Senin, 26 September 2011

Bagaimana untuk menyembuhkan rapuh dan retak kuku (nail crack)

Bagaimana untuk menyembuhkan rapuh dan retak kuku

Kekurangan gizi, kekurangan vitamin, kurangnya kelembaban dan tidak adanya nail perawatan adalah beberapa penyebab untuk retak dan rapuh kuku. Masalah tertentu peredaran darah dan pernapasan juga dapat membuat kuku yang retak dengan mudah. Kemungkinan penyebab lain kondisi ini termasuk pemaparan bahan kimia, seperti pembersih mencuci piring. Berkebun juga dapat membuat Anda kuku kotor dan menghapus penghalang pelindung kuku Anda. Penyembuhan rapuh kuku penting, karena kuku dianggap sebagai simbol baik kese

Cures untuk rapuh & retak kuku

* Studi mengungkapkan bahwa rapuh kuku merupakan terutama akibat kurangnya kelembaban. Hydrating tubuh Anda akan membuktikan bermanfaat bagi Anda, jika Anda prihatin tentang penyembuhan retak dan rapuh kuku. Minum banyak cairan jelas, terutama air, setiap hari. Pada saat yang sama, menghindari minuman manis, karena konten gula dalam mereka cenderung membuat kuku lebih rapuh dan menghalangi proses penyembuhan juga.
* Cara efektif untuk menyembuhkan kuku rapuh dan retak adalah dengan menggunakan minyak sayur. Mencelupkan mengepel kapas dalam minyak sayur. Sekarang, menggosok mengepel kapas yang direndam di atas dan bawah kuku jari dan jari kaki Anda. Pijat kuku Anda dengan lembut, selama sekitar lima menit. Jika Anda melakukan hal ini tiga atau empat kali sehari, sangat dibutuhkan kelembaban akan dikembalikan ke kuku.
* Untuk kuku rapuh dan retak, Anda juga bisa menggunakan solusi yang dibuat dengan menggabungkan satu sendok makan garam dengan satu liter air. Mencelupkan Anda jari/kuku, solusi, selama sekitar 30 menit. Bilas kuku Anda kemudian, dengan air bersih. Kering tangan/kaki. Mengulangi proses dua kali sehari.
* Jangan lupa untuk menerapkan pelembab tangan setelah membersihkan rumah Anda atau mencuci piring, melainkan setiap kegiatan di mana kuku Anda terkena air untuk waktu yang lama. Ini berlaku untuk kuku kaki juga. Menggunakan pelembab tubuh untuk jari-jari kaki.
* Kurangnya kalsium dalam diet Anda adalah salah satu penyebab rapuh dan retak kuku. Jadi, sangat disarankan untuk memasukkan makanan kaya kalsium dalam diet Anda, seperti seledri dan brokoli. Mereka dapat dimakan dimasak, semi-cooked serta mentah. Lain sumber yang kaya kalsium adalah almond. Mengunyah lima untuk enam almond, (direndam dalam air semalam), setiap hari.
* Biotin mengandung makanan, seperti kacang, kacang merah, kuning telur, sarden, jamur, pisang, hati dan kembang kol, dapat membantu menyembuhkan kuku Anda rapuh dan retak. Pilihan lain adalah untuk mengkonsumsi biotin suplemen.
* Lain penting dimasukkan dalam diet Anda adalah vitamin. Nutrisi yang terutama diperlukan untuk sehat kuku. Jadi, termasuk makanan yang kaya Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12 dan Vitamin C dalam diet Anda. Regular asupan makanan bergizi, Anda akan mampu menyembuhkan kuku Anda rapuh dan retak dengan cepat.
* Meskipun filer dapat melakukan keajaiban untuk kuku Anda, dengan memberi mereka bentuk yang tepat, Anda harus sangat berhati-hati saat menggunakan itu, terutama ketika Anda kuku terlalu rapuh.
* Menerapkan pelembab tangan berkualitas baik pada kuku jari Anda dan pijat mereka selama sekitar sepuluh menit, sebelum tidur. Untuk kuku kaki, Anda dapat menggunakan & body lotion pelembab. Produk akan menjaga paku basah, sehingga mengurangi kemungkinan kekeringan dan kerapuhan.
* Jangan menyalahgunakan kuku Anda dengan menggigit mereka atau menggunakan mereka untuk membuka kontainer tajam. Masalah rapuh dan retak kuku akan memburuk dengan melakukan hal-hal seperti, seperti kutikula akan mendapatkan usang. Tidak memotong kuku Anda dalam-dalam, karena dapat merusak mereka dan bahkan dapat mengakibatkan infeksi.

How To Heal Brittle And Cracked Nails
Malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, lack of moisture and absence of nail care are some of the leading causes for cracked and brittle nails. Certain circulatory and respiratory problems can also make the nails crack easily. The other possible causes of this condition include prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals, such as dish wash cleaners. Gardening can also make your nails dirty and remove the protective barrier of your nails. Healing brittle nails is vital, because nails are considered a symbol of good hea

Cures For Brittle & Cracked Nails

* Studies reveal that brittle nails are mainly the result of lack of moisture. Hydrating your body will prove beneficial for you, if you are concerned about healing cracked and brittle nails. Drink plenty of clear fluids, especially water, every day. At the same time, avoid sugary drinks, because the sugar content in them tends to make the nails more brittle and hinders the healing process as well.
* An effective way to heal brittle and cracked nails is to use vegetable oil. Dip a cotton swab in vegetable oil. Now, rub the soaked cotton swab on the top and underside of your finger and toe nails. Massage your nails gently, for about five minutes. If you do this three or four times a day, the much-needed moisture will be restored to the nails.
* For brittle and cracked nails, you can also make use of a solution made by combining one tbsp salt with one quart water. Dip your finger/toe nails in the solution, for about 30 minutes. Rinse your nails thereafter, with clean water. Dry your hands/toes. Repeat the process twice a day.
* Do not forget to apply a hand moisturizer after cleaning your house or washing dishes, rather every activity in which your fingernails are exposed to water for a long time. It applies to the toenails as well. Use a body moisturizer for the toes.
* Lack of calcium in your diet is one of the leading causes of brittle and cracked nails. So, it is advisable to include calcium-rich food in your diet, such as celery and broccoli. They can be eaten cooked, semi-cooked as well as raw. Another rich source of calcium is almond. Chew five to six almonds, (soaked in water overnight), every day.
* Biotin-containing foods, like peanuts, lentils, egg yolks, sardines, mushrooms, bananas, liver and cauliflower, can help heal your brittle and cracked nails. Another option is to consume biotin supplements.
* Another essential inclusion in your diet is vitamin. The nutrient is especially needed for healthy nails. So, include foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin C in your diet. With regular intake of nutritious food, you will be able to heal your brittle and cracked nails quickly.
* Although a filer can do wonders to your nails, by giving them proper shape, you should be very careful while using it, especially when your nails are too brittle.
* Apply a good quality hand moisturizer on your fingernails and massage them for about ten minutes, before going to bed. For the toenails, you may use a moisturizing body lotion. The product will keep the nails moist, thereby reducing the chances of dryness and brittleness.
* Do not abuse your nails by biting them or using them to open sharp containers. The problem of brittle and cracked nails will worsen by doing such things, as the cuticles will get worn out. Do not trim your nails deeply, as it may damage them and may even lead to infection.

Membaca Buku La Tahzan for Students, Aku Berpikir…

Membaca Buku La Tahzan for Students, Aku Berpikir…
Posted on February 28, 2011 by Andini Rizky 13 Comments

*Ini bukan resensi buku.

Kemarin lusa aku dikirimi buku La Tahzan for Students oleh Mbak Dina, yang isinya tentang pengalaman suka duka beberapa mahasiswa Indonesia kuliah di Jepang.

Sambil membolak-balik halaman buku tersebut, aku teringat lagi dengan kenanganku selama kuliah di sana. Betapa beratnya, menjadi orang buta huruf di negeri Sakura itu, tidak ada orangtua dan sanak saudara. Ingin berkomunikasi dengan sekitar pun sulit, karena belum mahir berbahasa Jepang. Masalahnya, 12 tahun sekolah di Indonesia, siapakah yang mampu meramalkan, kalau nasib akan membawa aku ke sana?

Aku sama sekali tidak siap. Tetapi seperti semua cerita dalam buku tersebut, kami semua berusaha semaksimal mungkin, belajar dari nol, dan berjuang mendewasakan diri sendiri untuk bertahan hidup di negeri yang asing. Tetapi ya, selalu ada orang-orang lain, yang memberikan bantuan tanpa diharapkan atau pun disangka-sangka. Baik itu senior sesama orang Indonesia, orang-orang Jepang, maupun orang negara lain yang semuanya tidak mengharapkan balas budi dari aku sebagai yang ditolong. Tidak peduli asal suku bangsa, tidak peduli agamaku berbeda, tidak peduli aku pakai jilbab dan tidak mau minum sake, pokoknya mereka ya menolong saja. Tidak ada prasangka, tidak ada yang menghakimi. Semua orang oke-oke saja dengan aku yang berbeda.

Bandingkan dengan dunia sekolah yang membenci perbedaan, dan berbeda saja sudah jadi alasan bagus untuk digencet.

Salah-salah bicara berbahasa Jepang, oh, tidak apa-apa, tidak ada yang menertawakan. Semua orang Jepang di sana itu dengan sabar berusaha memahami bahasa Jepangku yang belepetan. Mereka tidak berusaha mempermalukan aku, tetap memperlakukan aku dengan respek, dan sedikit-sedikit memuji ‘pandai sekali bahasa Jepangnya!’

