Alwi
Hamdan ATT
Hari Moekti
Harry Roesli
Harry Sabar
Harvey Malaiholo
Hedi Yunus
Helmi Pesulima
Hengky Supit
Henry Manuputty
[sunting]I - J

Igor Tamerlan
Ikang Fawzi
Imam S. Arifin
Indra Lesmana
Irvan Mansyur
Is Haryanto
Itang Yunasz
Iwan Abdulrachman
Iwan Fals
Jaja Mihardja
Jamal Mirdad
Jamie Graham
Janter Simorangkir
Jeffry Al Buchori
Jhonny Iskandar
Jimmie Manopo
Joeniar Arief
Johan Untung
Joshua Suherman
Julius Sitanggang
Junaedi Salat
[sunting]K - L - M

Katon Bagaskara
Keenan Nasution
Koes Hendratmo
Kris Biantoro
Leo Kristi
Leo Waldy
Lucky Wija
Mamiek Slamet
Mansyur S
Matthew Sayersz
Mawi Purba
Mbah Surip
Melky Goeslaw
Meggy Z
Mike Mohede
Mirza Hakim
Mizta D
Muchsin Alatas
Mus Mujiono
Mus Mulyadi
[sunting]N - O - P

Nahum Situmorang
Nicky Ukur
Obbie Messakh
Oddie Agam
Onny Suryono
Ozy Syahputra
Pance Pondaag
Pandji Pragiwaksono
Petra Sihombing
Pongki Barata
Purnomo Sikas

Rachmat Kartolo
Rama Aiphama
Ramona Purba
Rano Karno
Ren Tobing
Reynold Panggabean
Ressa Herlambang
Rhoma Irama
Richard Kyoto
Richie Ricardo
Rinto Harahap
Rio Febrian
Rio Silaen
Rizal Djibran
Robin Panjaitan
Roger Danuarta
Ronnie Sianturi
Ronni Waluya
Ryan Kyoto

Sahrul Gunawan
Saiful Jamil
Sam Bimbo
Sam Saimun
Sandhy Sondoro
Sandy Thema
Sandro Tobing
Sandy Canester
Sarwana Thamrin
Sawung Jabo
Setiawan Djodi
Sidney Mohede
Sigit Wardana
Stanley Sagala
Sujiwo Tedjo
[sunting]T - U - V - W - Y

Tantowi Yahya
Thomas Djorghi
Tiar Ramon
Tito Soemarsono
Toar Tangkau
Tommy J. Pisa
Utha Likumahuwa
Ucok Harahap
Uya Kuya

Toar Tangkau
Tommy J. Pisa
Utha Likumahuwa
Ucok Harahap
Uya Kuya
Victor Hutabarat
Viki Vendy
Viky Sianipar
Vidi Aldiano
Wahyu OS
Yana Julio
Yanni Libels
Yopie Latul

korea k-pop

This article may be expanded with text translated from the corresponding article in the Hungarian Wikipedia. (September 2012)
Click [show] on the right to read important instructions before translating.[show]
Stylistic origins Rhythm and blues • Jazz • Folk • Dance • Classical • Rock and roll • R&B
Cultural origins Nominally early 1990s; trace the roots to 1960s
Typical instruments Vocals • Rapping • Drum machine, Drum pad • Drums • Electric bass • Keyboards • Piano • Sampler • Sequencer, Synthesizer • Vocoder, Auto-tune • Occasional use of various other instruments
Mainstream popularity Continuous in South Korea since emergence.
Bubblegum pop • Dance-pop • Operatic pop • Power pop • Soundtrack • Synthpop • Space age pop • Sunshine pop • Traditional pop • Teen pop
Local scenes
Seoul City
Other topics
C-pop • J-pop
K-pop (Korean: 가요, kayo[1]) (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music[1]) is a musical genre consisting of dance, electronic, electropop, hip hop, rock, and R&B music originating in South Korea.[2][3][4][1][5] In addition to music, K-pop has grown into a popular subculture among teenagers and young adults around the world.[6]
Although in a bigger scope K-pop may include other genres of "popular music" within South Korea, outside of the country the term is more commonly used for songs sung by Korean teen idols, which covers mostly dance, electronic, rap, hip-hop, and R&B genres.[7] Starting in 1992, dance and rap music became popular due to Seo Taiji & Boys, which is seen as the beginning of modern K-pop.[7] Genres such as ballad and rock are still popular today; however, the term can be debatable.
With the rise of social media networks during the mid 2000s, the ability of K-pop to reach a previously inaccessible audience via the Internet is driving a shift in the exposure and popularity of the genre.[8] The Korean Wave has spread K-pop to the Pacific Rim, the Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa.
Contents  [hide]
1 Musical and visual style
2 History
3 Globalization
3.1 Asia
3.2 United States and Canada
3.3 Latin America
3.4 Russia
3.5 Europe
3.6 Africa, India, and the Middle East
3.7 Oceania
4 Appeal and fanbase
5 Criticism
5.1 Music and appearance
5.2 Fan obsession
5.3 Corruption
6 Statistics
6.1 Sales and market value
6.2 YouTube views
7 List of K-pop artists
8 See also
9 References
10 Bibliography
11 External links
[edit]Musical and visual style