Bandingkan dengan dunia sekolah, aku pasti disetrap terus di depan kelas dan diganjar nilai rapor yang buruk karena kebodohanku.

Nikmatnya belajar di dunia nyata…

Dari pengalaman itu aku menyimpulkan, konsep homeschooling, belajar dan bersosialisasi di dunia nyata, bukanlah suatu konsep yang aneh, malah sangat masuk akal dan luar biasa. Ini gagasan fantastis, harus didukung, bahkan punya efek positif membantu pemerintah mengentaskan buta aksara ;) Anak nggak bisa baca? Ya ajarin aja sendiri! Gitu aja kok repot!

Minggu, 18 September 2011

How to Get Dry Mouth Relief (Xerostomia) from Herbal Remedies

How to Get Dry Mouth Relief (Xerostomia) from Herbal Remedies

By eHow Contributor, eHow User

How to Get Dry Mouth Relief (Xerostomia) from Herbal Remediesthumbnail Learn how to Get Dry Mouth Relief (Xerostomia) from Herbal Remedies

You can get dry mouth relief (xerostomia) from a number of herbal remedies. Most of these dry mouth remedies involve stimulating the secretion of saliva (See Resource #1 below). This eHow highlights a few herbs that can be used to relieve drymouth.

* 1

Chew some fennel seeds. This helps provide dry mouth relief by stimulating saliva production and also controls the bad breath that is associated with drymouth (xerostomia).
* 2

Put 4 to 5 whole cloves in your mouth, and suck on them to boost saliva secretion. Keep sucking until they lose their effectiveness to deliver dry mouth relief and to get rid of bad breath.
* 3

Place a few thin slices of ginseng in a cup of boiling water and let steep for about 10 minutes. Sip about three cups of this ginseng tea throughout the day. Add a teaspoon of honey if you find it to be bitter.
* 4

Sprinkle some red pepper flakes over food or add red pepper powder into drinks. Capsaicin, the compound that gives pepper its "hotness", stimulates not only salivation but also other watery discharges such as sweat and tears.
* 5

Sip a cup of echinacea tea. Echinacea contains a compound called echinacein, which can help to stimulate saliva production.
**IMPORTANT: Echinacea also stimulates the immune system and should not be taken if your dry mouth is due to Sjögren's syndrome, a condition in some rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth

A doctor will determine the underlying cause of dry mouth in the patient and then take steps to minimize the underlying cause, such as stopping a medication causing the dry mouth. For many individuals, however, little can be done to alter the underlying cause. However, there are methods to manage the symptoms of dry mouth.
If the dryness is due to drugs or medications, it may be possible for a doctor to advise the individual to stop taking those drugs, reduce their intake, or switch to another "less drying" medication. If the dryness is due to a specific disease, such as diabetes, proper treatment of the disease will decrease the intensity of dry mouth symptoms. Occasionally, it is not known what causes dry mouth. Examples of these conditions include Sjögren's Syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis. In these instances, dry mouth s
Symptomatic treatment typically includes four areas: increasing existing saliva flow, replacing lost secretions, control of dental cavities, and specific measures, such as treatment of infections.
Saliva stimulants (also called sialagogues), such as sugarless candies and chewing gum, may be used to stimulate saliva flow when the saliva glands are still functioning. Individuals should be advised to take frequent sips of water throughout the day and to suck on ice chips. Eating foods such as carrots or celery may also help patients with residual salivary gland function. The addition of flavor enhancers, such as spices and fruit extracts, may make food more palatable to individuals complaining of their
Lubricants such as Orajel® or Vaseline® and glycerin swabs on the lips and under dentures may relieve drying, cracking, soreness, and damage to the mucous membranes (such as lips). These lubricants may also be used as a substitute for saliva in some individuals.
There are several over-the-counter (OTC) products that are available to provide assistance in the management of xerostomia. These products range from saliva substitutes and stimulants to products designed to minimize dental problems.
Saliva substitutes: Artificial saliva or saliva substitutes can be used to replace moisture and lubricate the mouth. Artificial salvias are formulated to mimic natural saliva, but they do not stimulate salivary gland production.
Commercially available products come in a variety of formulations including solutions, sprays, gels, and lozenges. In general, they contain an agent to increase the thickness of the saliva. They include carboxymethylcellulose or hydroxyethylcellulose, minerals such as calcium and phosphate ions and fluoride, preservatives such as methyl- or propylparaben, and flavoring and related agents.
Some commercially available saliva substitutes include: Moi-Stir® Oral Swabsticks swabs; Optimoist® spray; Saliva Substitute® liquid; and Xero-Lube® Artificial Saliva sodium-free spray.
Saliva stimulants: Over-the-counter (OTC) saliva stimulants are available. Natrol Dry Mouth Relief® uses a patented pharmaceutical grade of anhydrous crystalline maltose (ACM) to stimulate saliva production. Natrol Dry Mouth Relief® lozenges may be dissolved in the mouth three times daily.
Dentifrices: A dentrifice is a preparation for cleansing and polishing the teeth; it may contain compounds, such as fluoride, to stop dental cavities. Dentrifices that may help decrease dry mouth include Biotene® Dry Mouth Toothpaste and Biotene® Gentle Mouthwash.
Pilocarpine tablets: Pilocarpine tablets (Salagen®) are used to treat dryness of the mouth and throat. These decreases in saliva production are caused by a decrease in the amount of saliva that may occur after radiation treatment for cancer of the head and neck or in patients with Sjögren's syndrome. Pilocarpine stimulates the salivary glands to produce saliva. Pilocarpine is only available with a prescription.
Pilocarpine should not be used in those with uncontrolled asthma, narrow-angle glaucoma, iritis (inflammation of the iris), or individuals who are pregnant. The most common side effects are increased sweating and gastrointestinal disturbances, such as nausea and diarrhea.
Cevimeline: Cevimeline (Evoxac®) is another prescription medication used to stimulate the production of saliva. Cevimeline is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of dry mouth in individuals with Sjögren's syndrome. Side effects are similar to pilocarpine.
Other medications: Human interferon alfa (IFN-a) is currently undergoing clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of low-dose lozenges in the treatment of salivary gland dysfunction and xerostomia in patients with Sjögren's syndrome.
Unclear or conflicting scientific evidence :
Acupuncture: The practice of acupuncture originated in China 5,000 years ago. Today, it is widely used throughout the world and is one of the main pillars of Chinese medicine. There is some limited evidence suggesting that acupuncture may stimulate salivary flow in some patients with xerostomia (dry mouth). More studies of better design are needed to evaluate this use.
Anhydrous crystalline maltose: Anhydrous crystalline maltose has been used as a food stabilizer in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Anhydrous crystalline maltose (ACM) has been studied and may be effective for relieving symptoms of dry mouth associated with Sjogren's syndrome. Additional study is needed.
Yohimbe: The terms yohimbine, yohimbine hydrochloride, and yohimbe bark extract are related but not interchangeable. Yohimbine is an active chemical (indole alkaloid) found in the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree. Studies report that yohimbine is able to increase saliva in animals and in humans. Based on these few studies, yohimbine has been used for the treatment of dry mouth caused by medications, such as antidepressants. However, yohimbe bark extract may not contain significant amounts of yohimbin
Traditional or theoretical uses lacking sufficient evidence :
Integrative therapies used in conditions causing dry mouth (xerostomia) that have historical or theoretical uses but lack sufficient clinical evidence include: blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), blue flag (Iris versicolor), bovine colostrum, ginseng (Panax ginseng), horseradish (Armoracia rusticana, Cochlearia armoracia), hypnotherapy, quassia (Picraena excelsa, Quassia undalata, Quassia amara), tamarind (Tamarindus indica), and yerba santa (Eriodictyon californicum).
When the cause of xerostomia cannot be determined or cannot be resolved, the individual may be able to improve saliva flow by sucking on sugar-free hard candy or chewing sugar-free gum. It is best to avoid acidic foods or hard candies, as they make saliva acidic, increasing the possibility of tooth decay. It is also a good idea to avoid sugary foods and candies because they increase the risk of tooth decay as well.
If the individual smokes or chews tobacco, quitting will reduce symptoms of dry mouth.
To protect the teeth, healthcare professionals recommend brushing with fluoride toothpaste after meals and visiting a dentist regularly. A doctor or dentist may suggest using prescription fluoride toothpaste. Using a fluoride rinse or brush-on fluoride gel before bedtime also may offer protection from cavities.
Individuals may also: sip water regularly; try over-the-counter saliva substitutes, such as Saliva Substitute®; and avoid drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and some sodas. Caffeine can dry out the mouth. It is best to breathe through the nose, not the mouth, and add moisture to the air at night with a room humidifier.
Plenty of water is recommended by healthcare professionals. At least six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of water daily should be consumed to prevent symptoms of dehydration, such as dry mouth.

Secangkir Inspirasi

Secangkir Inspirasi
Posted on February 25, 2011 by Andini Rizky 8 Comments
Kerja keras akan selalu perlu, tidak peduli jalan apa pun yang kau tempuh.

Homeschooling sulit. Karena ia baru, penting, dan menantangmu untuk maju. Kalau kau memutuskan mengambil jalan ini, dan terus maju saat orang-orang khawatir tentang jaminan dan kepastian, kau pada akhirnya pasti berhasil. Orang-orang tidak akan berhenti mencerca dan khawatir, tetapi memang begitulah takdirmu sebagai perintis.