According to a Rolling Stone author, "K-Pop is a mixture of trendy Western music and high-energy Japanese pop (J-Pop), which preys on listeners' heads with repeated hooks, sometimes in English. It embraces genre fusion with both singing and rap, and emphasizes performance and strong visuals."[9]
The BBC describes the K-pop bands Super Junior and the Wonder Girls as "highly produced, sugary boy- and girl-bands with slick dance routines and catchy tunes."[10] Many K-pop music videos have colourful visuals and a catchy beat.[11] Dance is an integral part of K-pop. When combining multiple singers, the singers often switch their positions while singing and dancing by making prompt movements in synchrony. K-pop is also recognized for pretty-boys and girl groups[12] that are young and considered attractive.[13][14]

An advertisement (top left) for the SMTown Live '10 World Tour in Times Square, Manhattan.

K-Pop Fans in Warsaw holding a S.Korean-Polish flag as well as banners of boybands MBLAQ, B1A4 and 2PM
An old-fashioned style of Korean pop music called Trot (Korean: "트로트"), influenced by a Japanese pop music of Enka during Japanese rule over Korea (1910-1945), was popular in South Korea until the 1980s.[15]
In the mid-1920s, Japanese composer Masao Koga mixed traditional Korean music with Gospel music that American Evangelists introduced in the 1870s. This type of music became known as Enka in Japan, and later in Korea as Trot.[16]
As Korea was liberated from Japanese annexation in 1945, the country was divided into two nations: North Korea and South Korea. Western culture was introduced into South Korea on a small scale with a few Western style bars and clubs playing Western music. After the Korean War, which started on June 25, 1950 and lasted for 3 years, U.S. troops remained in South Korea for protection. With the continued presence of the U.S. military, American and world culture began to infiltrate South Korea. During this time, Western music became more accepted to a wider crowd of young adults. Improvements in the recording systems encouraged the production of LP records in the 1960s, which led to the pursuit of diverse voice tones.[17] Many singers sang for the American troops in Korea at the time, and the appearance of chorus in performances was conspicuous. At this period of time, civilians were exposed to pop songs by commercial radio stations, which led to the great popularity of pop songs. The Kim Sisters, Yoon Bok-hee and Patti Kim were the first singers to debut in such countries as Vietnam and United States.
In the 1970s, the new career of DJs became popular, deeply impacting the teenage cultures. Guitars and jeans were the symbols of youth.[17] This resulted in the introduction of more folk singers, such as Chang Sik Song, Young Nam Cho, and Hee Eun Yang. In 1977, the Seoul International Song Festival was launched, which encouraged cultural exchanges with other countries. In 1980, the Asia Music Forum was launched. National singers from five different Asian countries competed in the event. Cho Yong-pil won first place and earned a high reputation as a Korean singer in Japan.[17]
In the 1990s, early versions of Korean pop incorporated American popular music styles like rap, rock and techno in their music.[3] Since the debut of Seo Taiji & Boys, multiple singers began to switch their positions while singing and dancing, a strategy called "formation changing" (Korean: 자리 바꿈, Jari ba'ggum) and a turning point for the establishment of K-pop style choreography (Korean: 안무, Anmu).
The founding of South Korea's largest talent agency and record label, SM Entertainment, in 1995 by Korean entrepreneur Lee Soo Man led to the first K-pop girl groups and boy bands.[18] By the late 1990s, YG Entertainment, DSP Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and FNC Music had burst onto the scene and were producing talent as quickly as the public could consume it.[6]
According to Mark James Russell from the global politics magazine Foreign Policy, K-Pop has now spread to the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and parts of South America. He acknowledges that Korean popular culture "may not (yet) turn heads in Los Angeles or London" and claims that "the West is actually late to the party".[19] However, this may soon change because K-Pop's influence continues to spread as it finds more fans in the West.[20]

K-pop being played during the 2011 Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin in Germany
South Korea is emerging in the 21st century as a major exporter of popular culture.[21] K-pop has been embraced by the South Korean government as a tool for soft power abroad, particularly towards youth.[22] K-pop has come from humble beginnings to gain a huge fan base not just in Asia but also other parts of the world,[23] and is considered by some to be South Korea’s greatest export because of its popularity and growing influence.[24] As South Korea continues to develop its IT infrastructure, K-pop music is being shared over the internet and through mobile devices more rapidly than ever.[25] One of the biggest examples of the globalization of KPOP is the emergence of PSY's "Gangnam Style" on the market. In October 2012, Psy became the first South Korean artist to hit the number 1 spot on top UK charts.[26]
US President Barack Obama has noted the rapid surge and spread of Korean pop culture. During an official visit to South Korea in March 2012, he praised South Korea’s youth for their tech-savviness and optimism, and remarked[27]:
It’s no wonder so many people around the world have caught the Korean Wave -- hallyu
Prior to the rise of social media networks, K-pop concerts and related events outside East and Southeast Asia were mostly unheard of. However, with the growing acceptance of Youtube during the late-2000s as a popular music sharing plattform, K-pop has since become increasingly well-known in many parts of the world, including the West.[28] According to The New York Times, "attempts by K-pop stars to break into Western markets had largely failed prior to the proliferation of global social networks." However, K-pop artists are now gaining more international exposure through social media networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, making it easier for them to reach a wider audience.[29]
In 2011, Billboard launched the Korea K-Pop Hot 100 chart[30] and YouTube created an official K-pop channel.[31][32] K-pop music videos were viewed more than 2 billion times during 2011, almost three times the 800 million views in 2010.[33]

Girls' Generation performing at SMTown Live '08 in Bangkok, Thailand
According to the Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange, K-pop has been a successful export of Korean culture in Asia. On its "Korean Wave" index, the top country in 2010 was Japan, in a list that includes Taiwan, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines.[34]
Following the lifting of import/export restrictions between South Korea and Japan which were in place since World War 2, the album Listen to My Heart by BoA was the first album by a Korean artist to debut at the top of the Japanese Oricon charts and become an RIAJ-certified million-seller in Japan.[35] Following BoA's successful Japanese career, countless Korean pop acts have also made inroads in the market, including SHINee,[36] Super Junior,[37] BIGBANG[38] KARA, Girls Generation, After School, 2PM, and Brown Eyed Girls.[39]
K-pop has yet to make a major impact in China but there has been considerable success. The Wonder Girls won an award in the 5th annual China Mobile Wireless Music Award in Beijing for having the highest digital sales for a foreign artist with a five million digital downloads in 2010.[40] Super Junior and their sub-group Super Junior M have had successful results on the Kuang Nan Record, CCR and Hit Fm Taiwan music charts.[41]
In 2011, it has been reported that the total sales for K-pop artists' has increased 22.3% during 2010-2011 in Japan. Some artists have been in the top 10 selling artists of 2011 in Japan.[42]
[edit]United States and Canada

Xiah Junsu on stage at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, 2012
One of the first significant K-pop events to be held in the United States were Rain's 2006 sell-out concerts in New York City and in Las Vegas 6 months later. In 2009, the Wonder Girls became the first K-pop artist to debut on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart.[43] They also joined the Jonas Brothers in the Jonas Brothers World Tour 2009. In 2010 they toured 20 cities in the United States and Canada, and were named House of Blues "Artist of the Month" for June.[44]
In 2010 SM Entertainment organized SMTown Live '10 World Tour, touring in Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo and New York. In May 2012, SM Town returned to California again with the SMTown Live World Tour III in Anaheim.
In 2010, during the 8th Annual Korean Music Festival, K-pop artists made their first appearances at the Hollywood Bowl.[45] Notable K-pop concerts in the United States in 2011 include the 2011 KBS Concert at the New York Korea Festival, the 2011 K-Pop Masters Concert in Las Vegas, and the Korean Music Wave in Google, the latter held at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California.[46]
At the start of 2012, Girls' Generation performed the English version of "The Boys" on the late night talk show Late Show with David Letterman and on the daytime talk show Live! with Kelly, becoming the first Korean musical act to perform on each show, and the first Korean act to perform on syndicated television in the United States. In the same year, the group formed their first sub-unit, entitled Girls' Generation-TTS, or simply "TaeTiSeo", composed of members Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun. The subgroup's debut EP, Twinkle, peaked at #136 on the Billboard 200, becoming the highest charting K-Pop album on the chart thus far.
In December 2011 2NE1 won MTV Iggy's Best New Band. In August 2012, as part of their New Evolution Global Tour, 2NE1 held their first American concert in the New York Metropolitan Area at the Prudential Center of Newark, New Jersey.[47]
In November 2012, as part of their Alive Tour, Big Bang held their first solo concert in America going to the Honda Center in Los Angeles, California and the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. The dates were originally suppose to be November 3, 2012 in California and November 9, 2012 in New Jersey, but being that the tickets sold out in only a few hours after being released they added an extra day at each venue.
On November 13, 2012, the American singer-songwriter Madonna and a few of her backup dancers performed Gangnam Style alongside Korean entertainer PSY during a concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City. PSY later told reporters that his gig with Madonna had "topped his list of accomplishments".[48]
[edit]Latin America
In the first Latin America K-pop Competition in 2010, 92 teams from 10 countries participated. In 2011 they were joined by more countries for the second Latin America K-pop Competition.[49]
In 2011, the United Cube Concert was held in São Paulo, Brazil.
In March 2012, the boyband JYJ performed in both Chile and Peru. When JYJ arrived at the Jorge Chávez International Airport in Peru for the JYJ World Tour Concert, the band was escorted by airport security officials through a private exit due to safety reasons concerning the large number of fans.[50] At the Explanada Sur del Estadio Monumental in Lima, some fans camped out for days in to see JYJ.[51]