Tidak mengapa. Kamu dan keluargamu akan membuat perbedaan, dan dengan proses pembelajaran yang kita tempuh bersama, kita akan terus melakukan pekerjaan yang berarti. Tetaplah bermain, tetaplah melaju, tetaplah membuat sesuatu terjadi. Sisanya akan beres dengan sendirinya. Dengan seizin Tuhan.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Mengatasi Kejang Pada Bayi Dan Balita (epilepsy)

Mengatasi Kejang Pada Bayi Dan Balita
Posted by Ummu Kautsar pada 11 Agustus 2009

Kejang, baik yang disertai demam atau tidak, bisa berdampak fatal. Itulah sebabnya, setelah memberi pertolongan pertama, bawa segera si kecil ke rumah sakit.

Kejang sendiri terjadi akibat adanya kontraksi otot yang berlebihan dalam waktu tertentu tanpa bisa dikendalikan. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya kejang demam yaitu tingginya suhu badan anak. Timbulnya kejang yang disertai demam ini diistilahkan sebagai kejang demam (convalsio febrillis) atau stuip/step.

Masalahnya, toleransi masing-masing anak terhadap demam sangatlah bervariasi. Pada anak yang toleransinya rendah, maka demam pada suhu tubuh 38 C pun sudah bisa membuatnya kejang. Sementara pada anak-anak yang toleransinya normal, kejang baru dialami jika suhu badan sudah mencapai 39 C atau lebih.


Untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, disarankan agar orang tua sesegera mungkin memberi pertolongan pertama begitu tahu si kecil mengalami kejang demam.

Setelah itu,jangan tunggu waktu lagi bawa segera si kecil ke dokter atau klinik terdekat. Jangan terpaku hanya pada lamanya kejang, entah cuma beberapa detik atau sekian menit. Dengan begitu, si kecil akan mendapat penanganan lebih lanjut yang tepat dari para ahli. Biasanya dokter juga akan memberikan obat penurun panas, sekaligus membekali obat untuk mengatasi kejang dan antikejang. ôSebagai pertolongan pertama, tak usah membawanya langsung ke rumah sakit lengkap yang letaknya relatif lebih jauh karena bi

Selain itu, jika kejang demam tidak segera mendapat penanganan semestinya, si kecil pun terancam bakal terkena retardasi mental. Pasalnya, kejang demam bisa menyebabkan rusaknya sel-sel otak anak. Jadi, kalau kejang itu berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang lama, maka kemungkinan sel-sel yang rusak pun akan semakin banyak. Bukan tidak mungkin tingkat kecerdasan anak akan menurun drastis dan tidak bisa lagi berkembang secara optimal.

Bahkan beberapa kasus kejang demam bisa menyebabkan epilepsi pada anak. Yang tak kalah penting, begitu anaknya terkena kejang demam, orang tua pun mesti ekstra hati-hati. Soalnya, dalam setahun pertama setelah kejadian, kejang serupa atau malah yang lebih hebat berpeluang terulang kembali.

Untuk mengantisipasinya, sediakanlah obat penurun panas dan obat antikejang yang telah diresep-kan dokter anak. Meski begitu, orang tua jangan kelewat khawatir. Karena dengan penanganan yang tepat dan segera, kejang demam yang berlangsung beberapa saat umumnya tak menimbulkan gangguan fungsi otak.


Tentu saja dalam hal ini orang tua harus bisa membaca ciri-ciri seorang anak yang terkena kejang demam. Di antaranya:

* kedua kaki dan tangan kaku disertai gerakan-gerakan kejut yang kuat dan kejang-kejang selama 5 menit . bola mata berbalik ke atas

* gigi terkatup

* muntah

* tak jarang si anak berhenti napas sejenak.

* pada beberapa kasus tidak bisa mengontrol pengeluaran buang air besar/kecil.

* pada kasus berat, si kecil kerap tak sadarkan diri. Adapun intensitas waktu kejang juga sangat bervariasi, dari beberapa detik sampai puluhan menit.


Berikut beberapa penjelasan tentang kejang dan demam pada anak: . Suhu tubuh normal anak berkisar antara 36-37 C. Si kecil dinyatakan demam bila temperatur tubuhnya yang diukur melalui mulut/telinga menunjukkan angka 37,8 C; melalui rektum 38 C, dan 37,2 C melalui ketiak.Sebelum semakin tinggi, segera beri obat penurun panas. .

Orang tua jangan begitu gampang mengatakan seorang anak demam atau tidak hanya dengan menempelkan punggung tangannya di dahi anak. Cara ini jelas tidak akurat karena amat dipengaruhi oleh kepekaan dan suhu badan orang tua sendiri.

Termometer air raksa diyakini merupakan cara yang paling tepat untuk mengukur suhu tubuh. Pengukuran suhu tubuh akan lebih akurat bila termometer tersebut ditempatkan di rongga mulut atau rektum/anus dibanding ketiak.

Saat menghadapi si kecil yang sedang kejang demam, sedapat mungkin cobalah bersikap tenang. Sikap panik hanya akan membuat kita tak tahu harus berbuat apa yang mungkin saja akan membuat penderitaan anak tambah parah.

Jangan gunakan alkohol atau air dingin untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh anak yang sedang demam. Penggunaan alkohol amat berpeluang menyebabkan iritasi pada mata dan intoksikasi/keracunan.

Lebih aman gunakan kompres air biasa yang diletakkan di dahi, ketiak, dan lipatan paha. Kompres ini bertujuan menurunkan suhu di permukaan tubuh. Turunnya suhu ini diharapkan terjadi karena panas tubuh digunakan untuk menguapkan air pada kain kompres. Penurunan suhu yang drastis justru tidak disarankan.

Jangan coba-coba memberikan aspirin atau jenis obat lainnya yang mengandung salisilat karena diduga dapat memicu sindroma Reye, sejenis penyakit yang tergolong langka dan mempengaruhi kerja lever, darah, dan otak.

Setelah anak benar-benar sadar, bujuklah ia untuk banyak minum dan makan makanan berkuah atau buah-buahan yang banyak mengandung air. Bisa berupa jus, susu, teh, dan minuman lainnya. Dengan demikian, cairan tubuh yang menguap akibat suhu tinggi bisa cepat tergantikan.

Jangan selimuti si kecil dengan selimut tebal. Selimut dan pakaian tebal dan tertutup justru akan meningkatkan suhu tubuh dan menghalangi penguapan. Pakaian ketat atau yang mengikat terlalu kencang sebaiknya ditanggalkan saja.


*Segera beri obat penurun panas begitu suhu tubuh anak melewati angka 37,5 C.

* Kompres dengan lap hangat (yang suhunya kurang lebih sama dengan suhu badan si kecil). Jangan kompres dengan air dingin, karena dapat menyebabkan “korsleting”/benturan kuat di otak antara suhu panas tubuh si kecil dengan kompres dingin tadi.

* Agar si kecil tidak cedera, pindahkan benda-benda keras atau tajam yang berada dekat anak. . Tak perlu menahan mulut si kecil agar tetap terbuka dengan mengganjal/menggigitkan sesuatu di antara giginya. . Miringkan posisi tubuh si kecil agar penderita tidak menelan cairan muntahnya sendiri yang bisa mengganggu pernapasannya.

* Jangan memberi minuman/makanan segera setelah berhenti kejang karena hanya akan berpeluang membuat anak tersedak.


Penyebabnya bermacam-macam. Yang penting, jangan sampai berulang dan berlangsung lama karena dapat merusak sel-sel otak. Menurut dr. Merry C. Siboro, Sp.A, dari RS Metro Medical Centre, Jakarta, kejang adalah kontraksi otot yang berlebihan di luar kehendak.

“Kejang-kejang kemungkinan bisa terjadi bila suhu badan bayi atau anak terlalu tinggi atau bisa juga tanpa disertai demam.”

Kejang yang disertai demam disebut kejang demam (convalsio febrilis). Biasanya disebabkan adanya suatu penyakit dalam tubuh si kecil. Misal, demam tinggi akibat infeksi saluran pernapasan, radang telinga, infeksi saluran cerna, dan infeksi saluran kemih. Sedangkan kejang tanpa demam adalah kejang yang tak disertai demam. Juga banyak terjadi pada anak-anak.


Kondisi kejang umum tampak dari badan yang menjadi kaku dan bola mata berbalik ke atas. Kondisi ini biasa disebut step atau kejang toniklonik (kejet-kejet). Kejang tanpa demam bisa dialami semua anak balita. Bahkan juga bayi baru lahir.

Umumnya karena ada kelainan bawaan yang mengganggu fungsi otak sehingga dapat menyebabkan timbulnya bangkitan kejang. Bisa juga akibat trauma lahir, adanya infeksi-infeksi pada saat-saat terakhir lahir, proses kelahiran yang susah sehingga sebagian oksigen tak masuk ke otak, atau menderita kepala besar atau kecil.

Bayi yang lahir dengan berat di atas 4.000 gram bisa juga berisiko mengalami kejang tanpa demam pada saat melalui masa neonatusnya (28 hari sesudah dilahirkan).

“Ini biasanya disebabkan adanya riwayat ibu menderita diabetes, sehingga anaknya mengalami hipoglemi (ganggguan gula dalam darah). Dengan demikian, enggak demam pun, dia bisa kejang.”

Selanjutnya, si bayi dengan gangguan hipoglemik akibat kencing manis ini akan rentan terhadap kejang. “Contohnya, telat diberi minum saja, dia langsung kejang.” Uniknya, bayi prematur justru jarang sekali menderita kejang. “Penderitanya lebih banyak bayi yang cukup bulan. Diduga karena sistem sarafnya sudah sempurna sehingga lebih rentan dibandingkan bayi prematur yang memang belum sempurna.”