The K-pop singer Key from SHINee meeting fans in Moscow
In Colombia, Caracol TV and Arirang TV made a K-pop reality show in April 2012.[52]
In September 2012, Junsu became the first K-pop idol to perform in Mexico and Brazil, the concerts sold out well in advance.[53]
The Russian music TV channel Muz-TV has recently indicated an interest in adding K-pop to its programme. High school and college students who fell in love with K-pop through the Internet and YouTube have been making calls or sending letters asking to air K-pop-related content.[54]
During the 2011 K-pop Cover Dance Festival, 57 Russian dance teams took part to win a trip to South Korea.[55] During the second round of the competition, the boyband SHINee flew to Moscow as judges of the competition and they also performed in front of the Russian fans and participated in a flash mob.[56]

Beast performing at the Beautiful Show in Berlin
In London, Beast and 4minute performed during the United Cube Concert. The MBC Korean Culture Festival was also held in London.[57] When SHINee arrived at the London Heathrow Airport for a concert at the Odeon West End, part of the airport became temporarily overrun by frenzied fans. The reservation system of Odeon West End crashed for the first time one minute after ticket sales began as the concert drew an unexpectedly large response.[58] In 2011, the Korean boyband Big Bang flew to Belfast and won the Best Worldwide Act during the 2011 MTV Europe Music Awards in Northern Ireland.[23]
In May 2011, Rain became the first K-pop artist to perform in Germany during the Dresden Music Festival.[59] later followed by JYJ performed in Berlin and Barcelona. In February 2012, the boyband BEAST held the Beautiful Show in Berlin. A fan commented that although he does not understand the lyrics of K-pop, "their (Beast's) music is good and thats what counts."[60][61] The Berliner Zeitung also adds that fans who attended the Beautiful Show came not just from Germany, but also bordering countries.[62]
The SMTown Live '10 World Tour was held in Paris, followed by the Super Junior Super Show 4 Tour, also in Paris. In February 2012, the Music Bank World Tour drew more than 10,000 fans to the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy[63]
In 2012, Big Bang won the Best Fan category in the Italian TRL Awards.[64]
K-pop is becoming increasingly popular in Poland. In 2011, the K-pop Star Exhibition was held in the Warsaw Korean Culture Center, as well as a K-pop party which attracted fans all across Poland. Fans told The Warsaw Voice; "we want to express our admiration for Korean music and our hope that some day they will perform in Poland.”[65] There have also been K-pop flash mobs in other European cities including Prague, and Warsaw.[66][67]