Penting diperhatikan, bila anak pernah kejang, ada kemungkinan dia bisa kejang lagi. Padahal, kejang tak boleh dibiarkan berulang selain juga tak boleh berlangsung lama atau lebih dari 5 menit. Bila terjadi dapat membahayakan anak.

Masalahnya, setiap kali kejang anak mengalami asfiksi atau kekurangan oksigen dalam darah. “Setiap menit, kejang bisa mengakibatkan kerusakan sel-sel pada otak, karena terhambatnya aliran oksigen ke otak.

Bayangkan apa yang terjadi bila anak bolak-balik kejang, berapa ribu sel yang bakal rusak? Tak adanya aliran oksigen ke otak ini bisa menyebakan sebagian sel-sel otak mengalami kerusakan.

”Kerusakan di otak ini dapat menyebabkan epilepsi, kelumpuhan, bahkan retardasi mental. Oleh karenanya, pada anak yang pernah kejang atau berbakat kejang, hendaknya orang tua terus memantau agar jangan terjadi kejang berulang.


Risiko berulangnya kejang pada anak-anak, umumnya tergantung pada jenis kejang serta ada atau tidaknya kelainan neurologis berdasarkan hasil EEG (elektroensefalografi). Di antara bayi yang mengalami kejang neonatal (tanpa demam), akan terjadi bangkitan tanpa demam dalam 7 tahun pertama pada 25% kasus. Tujuh puluh lima persen di antara bayi yang mengalami bangkitan kejang tersebut akan menjadi epilepsi.

Harus diusahakan, dalam tiga tahun sesudah kejang pertama, jangan ada kejang berikut.

Dokter akan mengawasi selama tiga tahun sesudahnya, setelah kejang pertama datang. Bila dalam tiga tahun itu tak ada kejang lagi, meski cuma dalam beberapa detik, maka untuk selanjutnya anak tersebut mempunyai prognosis baik.Artinya, tak terjadi kelainan neurologis dan mental.

Tapi, bagaimana jika setelah diobati, ternyata di tahun kedua terjadi kejang lagi? “Hitungannya harus dimulai lagi dari tahun pertama.”Pokoknya, jangka waktu yang dianggap aman untuk monitoring adalah selama tiga tahun setelah kejang.

Jadi, selama tiga tahun setelah kejang pertama itu, si anak harus bebas kejang. Anak-anak yang bebas kejang selama tiga tahun itu dan sesudahnya, umumnya akan baik dan sembuh. Kecuali pada anak-anak yang memang sejak lahir sudah memiliki kelainan bawaan, semisal kepala kecil (mikrosefali) atau kepala besar (makrosefali), serta jika ada tumor di otak.


“Kejang tanpa demam bisa berasal dari kelainan di otak, bukan berasal dari otak, atau faktor keturunan,” penjabarannya satu per satu di bawah ini.

* Kelainan neurologis Setiap penyakit atau kelainan yang mengganggu fungsi otak bisa menimbulkan bangkitan kejang.

Contoh, akibat trauma lahir, trauma kepala, tumor otak, radang otak, perdarahan di otak, atau kekurangan oksigen dalam jaringan otak (hipoksia).

* Bukan neurologis Bisa disebabkan gangguan elektrolit darah akibat muntah dan diare, gula darah rendah akibat sakit yang lama, kurang asupan makanan, kejang lama yang disebabkan epilepsi, gangguan metabolisme, gangguan peredaran darah, keracunan obat/zat kimia, alergi dan cacat bawaan.

* Faktor keturunan Kejang akibat penyakit lain seperti epilepsi biasanya berasal dari keluarga yang memiliki riwayat kejang demam sama. Orang tua yang pernah mengalami kejang sewaktu kecil sebaiknya waspada karena anaknya berisiko tinggi mengalami kejang yang sama.


Orang tua harus waspada bila anak sering kejang tanpa demam, terutama di bawah usia 6 bulan, Karena kemungkinannya untuk menderita epilepsi besar.

Masalahnya, kejang pada anak di bawah 6 bulan, terutama pada masa neonatal itu bersifat khas. “Bukan hanya seperti toniklonik yang selama ini kita kenal, tapi juga dalam bentuk gerakan-gerakan lain. Misal, matanya juling ke atas lalu bergerak-gerak, bibirnya kedutan atau tangannya seperti tremor.

Dokter biasanya waspada, tapi kalau kejangnya terjadi di rumah, biasanya jarang ibu yang ngeh.” Itulah sebabnya, orang tua harus memperhatikan betul kondisi bayinya.


1. Jangan panik, segera longgarkan pakaiannya dan lepas atau buang semua yang menghambat saluran pernapasannya. Jadi kalau sedang makan tiba-tiba anak kejang, atau ada sesuatu di mulutnya saat kejang, segera keluarkan.

2. Miringkan tubuh anak karena umumnya anak yang sedang kejang mengeluarkan cairan-cairan dari mulutnya. “Ini sebetulnya air liur yang banyak jumlahnya karena saraf yang mengatur kelenjar air liur tak terkontrol lagi. Kalau sedang kejang, kan, saraf pusatnya terganggu. Bukan cuma air liur, air mata pun bisa keluar.” Guna memiringkan tubuh adalah supaya cairan-cairan ini langsung keluar, tidak menetap di mulut yang malah berisiko menyumbat saluran napas dan memperparah keadaan.

3. Jangan mudah percaya bahwa meminumkan kopi pada anak yang sedang kejang bisa langsung menghentikan kejang tersebut. “Secara medis, kopi tak berguna untuk mengatasi kejang. Kopi justru dapat menyebabkan tersumbatnya pernapasan bila diberikan saat anak mengalami kejang, yang malah bisa menyebabkan kematian.”

4. Segera bawa anak ke rumah sakit terdekat, jangan sampai otak kelamaan tak mendapat oksigen. “Usahakan lama kejang tak lebih dari tiga menit. Siapkan obat antikejang yang disarankan dokter bila anak memang pernah kejang atau punya riwayat kejang.”


Penatalaksaan kejang meliputi :

1. Penanganan saat kejang

* Menghentikan kejang : Diazepam dosis awal 0,3 – 0,5 mg/kgBB/dosis IV (Suntikan Intra Vena) (perlahan-lahan) atau 0,4-0,6mg/KgBB/dosis REKTAL SUPPOSITORIA. Bila kejang belum dapat teratasi dapat diulang dengan dosis yang sama 20 menit kemudian.

* Turunkan demam :

Anti Piretika : Paracetamol 10 mg/KgBB/dosis PO (Per Oral / lewat mulut) diberikan 3-4 kali sehari.

Kompres ; suhu >39º C dengan air hangat, suhu > 38º C dengan air biasa.

* Pengobatan penyebab : antibiotika diberikan sesuai indikasi dengan penyakit dasarnya.

* Penanganan sportif lainnya meliputi : bebaskan jalan nafas, pemberian oksigen, memberikan keseimbangan air dan elektrolit, pertimbangkan keseimbangan tekanan darah.

2. Pencegahan Kejang

* Pencegahan berkala (intermiten) untuk kejang demam sederhana dengan Diazepam 0,3 mg/KgBB/dosis PO (Per Oral / lewat mulut) dan anti piretika pada saat anak menderita penyakit yang disertai demam.

* Pencegahan kontinu untuk kejang demam komplikata dengan Asam vaproat 15-40 mg/KgBB/dosis PO (per oral / lewat mulut) dibagi dalam 2-3 dosis.


Mereka yang berisiko menderita epilepsi adalah anak-anak yang lahir dari keluarga yang mempunyai riwayat epilepsi. Selain juga anak-anak dengan kelainan neurologis sebelum kejang pertama datang, baik dengan atau tanpa demam.

Anak yang sering kejang memang berpotensi menderita epilepsi. Tapi jangan khawatir, anak yang menderita epilepsi, kecuali yang lahir dengan kelainan atau gangguan pertumbuhan, bisa tumbuh dan berkembang seperti anak-anak lainnya. Prestasi belajar mereka tidak kalah dengan anak yang normal.

Jadi, kita tak perlu mengucilkan anak epilepsi karena dia bisa berkembang normal seperti anak-anak lainnya. “Yang penting, ia tertangani dengan baik. Biasanya kalau anak itu sering kejang, dokter akan memberi obat yang bisa menjaganya supaya jangan sampai kejang lagi.

Pada anak epilepsi, fokus perawatannya adalah jangan sampai terjadi kejang lagi. Untuk itu, perlu kontrol, paling tidak setiap 3 bulan agar monitoring dari dokter berjalan terus.”

Urine Therapy (air kencing)

Urine Therapy (air kencing)
1. Collect Midstream Urine in a Clean Cup or Container
A dean glass or clear plastic container is best for collecting the urine. In the research studies, urine is usually collected by means of a "clean catch" in which the genital area is cleansed before collecting the urine. This is important for women in particular when using urine therapy internally and can be done by simply washing with a little soap and water. Collect the midstream urine only. You can take along pre-packaged clean catch kits which include a sterile cup and antiseptic paper towelettes for c
2. Always Use Fresh Urine Immediately Upon Collection
Urine breaks down quickly outside the body so use it internally as soon as you collect it. If you are going to use it for external use only, this isn't as important, as you can use either fresh or old urine for most external applications.
3. Begin With Oral Drops Then Increase Dosage As Needed
Once you've read the book and are ready to begin using the therapy,
Start by taking a only few drops each day in order to let your body adjust gradually.
Fill a clean medicine dropper from the cup of urine and place one or two drops under your tongue. This method lets you get used to the taste slowly and will still give you health benefits. You. can slowly increase and adjust the amount later when you've determined what amount is right for your condition.
1. Start by taking 1-5 drops of morning urine on the first day.
2. The second day, take 5-10 drops in the morning.
3. Third day, take 5-10 drops m the morning, and the same amount in the evening before you go to bed.
4. Once you feel accustomed to the therapy, gradually increase the amount as needed for obtaining results for your condition. As you use the therapy, you will learn to adjust the amount you need by observing your reactions to the therapy. More information on dosage is given further on in this chapter.
4. Do Not Boil Or Dilute The Urine
Research studies show that boiling urine destroys many oi its medicinal properties, so when taking it internally, use it only in its fresh, natural form. Research studies have also shown that diluting urine (or urea) decreases its antibacterial activity, so rather than diluting it in juice or water to get accustomed to using it.
5. Homeopathic Urine
The importance of using urine collected at the beginning or height of acute symptoms of illness, particularly infections and allergies, has been suggested by some researchers, because this urine contains the greatest amount of antibodies and immune-defense agents with which the body is already fighting the illness. A homeopathic preparation preserves this potent first-stage-illness urine and can then be used throughout the duration of the illness. Homeopathic urine is also excellent for children. For those
6. Monitor And Balance Your Ph
pH refers to the acid/alkaline condition of the body. The body is normally mildly acidic, and maintaining the proper pH is crucial in urine therapy. pH values naturally change throughout the day. Morning urine is generally more acidic than mid-day urine, and pH also changes in response to diet - in general, foods like meats, coffee, alco- hol, milk, eggs and beans make the body more acidic while most fruits and vegetables have an. alkaline effect. (See Appendix for a more complete listing of add/alkaline f

It's extremely important to monitor your pH levels during urine therapy because if your urine is too alkaline, it may decrease its antibacterial activity. On the other hand, if the urine is consistently excessively acidic, urine therapy could create too much of an acid burden in your body. In this case, make certain that your diet is primarily alkaline-promoting foods, so that you are balancing your pH and not adding to your body's acid burden through ingesting extremely acidic urine. Also, if you have a s

7. Do not use urine therapy if you are pregnant without a doctor's supervision:
Although pregnant women have been treated with successfully urine therapy for morning sicimess or edema, the therapy should not be used during pregnancy without the supervision of a doctor familiar with the medical use of urine. Doctors have reported that they have used urine therapy for morning sickness in pregnancy with excellent results, but there are reports of two spontaneous abortions which occurred after urine therapy treatments (Dunne and Plesch), possibly because of the natural release of toxins w

Fertility: On the other hand, if you're trying to get pregnant, several successful fertility drugs such as Pergonai are made from urine extracts and a few women have reported to me that they feel urine therapy helped them to conceive. The best and safest method in this case is to use urine therapy for a certain time period (six months) before trying to conceive and to discontinue its use during the days that you're attempting to conceive. You can use urine diagnostic tests to determine when you're ovulatin

Urine Therapy and Drugs: In the past I have recommended that you do not use urine therapy if you are taking any type of drugs or are a heavy smoker, alcohol user or coffee drinker. However, new research has come to my attention that shows that urine therapy can be beneficial under all of these conditions. Dr. William Hitt, an American doctor who actually has urine therapy clinics in Mexico, has reported to me that he has treated 20,000 patients in a 2 ? year period with urine therapy injections. These pati

8. Improve Your Diet & Avoid Meat When Using Urine Therapy Intensively Before Fasting
In general, your diet should consist of balanced amounts oi whole grains, fresh vegetables and small amounts of lean meats and fish. If you are eating large amounts of refined foods, sugar, soda, coffee, etc. you will not get the full benefits of urine therapy and, depending on how poor your diet is, you may experience unpleasant symptoms of headache, nausea, etc., as your body regulates and expels undesirable elements. If you're only using a few oral drops of urine or ingesting one or two ounces once a da

9. Detoxifying Symptoms
When you first begin urine therapy, you may initially experience symptoms such as headache, nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, or skin rashes. In many of the research studies in Chapter 4, the doctors often observed such symptoms in their patients, which are the body's natural responses as stored toxins from illness and disorders are excreted and removed from the body. These symptoms normally disappear within 24 to 36 hours. Also, by starting your therapy with a few oral drops, you may avoid or lessen the severi

10. Children
Several research studies, such as those done by Drs. Krebs, Piesch, Duncan, Lewis and Dunne, deal specifically with the treatment of children with urme therapy. The easiest internal form of the therapy for children is oral drops of the child's own freSh urine. As mentioned in the studies, for acute flu, colds, viral infections, measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc., small frequent oral doses of 1-10 drops during illness have been shown to be very effective. For allergies, the research studies indicate that sev

Maintenance Dose
A daily mamtenance dose is usually considered by those who use urine therapy regularly to be one to two ounces of morning midstream urine. but this dose may also be as little as 5-10 drops per day, or every other day, depending on your individual condition and needs. Many lifetime users of urine therapy such as the former prime minister of India, have commented that regular use of urine therapy noticeably assists in main-taining energy levels, reducing aging and in preventing illness.

Severe, Acute And Chronic Illnesses
For those with chronic or severe illnesses such as cancer, some urine therapy users such as John Armstrong strongly recommend ingesting as much urine as you pass or as much as possible during the day for several days, however, much smaller doses have also been reported to be effective. If you are ingesting large amounts, fasting or sharply decreasing your solid food intake during this time reduces the burden on the .kidneys and allows the body to use more energy for healing, rather than digestion. It would

Rest, Rest, Rest
Once you have healed .a serious illness and achieved improved health, continue the practice of a daily maintenance dose of urine therapy and a good diet. Also, never allow yourself to become consistently exhausted or overtired. Consistent proper rest is much more crucial to health than most people realize. And once you have recovered fit>m a majorillness, you must be extremely vigilant in getting abundant rest and relaxation. I have seen many instances in which people completely cure them-selves of even 'i

Assiduous urine therapy can give you such renewed vigor and energy, that it's easy to become overconfident and overdo, which, is not a huge problem for normal people. But for people recovering from major illnesses, exhaustion can pose a life-long threat, so protect your new-found health and your natural immune defenses with lots of rest, fresh air, moderate exercise and minimized stress.

Kidney Disorders
If you have a history or presence of a kidney infection, limit the initial amount of oral urine therapy you take to small doses such as 1-5 drops once or twice a day, or use a homeopathic dilution as described in the section on. Homeopathy and Urine Therapy in this chapter. Decrease or eliminate meat ingestion. and acid-forming foods before beginning the therapy. Also, check your acidity levels with pH strips, and begin urine therapy when your acid levels have normalized or decreased substantially.

In the clinical research studies done on urine therapy and allergies, practitioners such as Dunne and Wilson used oral drops with excellent' results. Refer to these studies for directions and again, begin with one or two drops and then gradually increase the number of drops, or as Wilson suggests, take the drops until you can no longer sense the urine taste or temperature. If you know what your allergies are, take the drops before eating a food that you're allergic to; if you don't know what you're allergi

Food Poisoning
Several of the research studies show that urea is a proven anti-bacterial agent (Drs. Schlegel, Kaye, Weinstein etc.), and urine has been found to contain antibodies to food contaminants such as salmonella bacteria in infected individuals (Lemer and Remington). Begin by taking 1-5 drops. Increase dosage as tolerated.

Fasting on urine is an excellent therapy that can produce extraordinary results, especially for intractable diseases and tough chronic conditions, but always work into a fast slowly. Begin with oral drops for two to three weeks, increase your dosage to 1-3 ounces during the next two or three weeks, and begin fasting the following week. Eliminate all meat intake at least three days before the fast. When I first started urine therapy, I was so seriously ill with so many different conditions and in such extre

Homeopathy and Urine Therapy
In the course of using urine therapy, I found that combining the therapy with homeopathic medicines in particular can produce incredible results, even for the toughest, most stubborn chronic conditions. Severely weakened, debilitated, chronically ill individuals often develop extreme sensitivities to ordinarily helpful herbal, vitamin, mineral and other medicinal preparations, but are able to tolerate homeopathic medidnes very well. Homeopathic medicines are simply extremely diluted natural sub-stances suc

Homeopathic Urine
Dr. Nancy Dunne, the allergy researcher, reported that her colleague, Dr. Fife, used urine in the form of a homeopathic dilution with excellent results. Homeopathic urine is excellent for children and may be helpful to those with extreme sensitivities. It also provides a means of preserving urine collected during the first stages or the onset of illness, at,which time the urinary antibodies and iinmune defense agents are most reported to be most numerous and active. Pre-prepared homeopathic urea can also b

Dr. Dunne reported that the following procedi.ire for preparing a homeopathic dose oi urme was used by Dr. Fife, and had produced remarkable healing:
1. To 5 mis (1/6 of an ounce) of distilled water in a sterile bottle add one drop of fresh urine.
2. Cap the bottle and shake vigorously 50 times (this is the first dilution).
3. Take one drop of this mix and add to another 5 mis (1/6 oz.) of distilled water; shake 50 times.
4. Take one drop of this mix and add to 5 mis (1/6 oz.) of 80 to 90 proof vodka which acts as a preservative.
5. Place three drops under the tongue hourly until there is obvious improvement or temporary exacerbation of symptoms. As improvement progresses, lengthen the interval between treatments. After 3 days, suspend treatment to avoid pushing the immune system. Treatment is resumed if progress remains static or relapse occurs.