Egyptian K-pop fans holding banners written in Korean to show their passion and support for their favourite bands
[edit]Africa, India, and the Middle East
In Turkey, Korean culture is catching on quickly and Internet-savvy generation of Turks are using their computers and phones to explore cultures around the world and a large chunk of the pre-teen demographic is flocking to South Korean culture. Turkish boys and girls are watching Korean movies and television online, downloading K-pop songs, and even starting Korean culture clubs.[68]
The boyband ZE:A appeared for a meet and greet session for fans in Dubai[69] and a concert in Abu Dhabi.[70] In Israel, local K-pop fans met South Korea's Ambassador to Israel Ma Young-sam in July 2011. Israeli fans traveled to Paris for the SMTown Live '10 World Tour in Europe.[71]
In Cairo, hundreds of K-pop fans came to Maadi Library’s stage theater to see the final round of the K-POP Korean Song Festival, organized by the Korean Embassy. Fans drew banners in Korean and many were screaming along to the Korean songs.[72]
Concerts in Australia include the 2011 K-Pop Music Festival, at the ANZ Stadium in Sydney,[73] featuring Girls' Generation, TVXQ, B2ST, SHINee, 4minute, miss A, 2AM, and MBLAQ. While, in New Zealand, a K-pop Festival is planned to take someplace sometime during the summer of 2012/2013, starring Girls' Generation, 2PM and Kara and the South Korean Embassy will be backing New Zealand's first national K-pop competition, to take place this year.[74] NU'EST visited Sydney in August 2012 at Sydney Harbour and at the University of New South Wales, as they were judges of a major K-pop concert that was being held there. [75] Psy toured Australia in October 2012, after his single 'Gangnam Style' reached number one in Australia on the ARIA charts, New Zealand and Great Britain on the BFTAS.
[edit]Appeal and fanbase

Fan rice towers from Super Junior fans, in Germany as a gift to Eunhyuk
According to some opinions, the music itself is not the decisive factor in the popularity of K-pop. A publication in New York Magazine calls K-pop "catchy but derivative" and states that Girls' Generation fans admit to liking the group for its members' looks and their personality, radiating what the magazine calls "humility" and friendliness to each and one of the fans. A fan stated to the magazine that when Girls' Generation performs on stage, you get the illusion of the girls sometimes looking right at you and interacting with you personally.[76]
Many K-pop fans travel overseas to get the chance to see Korean bands. Tours from Japan and China bring many fans to see K-pop concerts.[24] A K-pop group tour from Japan had more than 7000 fans fly to Seoul to meet the boyband JYJ.[77] During the Korean boy band JYJ's concert in Barcelona, fans from many parts of the world camped overnight to gain entrance.[78]
K-pop fans purchase bags of Fan rice as gifts to their favourite bands in order to show their love and support. According to Time Magazine, for BIGBANG's first show in months, 12.7 tons of rice were donated from 50 fan clubs around the world and stacks of rice bags were lined up like shrines to the "K-pop idols". There are businesses dedicated to making sure the rice gets to the idols. Roh Seung-gu got into this industry when fans just bought bouquet towers for the bands. Now he has 24 offices around the country helping source and ship rice from South Korean farmers to various venues.[79]
Another way for a fan to show devotion is sending lunch to the stars, and there are special lunch providers in South Korea for this purpose. The trend started when fans picked up complaints that the stars do not eat properly due to their busy schedule.[80] K-Pop was also mentioned during a U.S. State Department briefing on October 3, 2012, when a reporter asked spokeswoman Victoria Nuland if she had heard about Gangnam Style, to which Nuland replied: "No, but I bet you my daughter does. She loves Korean pop."[81][82]

[edit]Music and appearance
New York magazine calls K-pop songs "catchy but derivative".[76]
[edit]Fan obsession
There is a recognized concern of K-pop fans turning to obsession and compulsive behaviors such as stalking and invasion of privacy. These fans are called sasaeng, or "private" fans. These fans are most notable young females.[83] Some sasaeng fans hire taxis to follow their idols. There are taxi services catering specifically for these fans that are willing to speed after the vans transporting idols." Korean public officials recognize this as a unique but serious concern.[83][84]

Junsu from JYJ told reporters that obsessive fans have even installed GPS trackers under his car to monitor his every move
During a press conference, the boy band JYJ confirmed they were victims of invasion of privacy and stalking. There were instances of breaking and entering where fans would take pictures of and steal items in members' households.[85]
The members of JYJ have been harassed by sasaeng fans since the band's formation in 2009.[86] Some sasaeng fans have installed CCTV surveillance cameras near Park Yoochun’s home.[87] In another incident, the Korean Broadcasting System reports TVXQ member Yunho drank a beverage containing super glue[88] from an strange woman and received medical attention.[89] The anti-fan turned herself in the next day.[90][91]
In 2002, Time reported that television producers were arrested for "accepting under-the-table payments guaranteeing TV appearances to aspiring singers and musicians. According to Seoul District Prosecutor Kim Kyu Hun, the arrests of Hwang Yong Woo and Kim Jong Jin were just the first in a wide-ranging investigation into systemic corruption in South Korea's music business" Companies investigated included SidusHQ, SM Entertainment and others.[6]
K-pop companies are also criticized for taking advantage of their "idols" through overworking and restrictive contracts. In July 2009, SM Entertainment was taken to court by TVXQ and a Super Junior member alleging that working conditions had caused adverse health effects and other problems. Court hearings are still proceeding .[92][93]

[edit]Sales and market value
K-pop (in Korea) global music market rank
Year Physical* Digital
2005 27[94]
2006 27[95]
2007 32[96] 23[97]
2008 24[98]
2009 24[99] 14[97]
2010 21[100]
2011 11[97]
* includes albums, singles and DVDs sold
Most K-pop groups are owned by a handful of entertainment agencies.[101] To guarantee the high probability of success of new talent, talent agencies fully subsidize and oversee the professional lives and careers of trainees, often spending in excess of $400,000 to train and launch a new artist.[102] According to The Wall Street Journal, S.M. Entertainment and other South Korean entertainment companies have created a process to train singers and dancers in its groups. In many cases, idols enter the system at age nine or ten and live together in a house under tight rules. They attend school during the day and take singing and choreography classes at night.[103]
The Korean music industry grossed nearly $3.4 billion in the first half of 2012, which amounts to a 27.8% increase from the same period last year, according to Billboard.[104] Before the digital market took hold, the South Korean music industry was nearly destroyed in the early 2000s by the large amount of illegal file sharing, a problem threatening other countries at the time as well. In 2006, however, South Korea's digital music market surpassed the physical market,[105] with more than half of revenue coming from digital sales.[97] K-pop's social media presence on Korean and English websites such as Facebook and Youtube have also had a major impact on the size of its global market.[106] Viki, the video and music streaming website, has influenced global K-pop trends by providing translated subtitles for music videos.[107]
In 2011, 1,100 albums were released in South Korea. The hip-hop genre had the most among them at two-thirds of the total albums.[108] One-third of the albums were from other genres, including rock, modern folk, and crossover.[108] This shows that there is a variety of genres in South Korea outside that produced by K-pop idols.[108]
[edit]YouTube views
Of the 2.28 billion worldwide K-pop YouTube views in 2011, 240 million came from the United States, which was more than double that of 2010 (94 million).[33]
By country, about 47 percent of views for the viral video "Gangnam Style" came from the United States, 7 percent from the United Kingdom, 6.8 percent from Canada and 4 percent from South Korea.[109]
List of most viewed K-pop music videos on YouTube
Rank Artist(s) Title Year Notes Views
1 PSY "Gangnam Style" 2012 770
2 PSY feat. Hyuna "Oppa Is Just My Style" 2012 154
3 Girls' Generation "Gee" 2009 91
4 Girls' Generation "Mr. Taxi" (Dance Ver.) 2011 Japanese version 68
5 Girls' Generation "The Boys" 2011 62
6 Wonder Girls "Nobody" performance 2008 Live on M! Сountdown 59
7 2NE1 "I Am the Best" 2011 58
8 Girls' Generation "Oh!" 2010 58
9 Super Junior "Mr. Simple" 2011 55
10 Big Bang "Fantastic Baby" 2012 51
11 Super Junior "Bonamana" 2010 44
12 Girls' Generation "Run Devil Run" 2010 43
13 Super Junior "Sorry Sorry" 2009 41
14 Hyuna "Bubble Pop!" 2011 41
15 Big Bang & 2NE1 "Lollipop" 2009 40
16 KARA "Step" 2011 39
17 SHINee "Lucifer" 2010 37
18 SHINee "Ring Ding Dong" 2010 36
19 Sistar 19 "Ma Boy" 2011 Practice video 36
20 f(x) "Electric Shock" 2012 34
21 Big Bang "Haru Haru" 2008 32
22 2NE1 "Fire" 2009 32
23 Big Bang "Blue" 2012 31
24 Big Bang "Tonight" 2011 30
25 G-Dragon "Heartbreaker" 2009 30
26 TaeTiSeo "Twinkle" 2012 30
27 Super Junior "No Other" 2010 29
28 2NE1 "Lonely" 2011 29
* rounded to the nearest million
Last update: November 11, 2012
(Scroll to bottom of the page for past rankings)
[edit]List of K-pop artists

Main articles: List of South Korean idol groups and List of K-pop artists
[edit]See also

K-Pop idol
Cultural technology
Korean wave
Korean hip hop
2000s in music & 2010s in music
Contemporary culture of South Korea
South Korean music
Korean music
List of South Korean bands
List of Korea-related topics
Korean drama
Cinema of Korea
British Invasion

korea actress actor

Bae Doona
Bae Suzy
Bong Tae-gyu
Bae Yong-joon
Bae Su-bin

Cha Seung-won
Cha Tae-hyun
Chae Shi-ra
Choi Cheol-ho
Choi Daniel
Choi Jae-sung
Choi Jeong-yoon
Choi Ji-woo
Choi Jin-sil
Choi Min-sik
Chris Peters
Choi Moo-ryong
Choi Si-won
Choi Soo-jong
Choi Kang-hee
Choi Seung-hyun