For beginners who feel unsure about how to use homeopathy, the best book I have found as an overall introduction to self-care through home-opathy is The Fanfily Guide to Homeopathy, Symptoms and Natural Solutions, by Dr. Andrew Lockje. This is a tremendously comprehensive self-help guide which introduces the fundamentals of how the body functions, how and why specific illnesses and disorders are contracted, and what homeopathic remedies will best augment the body's natural healing. This book is an extraord

External Use
Skin Applications
Applying urine to the skin is an excellent treatment for every imaginable type of skin disorder including all rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. The urea in urine, as the research studies demonstrated, is also excellent for cosmetic use as an overall skin beautifier and moisturizer.
1. Use either fresh or old urine for skin applications, although old urine has a higher ammonia content and has been found to be more effective in treating many stubborn skin disorders such as eczema or psoriasis.
2. When treating skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, etc. pour a small amount of urine onto a cotton ball or pad and pat or massage it lightly onto the affected area, making sure that the area is well saturated.
3. Discard the pad and saturate another clean pad with fresh urine and reapply, lightly patting and soaking the affected area. Continue reapplying in this manner for 5-10 minutes or as many times as desired - the more that the affected area is treated, the better.
4. Secure a clean soaked pad to the affected area with a gauze or cotton ~vrap and leave secured for several hours for additional healing. These urine packs are also incredibly effective for any type of insect sting, bite or poison oak or ivy. (See Urine Packs and Compresses).
5. Another method is to pour old or fresh urine into clean, plastic spray bottle and spray the rash, eczema, etc.

Skin Massages
Always augment your use of oral urine therapy with skin massages particuJariy on the face, neck and feet John Armstrong recommended this practice especially when fasting for an acute condition, and people who use it, swear by it. These massages have a tonifying, refreshing, relaxing effect and are said to allow for gradual absorption of urine nutrients through the skin. Pour either old or fresh urine into a wide, shallow container and dip your hands into the liquid. Shake off excess, then vigorously massag

1. For cosmetic use or moisturizing, pour a very small amount of nor mal fresh urine or urme which has been stored, for a day or two into your hand and massage lightly into the skin until dry; then pour additional urine into your hand, massage it into another area of the skin until dry and so on.
2. Rinse well with warm water when completed, but wash without soap. Your skin is naturally slightly addic, and this natural aridity is usually destroyed by soaps which are all alkaline and diminish the skin's natural protective add mantle.
3. You can apply a moLsturizer after the massage, but make sure that it's a simple, natural one that doesn't contain lot of drying alcohol or other chemicals. Also, you can add a few drops of urine to a small amount of your moisturizing cream each time you apply the cream.
As the research studies show, urea replenishes the water content of the skin because it binds hydrogen and attracts moisture to the skin in a way that no mineral oil or glycerin-based lotions or creams can.
You 'll be absolutely amazed at the softness and beauty of your skin after even one treatment with a urine massage. Old dead skin immediately flakes away, and your skin becomes wonderfully soft, rosy and with time, even wrinkles will disappear. Urine massages have also been reported to eliminate varicose veins and cysts.

Urine Packs And Compresses
Skin Disorders
Urine packs give added healing to skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, athlete's foot, ringworm, poison ivy and oak, etc. in addition to urine massages and soaks;
1. Soak gauze bandages or cotton balls m fresh or old urine and place them over the affected areas.
2. Cover the urine pack with light plastic (like Saran-wrap) and tie in place with gauze strips.
3. Try to keep the pack on as long as possible, especially with more, severe conditions. Add additional urine to the pack with a medicine dropper every few hours to keep the pack wet.

Bites And Stings
Urine packs are tremendously useful and effective for relieving the discomfort of all insect bites and stings.
When I first moved to Arizona, I was stung on the foot by a scorpion. My foot immediately swelled to almost double its size and was unbelievably painhil. I dragged myself into the house, applied a soaked urine pack and tied it in place. Within 15 minutes, the pain had disap-peared and the swelling had lessened considerably. I kept the pack on overnight, and when I removed it in the morning, the swelling and redness had completely disappeared. The pain and irritation of bee stings and mosquito bites is also

Snake Bite
Urine packs should also be used immediately for poisonous snake bites. Follow emergency first-aid instructions to inrise the wound and remove venom, if possible. Then apply fresh normal urine to the wound and secure a well-soaked urine pack over it. Keep pack wet until medical help can be obtained.

Growths And Tumors
Armstrong reported in great length on the remarkable effects of urine compresses in reducing and eradicating a wide variety of internal and external tumors, cysts and abnormal growths.
1. Compresses should be used in combination with internal urine therapy for treating any type of abnormal growth.
2. In preparing a compress, use a thick pad of clean white folded cotton material (such as an old T-shirt).
3. Soak the pad in a container of fresh or old urine. Warm the urine by pouring it into a glass container, then place the jar in a container of hot water. While lying down, place wet compress over the affected area and cover with a clean folded towel. Keep the compress applied for as long as possible, reapplying warm urine as needed to keep the compress wet. Urine compresses have also been reported to be effective for many internal disturbances and for arthritic and rheumatic pains.

Wounds, Burns And Abrasions
As so many research and clinical studies have shown, urea is a tremen-dously effective anti-bacterial agent and an excellent healing treatment for wounds and burns of all types. Use fresh, normal urine for treating open wounds.
1. Saturate a thick gauze bandage or cotton pad with fresh urine, place it over the wound or bum and secure it with additional gauze; cover with plastic or soft towel to prevent leakage.
2. Reapply fresh urine with clean medidne dropper directly onto the existing inside compress. Reapply fresh compress as often as possible. Urine is also known to prevent scarring, so keep the urine pack applied as long or as often as possible until healing is complete. Many people have applied urine compresses to burns and cuts with amazing results. The pain is quickly relieved and the burn or wound heals rapidly without scarring.

Eye And Nose Drops
There are reports from people who have used urme drops for both eye and nose drops, for relief of eye itching or inflammation, or for nasal congestion. In both cases, make certain that you are using fresh, clear, normal urine only and that the acidity factor of the urine is normal (see previous section on Monitoring Your pH in this chapter). Also, make certain that the eye dropper you use for the eye drops is sterilized. A compress of fresh normal urine is also excellent for external eye inflammations such

1. Can my doctor administer urea, as the researchers in the studies did?
The urine extract, urea, is FDA approved and can be administered by your doctor. A Physician's Guide to Your Own Perfect Medicine is available if your doctors would like additional information contained in the research studies on the clinical application of urea. As the research studies indicate, oral or injected urea has been shown to be extremely effective and safe in treating cases where excess fluid production is a problem (see pgs. 99-103). Urea's anti-bacterial, anti-viral and diuretic properties. Us

2. What about urine injections?
Many people have asked me about the efficacy of urine injections, and as you've seen, many of the research studies presented in Chapter 4 utilized injections of urine as part of the therapy. But doctors have also used oral urine or urea therapy in non-emergency cases with equally good results and urine injections have the reported side effect of occasional redness and sweJling at the site of the injection which doesn't occur, of course, with oral therapy. Oral urine therapy also allows for slower applicati

Gradual introduction of urine therapy, or any medical therapy is always important, but even more so if you have a history of poor nutrition or chronic, serious illnesses which weaken the body and promote poisons and toxins in the system. Introducing a new therapy too rapidly places a strain on an ah-eady weakened system and can cause a sudden release of toxins that may make you feel ill unnecessarily. As clinical studies have demonstrated, oral urine or urea can be fust as effective for non-emergency cases
For more information on Dr. Hitt's clinics call 1-800-80Q-8849.

4. Can too much uric acid or urea be harmful?
As several of the dinical studies showed, urea, even in large doses, has been found to be harmless to the body, Researchers, (Urea - New Use of An Old Agent), reported that they safely administered urea daily to several patients for a period ranging from several day» to weeks, and in some cases, even several months, without any side effects, in doses ranging from 100 mg. per kilogram of body weight to as much as 600 mg. per kilogram of body weight. Decaux, et. al, (5-Year Treatment of SIADH with Oral Urea)

Use oral drops to begin; start with 1-2 drops once a day, and gradually increase to 5-10 drops two to four times a day, for one to three weeks, depending on your need. Monitor your pH levels and your symptoms (see symptoms of addosis in this chapter). You can also dilute the urine in water, or use a homeopathic preparation of your urine.

5. How long should i use urine therapy?
The amount of time needed to achieve results with urine therapy is different for every person and each condition. Many people have found that chronic, long-standing complaints require a longer period of time to heal, while others experience rapid resuite. Logically speaking, it probably depends on the condition, of your body's immune hunctions, ability to repair itself, amount of damage to the body that has been sustained during illness, etc.

In general, do not use large amounts of urine infernally for more than two to three weeks at a time. Once you have achieved solid results at whatever dose you're taking, begin decreasing the amount and number of days that you use the therapy internally, and use only a maintenance dose from. then on, unless you come down with a cold, infection, etc., at which time you would increase your dosage amount and frequency during the period of illness. A maintenance dose for many people is one to two ounces of morn

6. Can I do diagnostic urine tests at home?
There are several excellent urine testing kits that have been developed in the last few years that can be used at home and can save you an amazing amount of time and money. Now you can perform many of the same urine tests at home that your doctor performs in hia office. Also, these tests are particularly helpful when using urine therapy because you can monitor your own health progress easily and inexpensively. The booklet. Simple Diagnostic Tests You Can Do at Home gives a wide range of information. on wha

8. Can pets be treated with urine therapy?
Many of the research tests on urine recycling have been undertaken with animals, and vetermarians have used urine therapy for treatment by catherizing the arumal and administering oral urine drops with reportedly good results.

Urine home test strips are available to test for these conditions and many others:
o Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections
o Diabetes
o Blood in the urine
o Pregnancy
o Ovulation
o Liver Function

You can purchase these strips in drug- stores or they are available by catalog
Remember to begin your treatment slowly with a few oral drops and increase the amount to a well-tolerated dosage. Make sure that you're eating well and decreasing your meat intake as you increase your urine intake. Do not use the therapy while ingesting heavy amounts of nicotine, caffeine or while using recreational drugs or therapeutic drugs than small amounts. If you do decide to use it, however, use only very small amounts (3-5 drops 1x day.) Frequent small doses of one to three ounces for two to three
The Do's And Don'ts of Urine Therapy (UT)

1. Start with small amounts and work up to larger amounts gradually for internal use.
2. Use only fresh, urine internally.
3. Test your pH to make certain that you are not overly acidic before using the therapy and continue to monitor your pH periodically during internal use of UT.

Do not:
1. Rush into the therapy with large amounts.
2. Do Not combine urine therapy with a starvation diet (or fasting) unless you have been using the therapy for at least two months.
3. Do Not continue to work while fasting on UT. If you are ingesting large amounts of UT and fasting, you must rest and relax in order to avoid possibly stressing the kidneys.
4. Do Not ingest large amounts while eating a consistently acidic diet.

Cup of urine a day keeps ailments at bay

Cup of urine a day keeps ailments at bay
Thu Sep 2, 2004 11:11 AM ET

BANGKOK (AFP) - Drinking urine can eliminate sinus trouble, turn grey hair black and even cure cancer, a Thai academic said, citing a study of local Buddhists who engage in the unorthodox practice.

Ratree Cheepudomwit, of the Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Development Department, said hundreds of urine drinkers attested that consuming a daily cup worked wonders for their overall health and helped slow the ageing process.

She said that in June she queried 250 members of Santi Asoke, a strict indigenous Buddhist movement believed to have thousands of followers, and 204 respondents said they had learned from ancient Buddhist manucripts that drinking one's urine improved health.

Of the respondents, 87 percent confirmed that it had head-to-toe benefits for them, including for example reduction of dandruff, grey hair, sinus problems and cancer," Ratree told AFP.

The medical elixir was not easy on everyone's system, as about one in 10 urine drinkers suffered diarrhea afterwards, but the practice should not be viewed with disgust, she said.

Other groups of people who drank urine were Buddhist monks who practised in accordance to scriptures which are more than 2,500 years old," she said.

- Healing with Urine Therapy -

The ancient Ayurvedic practice of urine therapy is undergoing a resurgence, as its myriad health benefits are being explored by scientists, health practitioners and the general public.


We are in a very magical era: all around us, on all levels, we are witnessing the connection between the East and the West, the ancient and the modern, spiritual heritage and science. We are so truly fortunate to be living in such an exciting time, and to be able to watch in awe the way life unfolds before our very eyes. Modern scientific research is discovering today that ancient spiritual ideas come very close to today's most recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics and vibrational healing meth

One such powerful practice for healing that is continuing to flourish today is Shivambu Shastra, respected for thousands of years as the "Mother of Ayurvedic Medicine" and commonly known as "Self-Urine Therapy". Shivambu means literally "Water of Shiva", referring to the auspiciousness of the practice. Its "method of drinking urine for rejuvenation" is outlined in the Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi, part of a 5,000-year-old document called the Damar Tantra, linking this practice back to the Vedas, the sacred Hindu t

There is something esoteric about urine. It is considered to be a supernatural, living food because it is a by-product of the blood and contains "life force" or prana. Using urine as a therapeutic tool mirrors to us the "healer within" who works on a mechanistic level as well as on an energetic level. This implies that urine, as a holographic substance, has the ability to affect all levels of being--from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler vibrat

Urine is considered to be an invaluable source of nourishment and healing that perhaps has been too controversial or not financially rewarding enough for it to be talked about and encouraged as a potent medicine. One's own urine, a living food, contains elements that are specific to one's body alone. The body is constantly producing a huge variety of antibodies, hormones, enzymes and other natural chemicals to regulate and control its functions and combat imbalances that one may not be aware of.

Clinical studies have proved that the thousands of critical body chemicals and nutrients that end up in urine reflect the individual body's functions. When re-utilised, these chemicals and nutrients act as natural vaccines, antibacterial, antiviral and anticarcinogenic agents as well as hormone balancers and allergy relievers. The information that urine contains therefore cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. Just as nature produces no two people who are exactly the same, there are no two


Urine is not a dirty and toxic substance rejected by the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. Medically it is referred to as "plasma ultrafiltrate". It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys--whose principal function is not excretion but regulation of all the elements and their concentrations in the blood. Urine can be compared to leftovers from a meal, and this metaphor may help us understand why our bodies excrete elements that are valuable to

Nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver where toxins are removed to be excreted as solid waste. Eventually, this purified "clean" blood undergoes a filtering process in the kidneys, where excess water, salts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antibodies, urea, uric acid and other elements not usable at that time by the body are collected in the form of a purified, sterile, watery solution that is urine. The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in the blood balanced. The important eleme


Urine is estimated to have thousands of biochemical compounds, but only 200 or so have been studied. It contains an incredible array of critically important nutrients, enzymes, hormones, natural antibodies and immune defence agents.

Some of these components are well worth further consideration--such as allantoin (also found in comfrey, known as "bone-knit", and in aloe vera, which guards against sunburn); the amino acid creatinine (popular with body-builders); DHEA hormone (proven by research to have anti-ageing, anticancer and anti-obesity properties); melatonin (known for its calming effect while strengthening the physical body and immunity); and sex hormones such as testosterone, androgen and oestrogen.

In view of such an array of ingredients, it is easier to understand urine's antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antineoplastic, anticonvulsive and antispasmodic effects.

Dr A. H. Free published in his book, Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, a list of constituents which in 1975 was by no means exhaustive:
¥ Alanine
¥ Arginine
¥ Ascorbic acid
¥ Allantoin
¥ Amino acids
¥ Bicarbonate
¥ Biotin
¥ Calcium
¥ Creatinine
¥ Cystine
¥ Dopamine
¥ Epinephrine
¥ Folic acid
¥ Glucose
¥ Glutamic acid
¥ Glycine
¥ Inositol
¥ Iodine
¥ Iron
¥ Lysine
¥ Magnesium
¥ Manganese
¥ Methionine
¥ Nitrogen
¥ Ornithine
¥ Pantothenic acid
¥ Phenylalanine
¥ Phosphorus, organic
¥ Potassium
¥ Proteins, total
¥ Riboflavin
¥ Tryptophan
¥ Tyrosine
¥ Urea
¥ Vitamin B6
¥ Vitamin B12
¥ Zinc
32 mg/day
30 mg/day
12 mg/day
2.1 g/day
140 mg/day
35 mg/day
23 mg/day
1.4 mg/day
120 mg/day
0.40 mg/day
0.01 mg/day
4 mg/day
100 mg/day
308 mg/day
455 mg/day
14 mg/day
0.25 mg/day
0.5 mg/day
56 mg/day
100 mg/day
0.5 mg/day
10 mg/day
15 g/day
10 mg/day
3 mg/day
9 mg/day
2.5 mg/day
5 mg/day
0.9 mg/day
28 mg/day
50 mg/day
24.5 mg/day
100 mg/day
0.03 mg/day
1.4 mg/day


Anything that was in the blood cannot be harmful to the person that it came from. Besides, when taken internally, the urine does not go straight into the bloodstream but travels through the digestive system, where its constituents are sorted out. The useful ones are used up again, while others are rejected as solid waste. When the level of toxins in the blood increases, this stimulates the intestines and the lymphatic system into flushing themselves out to eliminate any stagnated excrements accumulated in

Studies on urea, considered the poisonous organic solid in urine, have shown it is converted into an essential amino acid once it is recycled by ingestion, helping our bodies use protein more efficiently. Urea has also been proven to be an extraordinarily effective antibacterial and antiviral agent, one of the best natural diuretics and one of the most effective skin moisturisers ever discovered. Urea actually increases the water-binding capacity of the skin by opening skin layers for hydrogen bonding and

Even uric acid, normally thought of as a waste product that can cause gout, has tremendous medicinal implications, such as acting as a defence against cancer and ageing by actively destroying free radicals.

Urokinase, an enzyme also found in urine, is used in drug form to dissolve blood clots and is widely used for unblocking coronary arteries in victims of heart attacks.

One of the world's largest fertility drug producing companies makes use of the ovulation-enhancing hormone in human urine to make Pergonal, reported to have had US $855 million in sales in 1992 (a figure that has continued to increase since then).

More examples of commercial medical applications of urine and urea in use today include: Murine Ear Drops and Murine Ear Wax Removal System; Ureaphil, a diuretic made from urea; Urofollotropin, a urine-extract fertility drug; Ureacin, a urea cream for skin problems; Amino-Cerv, a urea cream used for cervical treatments; Premarin, a urine-extract oestrogen for skin ulcers, burns, infected wounds, and other purposes.


Most urine therapists have never sought a scientific explanation for why or how it works; their own experiences have proven to be more than sufficient. However, as modern medicine's interest in the powerful healing aspects of Shivambu Shastra grows, more research is being undertaken and a lot is being revealed to substantiate scientifically the therapy's very rich history in healing.

Ayurveda considers disease to be caused by a shift in the internal metabolic balance, manifested as the five elements of aether, air, fire, water and earth in that individual. To create health involves rebalancing that unique metabolism to attain elemental equilibrium.

In scientific terms, one can consider self-urine therapy as an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur, as auto-inoculation or self-vaccination. Certain bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of an imbalance, are re-introduced into the body in small amounts and re-absorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin.
This gives the immune system all the information that it needs and the chance to react appropriately to achieve homeostasis.