Dennis Joseph O'Neil
Daniel Henney
Do Kum-bong

Ham Eun-jeong

Gam Wu-seong
Go Ah-ra
Gong Hyo-jin
Gong Yoo

Ha Ji-won
Ha Jung-woo
Hah Myung-joong
Han Chae-young
Han Ga-in
Han Ji-min
Han Ji-hye
Han Hyo-joo
Heo Jang-kang
Hong Seok-cheon
Hwang Shin-hye
Hwang Jang-Lee
Hwang Jung Eum
Hyun Bin
Han Ye-seul

Im Yoona

Jae Hee
Jang Dong-gun
Jang Mi In Ae
Jang Hyuk
Jang Ja-yeon
Jang Jin-young
Jang Geun Suk
Jang Nara
Jang Seo-hee
Jeon Do-yeon
Jeong Jin-yeong
Jeong Ryeo Won
Jeong Yun-hui
Ji Jin-hee
Ji Sung
Jo Han-sun
Jo Hyun Jae
Jo Yoon-hee
Joo Hyun
Joo Ji Hoon
Ju Jeung-ryu
Jun Ji-hyun
Ju Jin-mo
Jung Da-bin
Jung Ho Keun
Jung Yunho
Jung Hye Young
Jung Ryeo-won
Jung Woo-sung

Kang Dong-won
Kang Hye-jung
Kang Sora
Kim Ah-joong
Kim Bum
Kim Dong Wan
Kim Ha-neul
Kim Hee Chul
Kim Hee-sun
Kim Hye-su
Kim Hyo Jin
Kim Hyun-ju
Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Hyun Joo
Kim Jaejoong
Kim Jae Won
Kim Jeong Hoon
Kim Ji-hoo
Kim Ji-mee
Kim Ji-soo
Kim Joo-hyuk
Kim Jung-Eun
Kim Jeong Hoon
Kim Kap-su
Kim Ki-Bum
Kim Mu-saeng
Kim Myung-min
Kim Ok-bin
Kim Rae-won
Kim Sa-rang
Kim Seung-soo
Kim Soo-hyun
Kim Su-ro
Kim Sun Ah
Kim Sung-soo
Kim Tae Hee
Kim Taeyeon
Ko Ah-seong
Ko Joo-yeon
Ko Soo
Ko So-young
Ku Hye-sun
Kwon Sang-woo

Lee Beom-soo
Lee Bo-hee
Lee Bo-yeong
Lee Byung Hun
Lee Chae Young
Lee Chun Hee
Lee Da Hae
Lee Dong Gun
Lee Dong Wook
Lee Eon Jeong
Lee Eun-ju
Lee Gi-kwang
Lee Hana
Lee Ji-ah
Lee Jin
Lee Joon-hyuk
Lee Jun Ki
Lee Jung Hyun
Lee Jung-jae
Lee Kwang Soo
Lee Mi-sook
Lee Mi-yeon
Lee Min Ho
Lee Min-Jeong
Lee Moon Sik
Lee Na-young
Lee Sabi
Lee Se Eun
Lee Seo-jin
Lee Seunggi
Lee Seung Hyo (이승효)
Lee Seung-yeon
Lee Si-yeon
Lee Sung Min
Lee So-yeon
Lee Wan
Lee Won Bal
Lee Yeon Hee
Lee Yo Won
Lee Yoo Ri
Lee Yoon Ji
Lee Young Ae
Lim Soo-jung

Moon Chae-won
Moon Geun Young
Moon Hee
Eric Mun
Myung Se Bin

Nam Jeong-im
Nam Sang Mi

Oh Dal-su
Oh Ji Ho
Oh Yoon-Ah
Oh Yeon-soo

Park Bo Young
Park Chae-rim
Park Eun-Bin
Park Eun-hye
Park Gun Hyung
Park Hae-il
Park Han-byul
Park Hee Bon
Park Hyo-min
Park Ji-yeon
Park Ji Yoon
Park Choong-Jae
Park Min-Young
Park Sandara
Park Sang-min
Park Shi-hoo
Park Shin-hye
Park Shin Yang
Park Si Yeon
Park Sol-mi
Park Ye Jin
Park Yong Ha
Park Yoochun