Coen van der Kroon, in his book The Golden Fountain, proposes what he calls the "transmutation theory" for the underlying mechanics of Shivambu Shastra. His proposal is coherent in terms of the visible shift in recent times from reductionism to holism in scientific research. The theory implies that the body is capable, through energy exchange, to "short-circuit" the system by ingesting its own secreted body fluids to stimulate the transmutational forces within and challenge the body to transform unusable s

The medical doctor and urine therapist Dr Johann Abele puts it as such:
...the question rises as to whether urine could possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid hologram. Once the body is made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection or by ingesting it), the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms...

An important aspect of this theory is the concept of "structured water". Both the body and urine are mainly made up of water, in varying degrees of molecular organisation. The more water molecules are organised, the more efficiently enzymes responsible for digestion, absorption and transmutation can do their job.

It has been proven that water molecules in biological systems become more organised through exposure to sunlight and through close contact with crystals. The body is a receptor of sunlight and contains a high amount of solid and liquid crystalline-like substances; indeed, body fluids themselves form fluid crystals.

Urine itself is a crystalline-like substance containing a high amount of structured water, and when retaken it promotes a better enzymatic functioning and higher solubility for minerals, thus improving health and increasing energy reserves. Seeing urine as a liquid crystal implies that it contains vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body it comes from. Re-ingestion might give the body valuable vibrational information needed for two things: first, for maintaining the existing

The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the body or more easily adaptable by it. This can be described as "modern alchemy", and it resonates with the principles of homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy refers to a therapeutic method which clinically applies the "law of similars" and uses medically active substances at infinitesimal doses and never at full strength, where the original substance has undergone a dilution process. When the body is given a homoeopathic remedy, it is stimulated into action not because of the physical or chemical nature of the substance but because of the energetic nature that is received through new vibratory information.

Isopathy is another valid hypothesis worth considering. Once microbes have evolved in the blood to a pathogenic level, then de-evolving them back to a stage where they are less harmful would facilitate recovery. The primary way to do this is through diet to rebalance the pH in the blood. But in severe cases, the process can be accelerated biologically, as demonstrated by Professor Enderlein's results from his research on the development life cycle of the internal parasite. A rather evolved pathogenic micro

Allergy treatment illustrates this method quite well. By using the same substance that is causing the allergy and reintroducing it to the body, the immune system is allowed to develop antibodies to the antigen receptors found in the urine to stop the allergic response.


To begin with, Dr Beatrice Bartnett (author of Urine Therapy - It May Save Your Life) suggests making a prayer, thanking our bodies for providing us with this divine elixir, and drinking the urine slowly, willingly and with cheerfulness! This is all very well, considering that most people who start drinking urine find the taste much too sour, bitter or pungent and the odour way too strong. Even if the urine is diluted, they may experience nausea, headaches and other strong reactions before they get used to

Martha Christy (author of Your Own Perfect Medicine) suggests not taking copious amounts of water to flush out the kidneys, as this dilutes the healing properties of the urine.

It is good to remember that urine is a mere sample of what is flowing through the body's veins, and any repulsion should be used as a motivation to improve the internal conditions rather than as an excuse for not using this miraculous therapy for creating health.

Urine is actually less toxic and more alive than much of the food and drink that we take into our bodies, which somehow manage to digest the junk foods and devitalised liquids and still produce a valuable, medicinal drink. However, how much more valuable for medicinal and cleansing purposes if the urine is the product of a body fed healthy, natural, organic and raw foods?

Drinking urine makes us think seriously about what we eat. Since it is a by-product of the blood, it makes sense that the cleaner the blood is, the healthier the urine will be. But even urine from relatively unhealthy blood contains valuable immunological factors that can improve health if recycled. Urine drinking's cleansing effect on the blood can be observed by the change in taste and the colour of the urine: as it is more and more recycled, it becomes purer and clearer. If one has difficulty urinating-

Ingesting more toxic substances in the body, however, may neutralise the good effects of self-urine therapy. So it is recommended that anyone embarking on the therapy give up tobacco in all forms and restrict consumption of cold drinks, spices, fried foods, junk foods, refined foods and sugars as much as possible. Above all, it is best to avoid alcohol, meat and coffee as well as recreational drugs. It is also advisable to follow a low-salt, low-protein diet.

Like all other natural therapies, this is not a treatment that needs to be stopped after the relief of certain symptoms, but can be incorporated into one's health regime. More subtle, yet very real effects of this therapy as a lifestyle choice include feeling stronger, more relaxed, more self-confident, invigorated and generally happier and lighter emotionally and physically.


The middle stream of fresh, warm, morning urine is the most potent, and drinking it mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice is probably the fastest way to accomplish this task, although it is best not to mix urine with other foods or drinks or to take it within an hour before or after eating.

Oral drops of fresh urine can be placed directly under the tongue. Urine therapists suggest their patients start with 1 drop; 5 drops of fresh morning urine on the first day, increase to 5; 10 drops on the second day, and take 5;10 drops on the morning of the third day and the same amount that evening before going to bed. Once patients feel comfortable with this therapy, they can gradually increase the amount as they see fit to obtain the results required for their body's condition. Over time, they can lea

Self-urine may be used as eye drops and ear drops, in foot baths and even as effective enemas. Nose drops can help loosen mucus and clear up blocked nasal passages. Gargling with it is helpful for a sore throat, and inhaling it relieves sinus and respiratory congestion. Taken internally, it has a laxative and diuretic effect, as it cleanses the digestive tract.

Dr John Armstrong (author of The Water of Life) emphasises the need to massage with urine. He insists that cures work faster and more effectively in those who are bathed, massaged, rubbed and soaked in their own urine. He highly recommends it for more serious illnesses, since urine is absorbed through the skin and the hormonal and protein-based contents are slowly reabsorbed into the system, bypassing digestive juices that otherwise may have neutralised their potency. In this way, it also works as an exce


Can a woman drink her urine during her menses?
Yes, and although the urethra and the vagina are two separate organs, there is nothing in the menstrual fluid that can harm a person if it is accidentally mixed with urine.

Can a person drink their urine while on medications?
The short answer is no, because of the remote possibility of overdosing on any particular medication by recycling the portion of what is discharged in urine. However, hormone, vitamin and mineral supplements can be taken while drinking urine, as long as the intake is frequently monitored and the amounts reduced accordingly as the imbalance improves.

In what cases can Shivambu Shastra be used?
Regarded truly as a "panacea", Shivambu Shastra is said to be effective in over 175 health conditions. Diagnosis plays no practical part in the therapy, since the urine sample reflects so perfectly the individual's most intimate details about the state of their health. In fact, it works brilliantly on the more subtle health imbalances that are very real, yet often too evasive to label medically. Urine can be massaged topically for the most chronic and stubborn skin problems, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis

Why does urine therapy seem ineffective in some cases?
There are times when there is a chronic deficiency of one or several minerals, and in such cases there is none of that mineral in the urine; therefore, although the general health and other metabolic imbalances in that person improve, that particular problem may remain the same. For instance, a diabetic person may need to take chromium for the cells to use blood sugar and vanadium to produce insulin. These supplements may be necessary to eradicate diabetes or any other blood sugar problem that is not corre


Although much attention has been focused on many elements in urine and their potential for medical use, comprehensive research has not yet been conducted on urine as a total entity that is therapeutically applied. Still to be proven are the theories regarding how and why urine therapy works--so let us welcome and support the scientific community that is interested in undertaking studies using urine as a total entity. More than 600 scientists--many of whom believe that human urine can treat everything fro

Author's Note:The material in this paper is not intended to replace medical treatments. It is an attempt to broaden the awareness of Shivambu Shastra. Readers interested in Self-Urine Therapy are encouraged to discuss it with their health practitioner.

¥ Armstrong, John (Dr), The Water of Life, Health Science Press, Rupa and Co., 1990.
¥ Bartnett, Beatrice (Dr), Urine Therapy - It May Save Your Life, Lifestyle Institute, 1994.
¥ Christy, Martha M., Your Own Perfect Medicine, Futuremed, 1996.
¥ Desai, Morarji, Miracles of Urine Therapy, Pankaj Books, 1998.
¥ Free, A. H. (Dr), Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, CRC Press, Cleveland, 1975.
¥ Van der Kroon, Coen, The Golden Fountain: The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy, Amethyst Books, 1996.

About the Author:
Natalia Perera has a BA in Psychology and an MA in International Relations from the University of New South Wales in Sydney. She studied mind-body medicine and natural therapies at Nature Care College, Sydney, focusing on Ayurvedic medicine and bodywork and also undertook three years of practical training in gestalt therapy. She is passionate about integrating the sciences of Ayurveda and yoga with the arts of holistic counselling and bodywork to facilitate deep healing and create health on the foundations

Upon completion of her studies, Natalia worked in India as a duty doctor at a prominent Ayurvedic hospital in Kerala for some months. She returned to Australia in 2001 and set up her clinic, Saffronrose, in Woollahra, Sydney. Natalia takes clients through an in-depth consultation to determine their natural constitution and identify the imbalances underlying their health symptoms. She designs individualised lifestyle regimes and therapeutic programs that can involve nutritional advice, food and herbal home

by Natalia Perera © 2002

Natalia Perera can be contacted at: Saffronrose, 49 Ocean Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025, Australia; telephone +61 (0)2 9362 8838, email

Final Note from Duncan: If this article has whetted your appetite, please consider also reading our previous article several years ago on the same subject. It is about a woman dying of endometriosis who cured herself using Urine Therapy. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 9, Number 4 (June-July 2002)
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