Ryu Deok-hwan
Ryu Seung-beom
Ryu Shi-won

Seo Ji-hye
Seo Ji-seok
Seo Seung Ah
Seo Young
Shim Changmin
Shim Eun Ha
Shim Hye-jin
Shin Ae
Shin Ae Ra
Shin Ha-kyun
Shin Hye Sung
Shin Hyun Jun
Shin Min Ah
Shin Seong-il
Shin Se-kyung
Shin Young-kyun
So Ji Sup
Son Chang Min
Son Tae Young
Son Ye Jin
Song Hye Kyo
Song Il-gook
Song Ji-hyo
Song Seung Hun
Song Yun Ah
Song Joong-Ki
Soo Ae
Suh Ji Young
Sung Hyun-ah
Sung Si Kyung
Sung Yu Ri

Um Aing-ran
Uhm Ji-won
Uhm Jung Hwa
Uhm Tae-Woong

Won Bin
Won Ki Joon
Won Mi-kyung
Woo Seung-yeon

Yeo Woon-kye
Yu In-chon
Yu Ji-in
Yoo Chae-yeong
Yoo In-na
Yoo Ah In
Yoo Ji-tae
Yoo Seung-ho
Yoon Chan
Yoon Eun Hye
Yoon Jin-seo
Yun Jung Hoon
Yoon Doo-joon
Yoon Jeong-hee
Yoon Sang-hyun
Yoon Shi-yoon
Yoon So Yi
Yoon Son Ha
Yoon Yeo-jeong

Zo In Sung
[edit]See also

Korean cinema
Korean drama
Contemporary culture of South Korea
List of Koreans
Korean wave

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) Untuk Sinusitis Dan Rhinitis alergi

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) Untuk Sinusitis Dan Rhinitis alergi

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MSM merupakan senyawa organik yang mengandung belerang. Sebuah padat berwarna, itu adalah reaktif yang relatif non. Karena stabilitas, digunakan industri sebagai suhu tinggi pelarut untuk zat organik dan anorganik. Namun, adalah kemampuan MSM untuk mengobati arthritis dan rhinitis alergi yang akan menjadi fokus dari ulasan ini.
Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Nizam Institut Ilmu Kedokteran di India mencatat efektifitas MSM untuk mengobati osteoarthritis. Sebanyak 118 pasien dilibatkan dalam studi double blind, plasebo berbasis. Para pasien dibagi menjadi empat kelompok. Kelompok pertama menerima 500 mg glukosamin per hari. Kelompok kedua menerima 500 mg per hari MSM.Kelompok ketiga menerima kombinasi dari 500 mg MSM dan 500 mg glukosamin per hari.Kelompok keempat menerima plasebo setiap hari.
Setelah 12 minggu, ia mencatat bahwa kelompok yang menerima glukosamin, MSM, atau kombinasi dari keduanya melihat tanda-tanda meningkat secara signifikan dan gejala osteoarthritis dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang diberikan plasebo. Antara lain, pasien menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam skor indeks mereka Lequesne. Indeks Lequesne adalah ukuran gabungan rasa sakit dan cacat, dengan kuesioner laporan diri terpisah untuk pinggul dan osteoarthritis lutut.
Penelitian lain yang dilakukan di Pusat Kejadian untuk Integrative Medicine di Graham, Washington mendokumentasikan efek MSM pada rhinitis alergi musiman. Selama 30 hari, 55 pasien diberi 2.600 mg per hari MSM. Setelah 30 hari, pasien melihat gejala berkurang secara signifikan. Tingkat energi yang meningkat, dan plasma IgE dan tingkat histamin yang lebih stabil. Studi menyimpulkan bahwa suplementasi MSM dapat membantu untuk mengurangi gejala rhinitis alergi musiman.
Dua tawaran terbaik untuk Amazon untuk MSM adalah merek SEKARANG dan merek Dokter Terbaik. Dengan Merek SEKARANG, Anda mendapatkan 240 1000 mg kapsul untuk sekitar $ 15. SEKARANG merek merekomendasikan mengambil dua kapsul 1-2 hari dengan makanan. Dengan merek Dokter Terbaik, Anda mendapatkan tablet mg 120 1500 untuk sekitar $ 7. Terbaik Dokter merekomendasikan mengambil 1 - 2 tablet sehari dengan atau tanpa makanan.
Apakah MSM mahal?
Tergantung pada merek Anda pergi dengan, MSM biasanya biaya antara $ 10 - $ 15 untuk persediaan bulan.
Aman MSM?
MSM dianggap aman dan tidak boleh mengganggu dengan obat lain.
Dimana saya bisa mendapatkan MSM?
Toko kesehatan yang paling membawanya, tapi itu jauh lebih murah untuk membelinya di Amazon.
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